Donald Trump The Trump Organization

Trump’s ‘Cash Crunch’ May Force Him To Make A Humiliating Choice

As he gets closer to seeing a New York judge impose a fine that could be as large as $370 million, failed former president Donald Trump is also on the verge of having a make a choice that would be the ultimate humiliation for him.

That’s what New York Times investigative reporter Susanne Craig says she believes she has Trump so worried: He’s going to be forced to sell off his properties in order to pay the penalty for decades of lying on financial disclosure forms.

Appearing on MSNBC, Craig noted:

“The argument has been that he submitted these statements of financial condition in order to get better rates at the banks. And they went through some of the spending that Donald Trump has been doing recently. There have been a lot of renovations at three properties. He put $250 million into Doral and the old post office; he spent $225 million on renovations.”

In other words, Trump and the Trump Organization are facing a major cash crunch, Craig continued.

“Then secondly, I was listening to it because he is facing coming into a judgment with this judge of penalties going up to $370 million. We’re looking at the hundreds of millions of dollars range. The attorney general painted the picture that the cash position is not good. It also supports the analysis that we have done at The New York Times that he doesn’t have a lot of cash on hand to meet a penalty of that size.”

Trump’s only option will be to sell his properties in order to cover the massive court judgement, which led former federal prosecutor Andrew Weissmann to explain that the process could take place sooner rather than later, even if the ex-president decides to file an appeal.

“Very often the courts of appeals will require a cash bond. And so that issue of can he wait until the appeal is over to start paying this, that may not be an option.”

Capitol Insurrection Donald Trump Jr. January 6

Biden Uses Don Jr’s Own Words To Fact-Check Him When He Calls Jan. 6 A ‘Fake Insurrection’

Like his father, Donald Trump Jr. suffers from acute verbal diarrhea, spewing fact-free nonsense and assorted conspiracy theories that have no basis in reality.

So it should come as no surprise that Don Jr. happily proclaimed this week that the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol was fake insurrection and the “feds” were acting as “tour guides” as rioters stormed the seat of government and attacked anyone who got in their way, resulting in the deaths of at least five people.

Those comments were quickly picked up by the Biden-Harris 2024 campaign and turned back on Junior in a devastating fact-check that was posted on Twitter/X. Best of all, the retort from the Biden campaign only had to use Don Jr’s own words to prove what a enormous lie he had just spewed.

With text messages Junior sent to then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, the Biden-Harris team made it clear that the disgraced ex-president’s son certainly thought Jan. 6 was a problem.

Others on social media then joined the conversation.

Here’s another way Junior is just like his father: He lies more often than he breathes.

Donald Trump Elections Joe Biden

Trump’s Attacks On Biden’s Age Are Backfiring Badly On Him With Voters: Report

Failed one-term, twice-impeached, and multiply-indicted former president Donald Trump loves to mock and ridicule President Joe Biden for being too old to lead the United States.

But new polling shows those attacks on the 81-year-old incumbent are backfiring badly on Trump and could wind up costing him millions of votes.

That poll, from Quinnipiac University, reveals that Biden leads 60 percent to 39 percent among voters over 65, and that, according to an MSNBC panel, could prove decisive when the votes are counted later this year.

“Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough noted, “I want us to talk about this part of it, because everybody is focusing on the younger voters who right now are not moving towards him as much as they thought. They’re going to come home. they just will. You look at this number though: voters 65 and older, Joe Biden, 60 percent, Donald Trump — Sam, nobody expected this, but we have seen this. Older voters have been moving toward Joe Biden steadily for quite some time, and of course, as we know, older voters? They vote.”

 Contributor Sam Stein concurred.

“Yeah, I was picking up on this a couple of years ago. The New York Times did a story about who was actually concerned about Trump’s legal troubles and if they thought they were serious, and we saw an age breakdown; 65 and older, way more concerned about it than the younger generations that kind of piqued my interest.”

“Maybe they lived through Watergate and they understand the severity of it,” Stein added. “You’ve seen it in poll after poll after poll, where more conservatives, traditional Republicans are backing Joe Biden. There’s a number of theories around it. Maybe the age attacks on Biden are actually offending this cohort.”

