The Trump Adminstration

Joy Reid Gives Stephen Miller A Biting New Nickname That Fits Him Perfectly

You probably recall that Trump White House policy adviser Stephen Miller was one of the principal architects of the administration’s cruel immigration policy which separated children from their parents and placed them into internment caps that echoed the dark history of the United States when we placed Japanese Americans in similar housing after the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.

If Donald Trump happens to win another term in office, Miller is expected to once again be a top adviser to Trump, perhaps even being appointed as chief of staff, which is a truly frightening thought.

Citing recent reports that a second Trump administration would feature mass deportations and massive holding camps for immigrants, MSNBC host Joy Reid noted Monday evening, “Much of what Donald Trump wants in a second term is no secret at all. The Project 2025 collection of policy proposals to give him all sorts of dictatorial powers has been in the works for years now, with the help of the Heritage Foundation.”

That’s when Reid tagged Miller with a devastating new nickname: “The white nationalist Dracula,” adding that it was Miller who devised the “draconian and cruel Trump immigration policies like the Muslim ban and separating immigrant children from their families and putting them in cages.”

“That Stephen Miller,” she added, “has even more disgusting, racist immigration plans for a second Trump term.”

The white nationalist Dracula. That’s perfect, and it certainly fits Miller, who belongs in prison with his former boss.


By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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