Elections GOP Social Media WTF?!

Republican Congressman Humiliates Himself By Tweeting Out Bizarre Altered Image Of JD Vance

If you thought the adoring cultlike behavior many in the GOP exhibit toward failed former president Donald Trump was creepy, it now looks as if some in the MAGA cult are applying the same godlike fawning to Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), who is Trump’s running mate in the 2024 race for the White House.

Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA) was so delighted by Vance’s performance in Tuesday evening’s vice presidential debate that he decided it’d be a great idea to share an image of the Ohio senator with some minor facial modifications, according to HuffPost.

If you compare actual photos of Vance to the altered one, you can tell that his jawline has been sharpened and the color of his beard darkened. Here’s a side-by-side comparison:

The second photo also gives Vance some definite Damien Thorn vibes, a la “The Omen.” Imagining the Ohio Republican as the antichrist isn’t exactly a stretch when you consider that he wants to take away women’s reproductive rights and impose all sorts of new draconian laws on Americans.

It wasn’t long before social media took over and Collins was mocked for his posting.

How long do you suppose it’ll be until Republicans start comparing Vance to Jesus?


Donald Trump Donald Trump Jr. Elections WTF?!

Donald Trump Jr. Demands His Daddy Be ‘Put In Charge’ Of Hurricane Helene Disaster Response

Minutes after the vice presidential debate between Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) and Gov. Tim Walz, toxic nepo baby Donald Trump Jr. told Fox News that his old man needs to be coordinating the federal response to Hurricane Helene.

According to Don Jr., his daddy had worked with Twitter CEO Elon Musk to bring internet access to those impacted by the hurricane because the Biden administration had been too busy giving “$8 billion to Ukraine.”

“How about we just send it to North Carolina, Georgia? My father’s doing more for North Carolina and Georgia by getting Elon to bring in Starlink and supplies to be able to create communications.”

What Junior neglected to mention is that Starlink access was already up and running before the disgraced ex-president called Musk.

However, Don Jr. was far from finished with his unhinged rant.

“Honestly, what Kamala Harris and Joe Biden should do is like, ‘Donald, please, please take over the disaster response because we’re too busy taking care of our enemies around the world and making sure that Iran feels comfortable and is well-funded to keep attacking our enemies.’ I mean, that’s what they should do. If he wanted to actually solve something for the American people, put him in charge now.”

Don Jr’s whining comes just days after his father claimed that officials in Georgia had been unable to contact President Joe Biden and request emergency supplies for areas of the Peach State that were hit the worst by Hurricane Helene.

As with nearly everything that comes from the mouth of the failed former president, it turns out that his claim of inaction by the Biden administration was a crock of shit, with Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) noting, “He just said, ‘Hey, what do you need?’ And I told him, you know, we got what we need. We will work through the federal process.”

Biden also took a swipe at his predecessor, telling reporters from the Oval Office, “He’s lying, and the governor told him he was lying. I don’t know why he does this. And the reason I get so angry about — I don’t care about what he says about me, I care what he what he communicates to people that are in need, implies that we’re not doing everything possible. We are.”

Instead of having any of the Trump family members take over anything, here’s a better idea: Let them help Donald get his affairs in order for the long prison sentence he’s likely facing after he loses in a landslide to Vice President Kamala Harris.

Climate Change GOP WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Latest Take On Climate Change Is Laced With Bigotry

During a town hall meeting in her North Georgia district on Tuesday, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) seemed to suggest that the recent flooding from Hurricane Helene was due to “climate change,” and then seconds later added that migrants seeking refuge in the United States were being allowed into the country under the guise of escaping extreme weather events.

“As a matter of fact, if you all could sit and listen to every detail of our committee hearings,” Greene said. “You would hear them saying that it’s racist not to let these people in.”

“You would hear them saying that they’re coming because of climate change,” she added.

Minutes later, Greene remarked that Democrats should instead focus on climate change here at home.

“Really? Try talking to the people in western North Carolina. Try talking to the people in South and Central and Eastern Georgia. They were affected by the climate.”

A few minutes after that, Greene asked the sparse crowd in attendance who they thought was “really running the White House.”

“If you think it’s Obama, raise your hand,” she said.

Ironically, while Greene was busy trying to make political hay out of the storms that have devastated areas of the South, she wasn’t concerned enough to remain in her home state over the weekend and lend a hand to help victims of the storm. Instead, she was too busy attending a college football game in Alabama and having her photo taken with failed one-term former president Donald Trump, according to HuffPost.

Critics suggested Greene should have at that time been in Georgia assisting with the recovery effort. Some remembered fellow MAGA Republican Ted Cruz’s 2021 trip to Cancun, Mexico, amid a deadly winter storm.

