Elections GOP Viral Video

MT Greene Brutally Heckled By Protesters At GOP Rally: ‘Get The F*ck Out Of My State!’ 

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) showed up in Virginia this week to campaign on behalf of a fellow right-wing extremist GOP candidate for Congress, but she didn’t stay long as protesters heckled and verbally excoriated her until she turned tail and left in disgrace.

According to the Daily Progress, Greene was in Albemarle County to campaign for Republican John McGuire, who is running in Virginia’s 5th Congressional District against incumbent Congressman Bob Good.

Greene and McGuire arrived at a polling station at the Albemarle County Social Services building Wednesday in a bus emblazoned with the name and likeness of former President Donald Trump, who recently endorsed McGuire over Good. That endorsement came two days before Trump became the first former president to be convicted of a felony for using hush money payments to influence his 2016 election.

However, it soon became clear that Greene was not welcome in the county, as she was met by dozens of protesters who let her know exactly what they thought of her.

“Are you having fun?” one protester yelled toward the bus. “You didn’t have to come here. You could have gone somewhere else.”

Another protester told the controversial Greene, “A real Charlottesville welcome, bitch,” while others angrily shouted, “Get the f*ck out of my state!”

Five minutes later, Greene and McGuire were back on the Trump-emblazoned bus, clearly shaken by what had happened and trying to put a positive spin the debacle, with McGuire’s campaign issuing a statement that read, “Deranged leftists hell-bent on destroying this country. Just like President Trump, we won’t be afraid to stand up to the radical left. This is why we need to get rid of Bob Good. We can’t afford backstabbers when the USA is at stake.”

While Greene may well be a darling of convicted felon Donald Trump and others in the extremist MAGA movement that has taken over the GOP, it’s clear that her appeal is limited and may even wind up being detrimental to the candidates she endorses. And the same can be said for Trump, whose approval rating has continued to tank since he was found guilty in Manhattan.

Comments on social media also suggest that Greene isn’t going to win any popularity contest.

Crime Donald Trump

Trump Could Lose Secret Service Protection And Other Perks Under New Laws

Convicted felon Donald Trump could wind up without any protection from the U.S. Secret Service, along with other perks normally given to former presidents under a new law that would strip those benefits away from any ex-head of state who is convicted of a felony.

Two House Democrats have proposed legislation that would have a major impact on Trump, according to HuffPost.

Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) introduced one of the bills and said he did so after heading up the House committee that looked at the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection attempt at the U.S. Capitol.

“I was disappointed in how the president conducted himself as president. He put a lot of people’s lives in danger. So I saw that,” Thompson told HuffPost.

“But more importantly, why would you want to protect a felon?”

Like other ex-presidents, Trump currently receives a security detail provided by American taxpayers, along with a yearly pension of $246,400, and a budget for travel, office space, and staff.

But Thompson’s legislation would disallow Trump from any of those perks because he was found guilty on 34 criminal charges in Manhattan.

Rep. Laura Sanchez (D-CA) is also proposing a bill, named the “No Glory for Hate Act” that would do many of the same things as Thompson’s proposal.

“I first introduced this bill after the January 6 attack on the Capitol. Since then, Trump continues to be a threat to our democracy. His behavior and the hatred he spews has become increasingly hostile. This is not someone who belongs back in the White House and certainly not someone who deserves monuments built in his honor,” Sanchez explained.

As you’d expect, Republicans are outraged that Trump might lose his security detail because he’s a criminal, with Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) whining, “You have a member of Congress that actually introduced legislation to take away his Secret Service and his personal security, basically saying that they would like to expose him to physical harm, danger, maybe even assassination.”

Oh well, Andy. As the old saying goes, Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.

Crime Donald Trump Elections

Dr. Phil Whines About Trump Being Put On Trial – And Gets Brutally Fact-Checked By CNN Host

Dr. Phil McGraw is upset because he says convicted felon Donald Trump was unfairly prosecuted by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records in order to conceal the fact that he paid hush money to a woman with whom he had an extramarital affair.

McGraw interviewed the disgraced former president and later appeared on CNN to discuss his conversation with Trump.

“I’m sympathetic to what Trump has gone through in this particular trial because I think it was not proper due process for him,” McGraw said. “I would say the same thing a bit was [President Joe] Biden or anyone else in that process.”

Asked for specifics of why he felt Trump’s prosecution was improper, McGraw cited the fact that the former president’s one-time attorney, Michael Cohen, was allowed to testify.

The jury “heard some things that were very prejudicial, that had nothing to do with solving the problem of the case at hand.”

He added: “I think you don’t have someone that is considered to be an accomplice in a crime that has pled out or made a non-prosecution agreement and allow that information into the jury’s awareness because it’s very prejudicial and is not really probative of anything that they’re asked to be problem-solving.”

CNN host Abby Phillip pointed out to McGraw that Cohen wasn’t charged with the same crimes as Trump, noting that it’s not “uncommon at all for people who are accomplices to crimes, people who have taken plea deals, non-prosecution — that is not uncommon at all for those people to then testify in subsequent trials for their alleged co-conspirators.”

“That’s kind of how a lot of these prosecutions work.”

McGraw tried to counter.

“Well, really give me examples of where that has been considered appropriate.”

So Philip did exactly that, reminding McGraw that the same thing happens all the time in organized crime prosecutions.

“It happens in mob cases all the time.”

Why is McGraw rushing to Trump’s defense? Well, it probably has something to do with the fact that the “doctor” has a net worth of $460 million and wants another tax cut from the failed former head of state.

Whine all you want, Doc, but it won’t change the fact that Trump broke the law, got caught, and was found guilty by a jury of his peers. If that bothers you and the other MAGA faithful, planes are departing the United States every hour. Maybe Russia would be more to your liking.

Donald Trump Foreign Policy Military Veterans

Trump Slammed For D-Day 80th Anniversary Social Media Post After Calling Vets ‘Suckers’ And ‘Losers’

Convicted felon/former president Donald Trump thought he’d comment on the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landing, but his remarks wound up falling flat and leading to reminders that he allegedly called those who gave their lives for the United States in battle “suckers” and “losers.”

On his financially-strapped Truth Social site, the disgraced ex-head of state wrote, “The men of D-Day will live forever in history as among the bravest, noblest, and greatest Americans ever to walk the earth. They shed their blood, and thousands gave their lives, in defense of American Freedom. They are in our hearts today and for all time.”

That didn’t sit well with many. After all, according to a 2020 report from Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic:

When President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, near Paris, in 2018, he blamed rain for the last-minute decision, saying that “the helicopter couldn’t fly” and that the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him there. Neither claim was true.

Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.

The twice-impeached and multiply-indicted ex-president was blasted with derision on Twitter.

Donald Trump Elections Viral Video WTF?!

Trump Appears To Foam At The Mouth In Bizarre New Campaign Video

There are new concerns this morning about the deteriorating health of convicted felon Donald Trump due to his appearance in a campaign video he released Wednesday in which he urged his supporters to vote any way they possibly can, including via absentee ballot, despite his claims that method is corrupt and rife with cheating.

The video, which was posted on social media by PatriotTakes, features what appears to be spit flying from the disgraced ex-president’s mouth.

At a another point in the video, Trump even froths at the mouth.

Here are the videos that were flagged and posted by PatriotTakes.

That was all it took to send Twitter into spasms of disgust and laughter in response to Donnie’s foamy declarations.

Later today, Trump will probably claim the video has been manipulated with artificial intelligence and is fake. After all, he can’t stand it when anyone makes fun of him. So be sure to share the videos far and wide all over the internet.