Fox News Media in America WTF?!

Jeanine Pirro Suspected Of Being ‘Drunk Even By Naval Standards’ During Friday Appearance On Fox

Viewers who tuned in to Friday’s edition of “The Five” on Fox News got to see what’s become a regular sight in the network: Co-host Jeanine Pirro acting like she’d had one too many drinks before the broadcast began.

During a discussion of Hunter Biden’s laptop (Yes, conservatives are STILL beating that dead horse), Pirro looked and sounded like she was two sheets to the wind, unable to pronounce the name of former CIA Director Leon Panetta:

Former GOP strategist Rick Wilson had the perfect take on Pirro’s perfornance:

This isn’t the first time Pirro has appeared intoxicated while on air. Slate reported back in March of 2020:

There was something off about Jeanine Pirro’s weekly Fox News show from the beginning. Fox News anchor Jackie Ibañez covered for the Saturday night host for the first 15 minutes of the show. And when Pirro finally appeared, blaming “technical difficulties,” she seemed a bit off. The normally perfectly coiffed Pirro appeared disheveled, and many on social media said she appeared to be slurring her words—and even appeared to be nodding off at one point—leading to widespread speculation she had been drinking before going on air. Several were also quick to note that Pirro had an uncanny similarity to Cecily Strong’s impression of her on Saturday Night Live.

Here’s more of what Twitter users had to say about Pirro’s latest inebriated ranting:

Viral Video WTF?!

Twitter Reacts With Disgust After Kyle Rittenhouse Shares Video Of Him Crying While Pumping Gas

In an apparent attempt to remain nominally relevant while also currying favor with the right-wing extremists who worship failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump, acquitted Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse posted a video on Twitter using footage from his trial edited onto a background showing a gas pump.

Apparently Kyle thinks it’s just a joke that he shot and killed two people in Wisconsin and got away with it. Hilarious, huh? Nothing like laughing at death and destruction. Does this kid sit and watch war footage from Ukraine and burst out laughing, too?

Twitter was not the least bit impressed, and they let Rittenhouse know it.

Donald Trump Foreign Policy WTF?!

Minutes After Zelensky’s Address To Congress, Trump Brags That He Nearly Destroyed NATO

Shortly after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed a joint session of Congress via satellite link on Wednesday morning, failed, one-term former President Donald Trump issued a statement in which he proudly bragged that he had threatened NATO with “no protection” while he was still in office.

The statement, which was posted to Twitter by the ex-president’s spokesperson, Liz Harrington (because he remains banned from the social media platform), reads:

“People forget so quickly with the help of Fake News that it was me that got the 20 out of 28 delinquent NATO countries to start paying the money that they owed in order to rebuild a floundering NATO. Nobody knew things would happen so rapidly but NATO was poor and now it is rich and all of the Fake News commentators that said Trump was tearing down NATO should be ashamed of themselves for telling lies.

“Bush and Obama did nothing but make speeches and talk. I acted, and acted strongly. I said to them, ‘if you don’t pay up, no protection.’ They all paid up, and quickly. It’s a story that’s never reported but only because we have a corrupt press in our Country!”

In other words, Trump is admitting that he extorted NATO the same way he did Ukraine when he said he would release military aid to the Ukrainians if they would agree to look for dirt on his 2020 opponent, Joe Biden.

Zelensky, it should be noted, was incredibly powerful and poignant in his speech to Congress, evoking the memory of Pearl Harbor and 9/11 as he pleaded for a no-fly zone over Ukraine:

“Remember Pearl Harbor, terrible morning of December 7, 1941, when your sky was black from the planes attacking you. Just remember it, remember, September the 11th, a terrible day in 2001 when evil tried to turn US cities into battlefields, when innocent people were attacked from air, just like nobody else expected it and you could not stop it. Our country experiences the same, every day, right now at this moment.”


Fox News Lies Joe Biden Russia WTF?!

Fox Host Jesse Watters: The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine Was ‘Engineered’ By Biden As ‘A Distraction’

Proving yet again that there is absolutely no depth to which Fox News will stoop in an effort to undermine President Joe Biden and the NATO alliance, Fox host Jesse Watters speculated Tuesday evening that the invasion of Ukraine might have been “engineered” by the president as a “distraction.”

Speaking with  John Paul Mac Isaac, the Delaware computer shop owner who handed Hunter Biden’s laptop to the FBI in an effort to gain a few minutes of fame for himself, Watters asked:

“Seeing all the news about Ukraine and knowing the laptop and all the things you’ve seen and heard over the last couple years, what are your thoughts on the current situation?”

Isaac replied:

“It’s hard to tell. I mean, last time Ukraine was in this, or close to this situation, Joe Biden was in charge. And last time, Hunter Biden profited greatly off of his dad’s involvement in Ukraine. I think this time Joe needs a distraction more than he needs money.”


“Do you think this was engineered as a distraction, or do you think this just kind of happened because of Vlad and this rush to war?”

To that, Isaac responded:

“Well, I would hate to think that the Ukrainian people would have to suffer the way they’re suffering now because Joe needed a distraction.”

Yeah, you’d hate to think it, but you said it anyhow because you want to make certain you’re invited back on Fox News again, right, Mr. Isaac.

On a side note, what in the hell is up with the hat Isaac is wearing? Is that thing supposed to give him credibility? If so, it does exactly the opposite.

No matter the issue — even when it’s a matter of national security — you can always count on Fox to choose politics over what’s in the best interest of the United States.

Elections GOP WTF?!

Georgia GOP Senate Candidate Herschel Walker Says Evolution Is Bogus Because ‘There Are Still Apes’

According to Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker, the theory of evolution is bogus because apes and humans currently coexist on the planet.

Walker made his remarks during an appearance at a Georgia church over the weekend, HuffPost reports:

“At one time, science said man came from apes, did it not? … If that is true, why are there still apes? Think about it.”

Yeah, think about it. Because it’s quite clear that Walker didn’t give it much thought.

Evolution doesn’t say that humans evolved from the apes that are found at the zoo. Instead, both humans and apes have a common ancestor that walked the Earth about 10 million years ago.

Humans are also technically classified as apes, but that doesn’t mean the chimp you see at the zoo is just one evolutionary step from being fully human. And there’s nothing that prohibits apes and humans from coexisting at the same time. If there was, then one of the two species wouldn’t be here.

Walker went on to try and prove his thesis about why God is necessary for all creation by saying that science “can’t do” the “conception of a baby.”

“They’re still trying to do that, but they can’t, because there has to be a God.”

Does there have to be a God for in vitro fertilization? If so, is he found in the test tube or the contents of that glassware? And if God is in everything, how to explain the existence of evil people such as serial killers, genocidal dictators, and cult leaders?

Amazingly, Walker is currently in the lead in a head-to-head matchup with current Georgia Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock, who just so happens to be an ordained minister and could probably quote the Bible a lot more fluently and accurately than Walker, whose claim to fame is that he used to play professional football and won the Heisman Trophy in 1982.