Much like Trump, Margie Greene is only interested in self-promotion. Everyone and everything else is secondary to her ambition and greed.

Elections Elon Musk Social Media

Mark Cuban Fact-Checks Elon Musk’s Latest Lie By Using Musk’s Own Technology Against Him

Billionaire entrepreneurs Mark Cuban and Elon Musk got into a dispute on social media over the issue of immigration. When the dust cleared, it turned out that Musk’s own AI technology exposed him and his lies.

The dispute between Cuban and Musk began when the Twitter CEO declared that the “only way to save” American democracy from immigrants, posting, “Very few Americans realize that, if Trump is NOT elected, this will be the last election.”

Musk added that Democrats are flying immigrants “directly into swing states” who are then “fast-tracked to citizenship” to help liberals win the 2024 election.

As HuffPost notes, the government’s immigration statistics prove that Musk is full of crap.

Noncitizens must first spend at least five years as a lawful permanent resident before they’re typically eligible for naturalization, meaning Musk’s conspiracy would have had to begin during the Trump administration to bear any meaningful fruit. (The median number of years in the U.S. for citizens naturalized in 2023 was actually longer: seven years.)

And according to the Department of Homeland Security, the top 10 states where people who were naturalized last year reside are: California (not a swing state), Texas (not a swing state), Florida (not really), New York (absolutely not), New Jersey (also solidly blue), Illinois (nuh-uh), Washington (try again), Pennsylvania (the only one), Massachusetts (blue) and Virginia (debatable).

Cuban saw Musk’s disgusting post and decided he’d employ Musk’s supposedly “anti-woke” AI chatbot, Grok, to take him to school on the issue of immigration.

“Hey [Elon Musk], truly appreciate the work you have done with [Grok].” Cuban replied to Musk It’s a great way to factcheck you.”

According to Grok, Musk’s claim “contains exaggerated claims and speculative fears rather than factual analysis,” and was “presented in an alarmist and overly deterministic manner.”

Cuban also had a warning for Musk regarding his support of Donald Trump.

“Elon, there will come a time when you need something from Donald Trump,” he wrote. “You will think you will have earned the right to ask and receive. You have been a loyal, faithful soldier for him. You have supported him politically with 10s of millions of dollars.

“Then, at the point you need him the most, you will find out what so many before you have learned, his loyalty is only to himself.”

Game, set, and match Mark Cuban. Thank you for proving that Elon Musk is the one who needs to be deported back to his home country of South Africa. That would go a long way to making America great again.

Elections GOP U.S. Senate

New Texas Poll Has Some Disturbing News For Ted Cruz’s Campaign

2024 is starting to look like it could well be the end of Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) political career, with a new poll showing him with just a narrow one-point lead over his Democratic opponent, Rep. Colin Allred.

According to Newsweek, the poll comes with just a little over a month until voters go to the polls in the Lone Star State.

A Public Policy Polling/Clean and Prosperous America survey of 759 registered Texas voters showed Cruz is ahead of Allred by 47 percent to 46. In a previous August poll, the incumbent led Allred by 2 points (47 percent to 45). The poll was carried out on September 25-26. The results have a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percent.

But perhaps most troubling for Cruz is the fact that he’s underwater when it comes to how the voters view him, with a net favorability rating of 41% favorable and 49% unfavorable. A month ago, Cruz had a favorability of 43%, which suggests he could still be in freefall, always bad news for an incumbent.

Allred, on the other hand, has a net favorable rating of 5 points, with 40% of those surveyed giving him a positive rating and 35% saying they view him unfavorably.

All of this has Cruz struggling to find a strategy that could bolster his chances in the closing weeks of the 2024 campaign, Daniella Diaz of Politico notes.

Money is also an issue for Cruz, with Allred awash in cash.

“Allred is swimming in campaign cash, which has put Cruz back on his heels and forced conservative outside groups to engage. So far, Allred has spent $26.2 million on general election TV ads, compared to about $14.3 million for Cruz. So, two pro-Republican outside groups, including the Club for Growth-linked Win It Back PAC, are jumping in.”

Could Cruz become an also-ran? If so, he won’t have anyone to blame, as Allred is making clear by reminding Texas voters of the incumbent’s past bad decisions.

“Whether talking to voters on the campaign trail or in his TV ads, Allred is seeking to remind voters about Cruz’s jaunt to the Mexican beach during a historic freeze in the state that left millions without heat, water and access to food and is directly related to the death of more than 200 Texans. The moment was met with criticism even from his fellow Texas Republicans and considered a PR nightmare.”

How sweet would it be to see both Trump and Cruz go down in flames?