Crime Supreme Court WTF?!

Christian Group Tied To Amy Coney Barrett Faces Charges Of Sexually Molesting Children

A far-right Christian group with extensive ties to Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett has allegedly been allowing children to be sexually abused over the years and reportedly refused to punish the adults accused of committing the crimes.

The Washington Post reports that the group, known as “People of Praise,” is a offshoot of the “Christian movement of the early 1970s, which adopted practices described in the New Testament of the Bible, including speaking in tongues, the use of prophecy and faith healing.”

But all of their claims of piety hid a darker secret which came to light when Katie Logan called the Eden Prairie, Minnesota Police Department to report a crime:

“Her high school physics teacher had sexually assaulted her two decades earlier, she said. She was 17 and had just graduated from a school run by a small Christian group called People of Praise. He was 35 at the time, a widely admired teacher and girls’ basketball coach who lived in a People of Praise home for celibate men.”

Logan also told the dean of the school she attended of the abuse. The dean believed Logan and relayed her complaint to another official at the school.

But nothing happened, according to the Post, and the teacher remained as a staff member at the school:

“Dave Beskar remained at Trinity School at River Ridge until 2011, when he was hired to lead a charter school in Arizona. In 2015, he returned to the Minneapolis area to become headmaster of another Christian school. Beskar denies that any inappropriate sexual activity took place.”

Logan, who is now 37, says despite her warnings, People of Praise swept her complaint under the rug:

“People of Praise leaders failed me. I think they wanted to protect themselves more than they wanted to protect me and other girls.”

Members of a Facebook support group, “PoP Survivors” also allege they were abused by staffers at schools run by the religious organization:

“The Post interviewed nine people in the Facebook group — all but one of them women — who said they were sexually abused as children, as well as anotherman who says he was physically abused. In four of those cases, the people said the alleged abuse was reported to community leaders.”

Justice Barrett, it turns out, was raised in a People of Praise community in Louisiana and remains active in the South Bend, Indiana, branch of the group.

Though her involvement in the group never came up during her Supreme Court confirmation, Barrett was asked about her religious beliefs when she was nominated to the federal appeals court. She said then:

“It’s never appropriate for a judge to impose that judge’s personal convictions, whether they derive from faith or anywhere else, on the law.”

Men are in control of the decisions made inside People of Praise. The group is led by an all-male board of governors and husbands usually make all the decisions for their wives and children. Wives are not permitted to “take over” for the husbands when it comes to decision making.

Despite the allegations against members of the group, Craig Lent, chairman of the religious group’s board of governors, issued a statement which reads:

“People of Praise has always put the safety of children far above any reputational concerns.”

However, Lent refused to answer any written questions from the Post.

Climate Change National Security U.S. Senate WTF?!

Ted Cruz Says The Joint Chiefs Of Staff Should Be Fired For Believing In Climate Change

Bless his tiny, coal-black heart, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R) just cannot accept facts that go against his own fantasies and lies about something as fundamentally hazardous to every person who lives in this planet as climate change and and global warming.

It’s not that Cruz doesn’t know any better. He does. But he chooses to deny scientific evidence so he can continue to get large campaign contributions from fossil fuel companies, many of whom have major operations in the Lone Star State.

However, this time Ted is going even further over the crazy line and demanding that the the Joint Chiefs of Staff who run the U.S. armed forces be fired for daring to agree with something President Joe Biden said during a speech.

Biden told a collection of Air Force personnel that the Joint Chiefs of Staff had told him that global warming is the “greatest threat facing America.”

And yes, the Defense Department has indeed warned that global warming and climate change will greatly worsen “poverty, social tensions, environmental degradation, ineffectual leadership and weak political institutions that threaten stability in a number of countries.”

Despite that, Cruz couldn’t resist tweeting out a video of Biden’s speech along with a sarcastic notation that the either the top military brass be fired or President Biden was lying:

Actually, Ted, neither of those options is the least bit factual. The joint chiefs do not need to be fired and President Biden isn’t lying. Also, why did Cruz never see fit to call Donald Trump a liar? At least he’d have been right on that one.

However, something good did come out of Teddy’s snarky posting: The reactions he received from others on social media:

Sorry, Ted, but as usual you’re full of shit and too arrogant to admit your own ignorance.


Donald Trump WTF?!

