Donald Trump Sports

Trump’s Latest Fact-Free Complaint About The NFL Backfires On Him In Record Time

Failed one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump is once again upset with the National Football League (NFL) because they dared to make a minor rule change that he claims will be the “beginning of the end” of professional football.

Despite vowing in 2016 never to watch NFL games because some players knelt in protest during the National Anthem, it’s clear that Donald is indeed keeping a close eye on pro football, HuffPost reports.

On Sunday, Trump posted this on his failing Truth Social platform:

“I can’t believe the NFL is effectively getting rid of the always exciting Kick Off Return. Such an exciting part of Football. What are they doing? BEGINNING OF THE END!”

In reality, the NFL hasn’t gotten rid of the kick-off return. Instead, it has introduced what it calls a “dynamic” rule, as the league clearly explained before the 2024 season began.

The ball will still be kicked from the 35-yard line. However, only the kicker will start on that side of the 50-yard line. The kicker cannot cross midfield until the ball touches the ground, a player in the landing zone or the end zone. If the ball falls off the tee twice, the kicker will be allowed to use a kicking stick (closest covering official will pick up the stick immediately after the kick). A 12th man also is permitted to hold the ball in windy conditions but must run off the field after the ball is kicked.

And it didn’t take long before the new rule resulted in an electrifying kick return for a touchdown by DeeJay Dallas of the Arizona Cardinals against the Buffalo Bills.

As usual, Donald Trump is uninformed and full of crap. He needs to be in prison or an assisted living facility.

Elections Fox News Kamala Harris WTF?!

‘Fox & Friends’ Hosts Furious With Kamala Harris For Visiting The ‘Meanest Spice Shop In The World’

It seems that to the whiny right-wingers at Fox News, Vice President Kamala Harris could cure cancer, end war across the globe, and oversee the strongest economic growth in world history, but it would still not be enough to please the dung spewers who want voters to believe that Harris is a bigger threat than to the United States than Russia and China combined.

The latest fake outrage being manufactured at Fox was on full display Sunday during the weekend edition of “Fox & Friends,” a show that routinely traffics in conspiracy theories, manufactured terror, and lies.

During a segment on the show, co-host Will Cain declared, “Vice President Harris is hunkering down in Pittsburgh as she pushes for unity while visiting a spice shop known for mocking Republicans.”

Cain was referring to a Saturday visit by Harris to Penzeys Spices in Pittsburgh, which co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy dubbed “the meanest spice shop in America.”

“They chose the comfiest, coziest place she could conceivably go, where all of the—the owners and the staff are 100 percent libs who hate Trump,” co-host Pete Hegseth chimed in. “And they not only believe that privately, to your point, Will, they say it publicly.”

The Fox News hosts then quoted a statement found on the website for Penzeys.

“Going forward, we would still be glad to have you as customers, but we’re done pretending the Republican Party’s embrace of cruelty, racism, COVID lies, climate change denial, and threats to democracy are anything other than the risks they legitimately are.”

According to Campos-Duffy, Harris should rename herself “Mean Spice” because “Scary Spice is already taken.”

“This is the strangest event,” she added. “I get it if she goes there, but then to talk about unity while she’s at the meanest spice shop in America, Penzeys Spice.”

Not wanting to be outdone, Hegseth declared, “By the way, this is how the left thinks, by the way. Yes, we need to end divisiveness. And you know how we do that? Everyone needs to think like us.”

“There is no tolerance unless you agree with them,” Campos-Duffy insisted, though she offered zero proof of her thesis.

Fox and other conservative “news” outlets are worried. They know Kamala Harris is ahead in the polls and likely to destroy failed former president Donald Trump in next week’s debate. They can feel it all slipping away from them and they’re terrified the MAGA movement is dying.

MAGA is indeed on life support. And hopefully a decade or two from now it’ll be nothing but a bad memory.


Donald Trump Elections GOP Uncategorized

Republicans Terrified Trump Will Come Across ‘Like A Lab Rat Hitting The Cocaine’ At Tuesday’s Debate

Which version of convicted felon and former president Donald Trump will show up for Tuesday’s debate in Philadelphia? Will it be the one that easily won a debate with President Joe Biden in June, or will it be the undisciplined, enraged Trump who showed up for an impromptu “press conference” on Friday?

According to Republicans who spoke with Politico, an enraged and frantic Trump could doom himself and the GOP if he decides to channel his inner Mussolini and vent his spleen against Vice President Kamala Harris.

Tricia McLaughlin, who was a senior advisor to Vivek Ramaswamy, notes, “I think — I pray — he can be disciplined,” adding that if Trump feels both Harris and the moderators are against him, things could get very ugly.

“If Trump feels like he’s backed into a corner and feels like it’s three on one, that could be a problem.”

A close Trump ally who spoke confidentially suggested the disgraced ex-president has less to lose than Harris.

“Most voters have a locked-in view of Trump, so it’s not like his performance will radically change views. He just needs to not be overly aggressive and create a permission structure for swing voters fed up with the economy and the border to vote for him. The debate is far more consequential for Kamala Harris because voters don’t have a solidified view of her yet.”

