Elections GOP U.S. Senate

Lindsey Graham Does 35 Push-Ups To Support Herschel Walker – And It’s Even Worse Than You Can Imagine

In an effort to get Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker elected in next months runoff election, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) made an appearance on Sean Hannity’s show Wednesday evening and agreed to do push-ups to prove his support for Walker.

Queerty ran across the video of Graham working out on Walker’s YouTube account and reports:

The challenge came about after Sean Hannity spoke to Walker and Graham on a Fox News segment. He said that Walker impressed him previously with his ability to do push-ups. Hannity suggested Walker check out whether Graham was up to the challenge of doing some himself.

This led to a campaign video in which Graham challenges viewers to donate $34 if he and Walker can each do 34 push-ups. It’s unclear why they plumped for the number 34.

In the video, Graham happily gets down and does 35 push-ups, followed by Walker.

Before you watch the video, you might want to make sure your children and elderly relatives are out of the room. It could well be too much for impressionable youngsters and lead to cardiac arrest for anyone over the age of 60 once they start laughing and can’t quit.

Graham was also present when Walker was being interviewed and the candidate proudly proclaimed that “This erection is about the people.”

Erection election in a pumped up direction. Since Walker is too clueless to explain policy, the push-ups tell all you need to know about the “substance” of his campaign.

By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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