Clueless Trump Urges U.S. To Stop Using Computers And ‘Go Back’ To Paper As A Solution To Cyberattacks

We’ve all known for some time that failed, one-term former President Donald Trump isn’t exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, but something he said Monday morning during a phone interview with Fox Business host Stuart Varney may well go down on the Annals of Trump as one of the most absurd things ever uttered by a human being in the 21st Century.

Varney asked Trump how he thought the United States could best respond to cyberattacks such as the ones recently perpetuated by Russian hackers against the Colonial Pipeline and JBS Foods. The ex-president replied:

“The way you stop it is you go back to a much more old-fashioned form of accounting and things. You know, I have a son who is so good with computers. He’s a young person and he can make these things sing and when you put everything on internet and on all of these machines — you never see a piece of paper — I really think that you have to go back to a different form of accounting, a different form of compiling information.”

Trump then complained that “young people… can’t walk without computers,” adding:

“As a young person, my 15-year-old son is, you know, he’s just a genius with this stuff. And you have people that are going to break into systems. I think you have to go back and you have to be much more reliant, there has to be much better security.”

Seconds later, however, Trump proved that he knows diddly about anything related to cybersecurity, telling Varney:

“I don’t know how the hell they get paid, by the way, Stuart. You’re going to have to explain that to me.”

Yeah, good luck with that! Varney and a team of computer experts could “explain” the process to Donald for hours and he still wouldn’t have a clue.

Varney told Trump:

“They get paid through Bitcoin.”

That led Trump down another mental rabbit hole as he blathered:

“That’s another beauty. The currency of this world should be the dollar. And I don’t think we should have all of the Bitcoins of the world out there. I think they should regulate them very, very high.”

Though it may be hard to believe, it’s quite obvious that Donald Trump has gotten significantly dumber since he left office. At this rate, by the end of the summer, he’ll be drooling on himself and demanding that someone bring him an abacus so he can attempt to count his fingers.

Here’s the video from Fox Business:

Donald Trump Social Media WTF?!

Trump Gets Heavily Trolled For Appearing To Have His Pants On Backwards At North Carolina Speech

If you didn’t catch any of failed, one-term former President Donald Trump’s bizarre and often incomprehensible speech to Republicans in North Carolina on Saturday evening, you didn’t actually miss anything other than him claiming for the ten-millionth time that the 2020 election had been stolen and his suggestion that he may run for office again in 2022 or 2024.

However, there was one odd moment after Trump had finished his remarks (which went on for 90 freaking minutes!): He stepped away from the podium and it suddenly became clear that there was something terribly wrong with the front of his pants. Take a look:

Wait a damn minute! Don’t pants have a zipper on the front of them? So where’s the zipper? Is Donnie wearing pull-ups? Or did he actually put his pants on backwards?

So many damn questions! Which is why we have Twitter to help us figure things out. Let the trolling begin:

Anyone laying odds on how long before every Republican begins wearing his or her pants backwards to curry favor with Trump supporters? And who will be the first? Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, or Josh Hawley?


Fox News Joe Biden Russia WTF?!

Fox Host Greg Gutfeld Says He’s Hopeful Putin Will Kill Biden At Their Upcoming Summit

Perhaps you thought Fox News couldn’t possibly get any lower or more disgusting, If so, then you might be interested to know that Fox host Greg Gutfeld is actually saying he hopes Russian President Vladimir Putin kills President Joe Biden when they meet for a summit on June 16 in Geneva.

During a discussion of recent cyber attacks by Russian entities on the United States according to Crooks and Liars, most of the co-hosts said Biden should refuse to meet with Putin, even though they had no problem with failed, one-term former President Donald Trump doing so and kissing Putin’s butt every chance he got.

Co-host Dagen McDowell was adamant, insisting that meeting with Russia was a gift that Biden should refuse to grant Putin.

That’s when Gutfeld spoke up, proudly declaring:

“I gotta disagree, if he holds firm you know, there’s going to be something we can get out of this. There’s going to be something. If Putin decides to have them killed. That’s something. You know? It’s possible.”

The director of the show immediately cut to a commercial, but Gutfeld never said he was kidding or clarified what he had wished for. And worst of all, he still hasn’t been taken off the air and fired!

If nothing else, Gutfeld should get a visit from the Secret Service and have the shit scared out of him.


UPDATE: Jessica Ketner of the Fox News media relations department insists Gutfeld wasn’t referring to Putin killing Biden:

“Greg does not suggest Putin may kill President Biden. Greg said Putin could have the hackers killed.”