Republican consultant Rob Stutzman said he’s terrified of how Trump will come across with millions of eyes on him.

“Harris will want to make personality the issue, which is hard for him to resist, but it will be a bad night for him if he falls back on hurling absurd insults at Harris.”

“She can deliver a set piece in a debate,” he continued. “Will he be able to resist taking the bait? Doubt it. He’ll more likely be like a lab rat hitting the cocaine pan instead of the food pan.”

In other words, Trump needs to be disciplined and keep himself under control. But considering that he doesn’t excel at either of those things, expect the coked-out lab rat exposing his teeth and screaming about being persecuted to be on full display.

Donald Trump Elections

‘Very Troubled And Desperate’ Trump Knows He’s Failing Mentally: Biographer

If you listened to any of the extended rant failed one-term, twice-impeached, convicted felon Donald Trump made Friday regarding his defamation conviction earlier this year, you may have noticed that much of what he said didn’t seem to have any logic or structure.

The free-form whining Trump did as his attorneys stood behind him was the latest head-scratching statement from a man who seems to be losing touch with reality and may well be babbling incoherently when he takes the stage next week for his debate with Vice President Kamala Harris.

As Chris McGreal of the Guardian notes, Trump knows he isn’t making sense these days, and he’s trying to suggest it’s just his latest campaign strategy, remarking, “I do the weave. You know what the weave is? I’ll talk about, like, nine different things that they all come back brilliantly together. And it’s like friends of mine that are like English professors, they say: ‘It’s the most brilliant thing I’ve ever seen.'”

But according to Trump biographer Timothy O’Brien, the truth is that Donald knows he’s slipping and losing touch with reality. It terrifies him, especially since his father, Fred, died as a result of Alzheimer’s disease.

“The reason he’s now offering these convoluted explanations of his speech patterns in his public appearances is because he’s hyper-aware that people have noted that he’s making even less sense than he used to,” O’Brien explained. “What we’re seeing now is a reflection of someone who’s very troubled and very desperate.”

“He’s a serial liar and a serial fabulist. So much of that comes out that by the time you start to fact-check a statement or a tale, eight others have already landed. I don’t think it’s strategic, I just think it’s Trump being Trump. It protects him from greater accountability because it wears people down trying to keep up with him.”

Jennifer Mercieca, author of Demagogue for President: The Rhetorical Genius of Donald Trump, said she believes Trump’s nonsensical utterances may also be a last-ditch effort to connect with his shrinking base of supporters.

“He sees himself as someone who is unscripted and not teleprompted, and a freewheeling conversationalist. He wants to be able to feed off the crowd. Another part of it is that his brain is not well-disciplined and it might also just be that he’s unable to maintain a thought and carry it through to his logical conclusion.”

“He’s had a lot of criticism lately for rambling, for being low energy during his rallies, for failing to read the teleprompter properly, mispronouncing words and so his response is to spin it. He says, ‘I have experts, these friends of mine, unnamed others, who are very impressed with my ability to weave.'”

“The Weave” could also be an attempt by Trump to try and make his strange statements seem less deranged and part of a plan. But whatever his ultimate goal, it’s clear that Donald should never be allowed to have control of the U.S. nuclear arsenal. He’s likely to order a nuke strike and try to justify it with some perceived slight that never actually took place.

Donald Trump is a danger to himself, the United States, and the world.

Donald Trump Elections Viral Video

MSNBC Host: This Video Suggests Trump Is Suffering From ‘Obvious Mental Decline’

Before his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race, all any Republican could talk about was how President Joe Biden was supposedly in a steady cognitive spiral. Some even suggested that he would be unable to serve if elected to a second term as head of state.

Now, however, with his every public utterance, it’s painfully clear that failed former president Donald Trump is also in decline. MSNBC host Chris Hayes shared a video on his show proving that thesis.

“We are not seeing nearly as much discussion about Trump’s diminished mental acuity,” Hayes said. “Seems like everyone’s grading Trump on a curve: ‘He has always been rambling and incoherent’ ― true ― ‘so he gets a pass.’”

“I gotta say you spend any amount of time listening to him these days ― and for our sins, we do here at all end ― he does not sound like a person who should be anywhere near the nuclear codes,” he added.

For example, consider what Trump had to say when asked about the issue of childcare:

“Childcare is childcare, couldn’t, y’know, is something, you have to have it in this country, you have to have it. But when you talk about those numbers, compared to the kind of numbers that I’m talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they’re not used to, but they’ll get used to it very quickly, and it’s not gonna stop them from doing business with us, but they’ll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country.”

Does anyone want to take a shot at deciphering that gobbledegook? There’s word salad and then there’s that. Suppose your uncle suddenly started spouting that sort of unintelligible gibberish. In that case, you’d seek professional help for him and try to make sure he didn’t have anything in the house he could use to hurt himself or someone else.

Donald Trump is unfit to be president. That becomes clearer with each passing day and his every public utterance.

Here’s the video from MSNBC: