Congress GOP

MT Greene Slams Matt Gaetz For Siding With ‘Filthy’ Liberals Against Her ‘National Divorce’ Plan

Though they were once thick as thieves in the House of Representatives, it now appears that Republican Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Matt Gaetz of Florida are on the outs.

On Wednesday evening, Gaetz appeared on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show and made it clear that he disagrees with Greene’s call for a “national divorce” in which red and blue states would separate and go their own ways, even though such a plan is both illegal and impossible according to the U.S. Constitution.

Gaetz told Ingraham:

“I’m not for a national divorce, but I do think the federal government should have to spend the night on the couch for a while. I believe that the best pushback is a national renewal, not a national divorce, something that Marjorie Taylor Greene is certainly helping to inspire.”

A clearly angry Greene fired back at Gaetz on Twitter, suggesting that he was siding with “filthy liberals” to subvert her ideas.

“There is a failure for many to realize Americans are giving up because they are sick of the talking heads that just complain about all the problems and politicians that never fix anything, while the right just keeps taking the beatings and abuse from the left. Yes, the red California that gave us Reagan is gone and that was another time long ago. CA is now like a weird communists country. Yes NY gave us Trump, but Trump left NY because of how bad and blue NY is and NY is so political and corrupt now they are actually trying to throw Trump in jail. Yes VA flipped red with Youngkin but it was bc parents were fed up with their school boards and a trans raped girls in the girls bathroom, but Loundon county is still unchanged, so really how red is VA?”

Greene concluded her online rant with this:

“And Matt Gaetz is right when he says our government constantly cheats on it’s own people with foreign countries and America First policies is the marriage counseling we all need. Reducing the power & size of the federal government and giving more to the states in order to protect ourselves and our kids from the abusive left is actually the bold action that needs to be taken in order for the left to be able to realize how insane and abusive they have become. Just like the prodigal son, once the left gets to truly live in their own filth they have created without us, then they will be able to realize the error of their ways. Until then, most of us don’t want to be forced to accept and live in their filthy abusive ways with them anymore.”

Instead of a national divorce, it sounds like Gaetz and Greene need couples counseling, though Gaetz will probably spend most of his time in counseling fantasizing about going to the high school prom and scoring with all the underage girls while Marge contemplates how many men she can sleep with in one night.

By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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