“It’s that chaos factor that Nikki Haley is starting to play out in New Hampshire,” MSNBC regular Katty Kay remarked. “We keep hearing people talk about, you don’t want the chaos of Donald Trump. If you are getting older — chaos is scary for everybody — but I think it’s particularly for older people when you’re feeling more frail and fragile about the world anyway.”

Donald Trump GOP

WATCH Republicans MELT DOWN When Democrat Shows Photo Of Trump With Jeffrey Epstein

Republican members of the House Oversight Committee had a full-scale nuclear meltdown today when Rep. Jared Moskowitz (R-FL) showed a photo of failed former president Donald Trump with the late sexual trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

The topic of the hearing was Hunter Biden, and in response to sexual trafficking allegations against the president’s son by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Mowkkowitz remarked, “And so, again, because the gentlelady from Georgia I know is such an advocate for women’s rights, as she mentioned, and is so concerned about grooming, and apparently we don’t have any standards here anymore, again, I just want to remind my colleagues, because, you know, I don’t want them to forget about hypocrisy, okay?”

“I don’t want them to forget about hypocrisy, but, you know, Donald Trump was asked about Jeffrey Epstein, and when he was asked, he said, you know, Jeffrey likes them young,” he added.

“How did he know that Jeffrey Epstein likes him young?” Moskowitz asked as he held up a photo of Trump with Epstein.

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) interjected to remark, “I’m just curious about the impugning of the former president’s character.”

“He does that himself,” Moskowitz noted. “By the way, please, so you’re making the point that we can disparage Joe Biden, but not Donald Trump?”

After Chairman James Comer (R-KY) allowed Moskowitz to continue, the Democrat added, “But the guy that you all kneel to, okay, associates himself with a pedophile.”

Several Republicans insisted that the comment be stricken from the record.

Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) told the chairman, “The man just said that we all kneel. I kneel to Christ. I stand for the flag, and if you’re concerned about prerogative, you should report it, Mr. Ranking Member.”

Moskowitz agreed to say that Republicans “very much support” a man who “associates himself with a pedophile” instead of “kneel to.”

WATCH the video:

Donald Trump Elections Joe Biden

WATCH: Church Crowd Roars With Approval When Biden Mocks ‘Loser’ Trump

Speaking at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina on Monday, President Joe Biden didn’t pull his verbal punches when it came to the subject of former president Donald Trump, and the crowd at the church roared with approval in response to what he said.

Biden also touched on former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s comments that the “cause of the Civil War was basically how government was going to run — the freedoms and what people could and couldn’t do.”

“So they say they embraced what’s known as the lost cause, a self-serving lie that the Civil War is not about slavery, but about states’ rights,” Biden said. “They’ve called that the noble cause. That was a lie, a lie that had not just a lie, but had terrible consequences. It brought on Jim Crow.”

Then the president pivoted to Trump.

“Time and again they lost in every court of law that challenged the results, 60 losses in courts of America!
“There’s one thing they don’t have. They don’t have respect for the 81 million people who voted the other way, voted for my candidacy! And voted to end the presidency–
“In their world, these Americans, including you, don’t count. But that’s not the real world. That’s not democracy. That’s not America! In America, we all count! In America we witness to serve all those who, in fact, participate. And losers are taught to concede when they lose. And he’s a loser!”

Biden added:

“Then we all came together to put the country before ourselves. The lies that led to January 6th are part of a broader attack on the truth of America today that we all have seen before. The same movement. That’s right. The mob at the United States Capitol isn’t just trying to rewrite history on January 6th. They’re trying to determine to erase history and your future!”

The president also touched on issues that will be central to the upcoming election: Freedom and democracy.

“Banning books, denying your right to vote and have it counted. Destroying diversity. Equality. Inclusion. All across America. Harboring hate and replacing hope with anger and resentment and dangerous view of America. A narrow view of America, a zero-sum view of America that says if you win, I lose. If you succeed, must be I fail. If you get ahead, I fall behind. And maybe worst of all: If I hold you down, I lift myself up.

“That’s not new in America. Every stride forward has often been met with ferocious backlashes. And those who fear the progress, and those who exploit that fear for their own personal gain, and those who traffic and lies told for profit and power.”

President Biden is on a roll, and he’s not about to let American voters forget the sort of dystopian nightmare Donald Trump would plunge this country into if he wins a second term.
