Donald Trump Elections Viral Video

MSNBC Host: This Video Suggests Trump Is Suffering From ‘Obvious Mental Decline’

Before his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race, all any Republican could talk about was how President Joe Biden was supposedly in a steady cognitive spiral. Some even suggested that he would be unable to serve if elected to a second term as head of state.

Now, however, with his every public utterance, it’s painfully clear that failed former president Donald Trump is also in decline. MSNBC host Chris Hayes shared a video on his show proving that thesis.

“We are not seeing nearly as much discussion about Trump’s diminished mental acuity,” Hayes said. “Seems like everyone’s grading Trump on a curve: ‘He has always been rambling and incoherent’ ― true ― ‘so he gets a pass.’”

“I gotta say you spend any amount of time listening to him these days ― and for our sins, we do here at all end ― he does not sound like a person who should be anywhere near the nuclear codes,” he added.

For example, consider what Trump had to say when asked about the issue of childcare:

“Childcare is childcare, couldn’t, y’know, is something, you have to have it in this country, you have to have it. But when you talk about those numbers, compared to the kind of numbers that I’m talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they’re not used to, but they’ll get used to it very quickly, and it’s not gonna stop them from doing business with us, but they’ll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country.”

Does anyone want to take a shot at deciphering that gobbledegook? There’s word salad and then there’s that. Suppose your uncle suddenly started spouting that sort of unintelligible gibberish. In that case, you’d seek professional help for him and try to make sure he didn’t have anything in the house he could use to hurt himself or someone else.

Donald Trump is unfit to be president. That becomes clearer with each passing day and his every public utterance.

Here’s the video from MSNBC:


Elections GOP Social Media Viral Video

Social Media Erupts With Mockery After Bizarre Video Of JD Vance ‘Laughing’ Like The Joker Surfaces

It’s not an exaggeration to say that Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), Donald Trump’s 2024 running mate, is a very strange person. He’s downright weird, and so are many of the things he’s said over the years about denying women the right to control their bodies and how men need to be more “alpha” if the United States is to survive as a superpower.

Vance often comes across as little more than an animatronic wax figure trying to pass himself off as a human being and failing miserably.

But a video making the rounds on social media is drawing new mockery of Vance for his so-called “laughing” during a campaign speech, with many noting that he sounds like Jack Nicholson as the Joker in the 1989 film, “Batman.”

Here’s the Vance video, which has been trending on Twitter/X over the past few days and currently has 181,000 views:

Now take a look at Nicholson at the end of the aforementioned movie.

As many commenters noted, Vance has crossed the line from weird and entered the bizarro world.

Donald Trump Elections

Trump Angrily Insists He’s Not ‘Weird’ In The Weirdest Way Imaginable

Failed one-term, twice-impeached, and criminally convicted former president Donald Trump is making clear once again that while loves to chide his political opponents and call them names, the “weird” tag applied to him and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) by Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is driving him to anger and distraction.

During a Fox News town hall with host Sean Hannity Wednesday evening, the disgraced ex-head of state went on an extended riff regarding the “weird” label.

“There’s something weird with that guy,” Trump said of Walz. “He’s a weird guy. JD is not weird. He’s a solid rock. I happen to be a very solid rock. We’re not weird. We’re other things, perhaps, but we’re not weird.”

Trump then doubled down, letting the world know just how badly Walz is living rent-free in his otherwise empty head.

“But he is a weird guy. He walks on the stage, there’s something wrong with that guy, and he called me ‘weird,’” Trump said. “And then the fake news media picked it up, that was the word of the day: Weird, weird, weird, they’re all going. But we’re not weird guys. We’re very solid people who want our country to be great again.”

Trump wound up saying “weird” 11 times in 30 seconds.

Methinks he doth protest too much, and so did many on Twitter/X who viewed the video and couldn’t resist trolling Donnie.

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris

Jimmy Fallon Has The Ideal Way For Kamala Harris To ‘Rattle’ Trump At Next Week’s Debate

The differences between failed one-term former president Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris could not be more striking, and that includes how they’re preparing for their first (and maybe only) debate, which will be held next Tuesday, Sept. 10 in Philadelphia and hosted by ABC News.

According to CNN, the contrast between the two candidate’s debate prep could not be more profound.

“For Harris, a stand-in for the former president — wearing his signature red tie — has helped her visualize the scene ahead of time. Trump, meanwhile, has eschewed a sparring partner in the role of Harris, choosing instead to replicate the informal “policy time” that formed his preparation ahead of June’s debate with President Joe Biden.”

Additionally, Harris has the advantage of discussing what to expect from Trump by consulting the last two opponents the disgraced ex-president debated, one in 2016 and the other in 2020.

“One advantage Harris has benefited from is advice from the only two Democrats to have faced off against Trump on a debate stage: Biden and Clinton. Harris maintains a close relationship with both, and each has offered their counsel since she became the nominee.”

That being said, “Tonight Show” host Jimmy Fallon noted Tuesday during his monologue that he has some timely advice for Harris.

“Both Harris and Trump are spending hours each day preparing. Harris is working on various comebacks, while Trump is up to 80 hot dogs in 10 minutes,” Fallon quipped.

“Apparently in her debate prep, Harris is focusing on ways to rattle Trump,” he added. “Yep, she wants to rattle Trump. Right now she’s deciding whether to wear a jacket that says IRS or FBI.”

Lara Trump Social Media

Lara Trump’s Latest ‘Song’ Gets Compared To ‘Rusty Cans Being Thrown Into A Woodchipper’

While the majority of Americans were cooking out and celebrating Labor Day in traditional ways, Republican National Committee co-chairwoman Lara Trump decided she’d drop her latest “song” via social media.

The song, entitled “Hero,” seems to be dedicated to police officers and firefighters. It includes the line, “You climb up the ladder, and the screams get louder, you’re my hero.”

Holy shit! There’s bad and there’s abysmal. Lara’s singing fits into the latter category. A wounded badger caught in a trap while undergoing a root canal without anesthesia sounds better than she does.

There’s certainly nothing wrong with honoring first responders. Most of us are thankful daily that they’re willing to put their lives on the line to protect and even save ours. It’s a thankless job that is only for courageous and selfless individuals.

However, if you have no musical talent like Lara Trump, then it would probably be best to just post a video thanking them without managing to damage their eardrums in the process.

Reaction to the “song” was brutal. Take a look.

Next time you have a notion to release another song, Lara, please do the world a favor and take a weeklong nap instead. We’re begging you.