Donald Trump Donald Trump Jr. Elections Social Media

Enraged Don Jr. Has An Online Meltdown Over Democrats Calling His Daddy ‘Weird’

Bless his shrunken, coal-black heart, Donald Trump Jr. loves to dish out insults and nicknames for anyone he disagrees with, but he pitches a fit like a spoiled two-year-old when anyone dares to turn the tables and brand him or his old man with a less-than-flattering word.

Such is the case regarding the Democratic usage of the word “weird” to describe the odd political philosophy of today’s Republican Party.

Junior exploded on social media today in response to a posting from Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), who is failed one-term former president Donald Trump’s running mate.

Here’s what Vance posted on Twitter: “Let’s have a national conversation about weird, Kamala.”

That led Don Jr. to join the electronic debate.

Has there ever been a bigger case of projection in history than Kamala Harris calling someone “weird?”

Sounds like Harris and other Democrats have definitely gotten under the collective GOP skin, which was as thin as tissue paper to begin with.

It didn’t take long for internet karma to catch up with and steamroll Don Jr.

By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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