Crime Donald Trump Elections

Legal Expert Says Trump’s Refusal To Testify Will Come Back To Haunt Him

By refusing to take the witness stand on his behalf and defend himself against the 34 counts he’s charged with in Manhattan, former president Donald Trump has very possibly given the jury that will pass judgment on him the perfect reason to find him guilty, according to a legal expert.

Speaking with criminal defense attorney Paul Callan, MSNBC host Ana Cabrera noted, “Of course, the jury isn’t supposed to know about all of the bombastic things [Trump] is saying outside of that courtroom. But Paul, the jury likely knows who Trump is, and they know that he could have told his side of the story here.”

Callan agreed.

“Here they’re looking at the former president, the most powerful political leader on Earth known for giving two-hour speeches, railing in his own defense on a variety of subjects who never tells his side of the story. That’s a bell that’s kind of hard to unring. I’ve got to think a lot of those jurors are saying, why didn’t he testify? But I will say if they follow the instructions of the court, it’s not supposed to be held against Trump.”

For weeks, Trump had insisted that he would indeed take the stand, and his not doing so is certain to send a message to the jury that he must have something to hide. After all, an innocent man isn’t afraid to swear an oath to tell the truth under penalty of perjury.

By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

One reply on “Legal Expert Says Trump’s Refusal To Testify Will Come Back To Haunt Him”

In all honesty, Paul Callan must be out of his mind. The only other option, testifying, would obviously have been far worse than Trump.

For one thing Callan seems to be laboring under the bizarre idea that Trump actually has something to say in his defense. Secondly, even if he did, he has zero credibility. Thirdly, Trump couldn’t go 5 seconds without repeatedly committing perjury. Fourthly, he would be absolutely destroyed on cross examination, and look like a blithering fool. Fifthly, on cross, the prosecution would have brought up a mountain of scandalous things that Trump wouldn’t want the jury or anyone else to hear.

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