Crime Donald Trump

Jack Smith’s Latest Move Could Expose Trump To A ‘Perjury-Fest’: Legal Expert

On Wednesday, Justice Department Special Counsel Jack Smith filed a motion with the federal court in Washington, D.C. that could put failed former president Donald Trump in the position of having to abandon one of his main defenses or expose him to a “perjury-fest,” according to former federal prosecutor Harry Litman.

Smith’s motion seeks to block Trump or his legal team from using conspiracy theories to minimize the ex-president’s legal exposure. But it has a much larger impact, Litman noted on Twitter.

“This argument is in contrast to the balance of the motion, which is trying to keep Trump from introducing irrelevant testimony, such as the claim that the prosecution is just a political attacked by the deep state. Even if that were true.”

In other words, Smith has covered every base and is closing the net around Trump. He knows how the former president is fond of lying, but if Trump does that under oath, he’ll seal his own fate. And if he tries to use other bogus defenses, the special counsel also has those avenues covered, too.


By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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