Capitol Insurrection Congress January 6 WTF?!

Lauren Boebert: Dems Are ‘Exaggerating’ Jan. 6 Simply Because AOC Said She Feared Being Raped

According to Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, Democrats in Congress are making a big deal out of what happened on January 6, 2021 simply because Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said she feared she might be raped as thousands of pro-Trump rioters stormed the Capitol and called for then-VP Mike Pence to be hanged.

Appearing on a right-wing GOP propaganda podcast hosted by former Trump administration official Mercedes Schlapp, Boebert proclaimed that the Jan. 6 panel is “exaggerating” the seriousness of the attempted coup because someone yelled rape:

“Look at AOC. Everything goes back to her possibly being raped on January 6th? Why does everything come back to people wanting to have some sort of sexual encounter with her any time there’s an incident?”

Here’s a much better question: Why is Lauren Boebert so obsessed with AOC and what she does in her private life?

Also, how can anyone blame a female member of Congress for fearing she might be raped (and murdered) by the MAGA morons who decided to attack the seat of government on Jan. 6?

Granted, Bobert doesn’t worry about such things because she lives with a convicted sexual predator who exposed himself to underage girls. And Lauren has even chosen to have four children with her sicko sex offender hubby. How quaint!

Thankfully, Bobo got put on full blast by Twitter users.

Congress GOP Joe Biden WTF?!

Lauren Boebert Publicly Prays For Joe Biden To Die – And Gets Cheered By Fake Christians

On Saturday, as she spoke to a group of so-called “Christians” in Colorado Springs, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) proudly announced that she prays for President Joe Biden each and every day. She then added that she prays he’ll drop dead.

Newsweek reports that video of Boebert’s remarks has quickly gone viral:

Speaking on Saturday at the Charis Christian Center Family Camp Meeting in Colorado, where she was a guest speaker, the Republican politician referred to bible verse Psalms 109:8 as she spoke about the 79-year-old Biden, much to the delight of the crowd. The video has so far been viewed over 480,000 times on Twitter.

Here’s what Boebert said:

“I do want you to know that I pray for our President. Psalm 109:8 says, ‘May his days be few and another take his office.'”

The roomful of fake Christians began cheering in response to what Boebert said, so she added:

“Hallelujah! Glory to God.”

It probably won’t surprise you to learn that this isn’t the first time a Republican has used Psalm 109:8 as a death wish on a president.

In 2016, then-Sen. David Perdue also called for President Barack Obama’s time in office to be brief, according to Business Insider:

“In his role as president, I think we should pray for Barack Obama. But I think we need to be very specific about how we pray. We should pray like Psalms 109:8 says. It says, ‘Let his days be few, and let another have his office,'” Perdue said at the time. 

In a perfect example of karma, Perdue lost his senate seat in the 2020 election.

Reaction to Boebert’s hateful remarks on social media was swift:

If Lauren Boebert is a Christian (she most definitely isn’t) then personally I think I’d rather wind up in hell.

Congress GOP Right Wing Morons WTF?!

One Of Marjorie Greene’s Constituents Believes Hillary Clinton ‘Cut A Girl’s Face Off And She Wore It’

If you’ve ever listened to Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene speak or read one of her tweets, you’ve probably wondered: How did someone this completely unfit and unprepared for office ever get elected in the first place?

The answer, of course, is that Greene’s constituents in her North Georgia district elected her, and talking to some of them makes it painfully clear that they support her because they’re just as deranged as the person they voted for.

Stephanie McCrummen of the Washington Post recently paid a visit to the 14th congressional district of Georgia, and what she found is like something out of a novel written by Carson McCullers or Flannery O’Connor, filled with oddball characters and a level of Southern gothic that borders on absolute insanity.

Angela Rubino goes by the moniker “Burnitdown” in her online postings, and McCrummen spent some time with her while in the 14th, reporting:

Six years into the grass-roots movement unleashed by Donald Trump in his first presidential campaign, Angela Rubino is a case study in what that movement is becoming. Suspicious of almost everything, trusting of almost nothing, believing in almost no one other than those who share her unease, she has in many ways become a citizen of a parallel America — not just red America, but another America entirely, one she believes to be awash in domestic enemies, stolen elections, immigrant invaders, sexual predators, the machinations of a global elite and other fresh nightmares revealed by the minute on her social media scrolls.

Rubino, to put it simply, all but worships Greene:

In Greene, she did not see what much of America saw — a person willing to do almost anything to keep emotions running high, whether that meant perpetuating lies about election fraud, harassing a victim of a school shooting, speaking at a white nationalist conference or casting fellow citizens who disagree with her as ‘domestic terrorists.’ Instead, Rubino saw a person like herself: a political outsider who shared the same sense of urgency about the same dystopian America, one that required a popular uprising to save it.

Oh, and the people Rubino associates with are (as you’d expect) just as demented as her, as McCrummen discovered when she joined a vote canvas:

There was a military contractor who said he’d been reading a Russian book about CIA-sponsored regime change operations, which he believed included the last U.S. presidential election. There were women who believed public schools were indoctrinating children with left-wing ideology. Retirees who believed the coronavirus was a bioweapon. A mechanic who wore ear buds all day streaming ‘War Room,’ a podcast in which former Trump strategist Stephen K. Bannon was urging people to take over local Republican parties.

But perhaps the most disturbing thing Rubino said during the time McCrummen was with her is this tidbit she shared with a friend of hers, Melissa Smith:

“Did you ever see that clip about Hillary Clinton where she cut a girl’s face off and she wore it?” said Rubino, referring to one of the fake videos of the type always coming across her social media scroll. “I could hardly watch.”

How did Greene respond to Rubino when they met at a primary night event for the congresswoman? The encounter was a bit like two visitors from space as they bonded in mutual admiration:

Greene smiled and told people that instead of giving an off-the-cuff speech, she had written one out for once. And so in the more careful and polished manner of a leader on the rise, she began describing the America that Rubino believed in more and more, one at war with “globalists” and the “democratic communist agenda” and elites who “look down on us” and “hate us.”

She listened as Greene spoke of an “American revival.” She nodded along as Greene said, “It is we who will set the public agenda for the next decade.”

How did Marjorie Taylor Greene get elected? By pandering to people even more deranged and profoundly ignorant than she is.


QAnon WTF?!

QAnon Cultists Gathering In Dallas Once Again To Await The Return Of A 105-Year-Old JFK

Last November, more than a thousand of the loons who consider themselves members of the QAnon conspiracy cult began gathering in Dallas to await the return of the John F. Kennedy (along with his son, John F. Kennedy Jr.), the late president who was assassinated in the city back in 1963.

As you might expect, neither JFK or JFK Jr. ever showed, probably because they’re both dead.

But despite that, Vice News reports, the QAnon crazies are headed back to Dallas, once again because JFK will be rising from the dead:

It’s been 220 days since more than 1,000 people traveled from across the U.S. to Dallas at the behest of Michael Protzman, a QAnon influencer known as Negative 48, who promised his followers that John F. Kennedy would reappear at Dealey Plaza. JFK didn’t reappear, of course, but the QAnon cult is now returning to Texas.

More than seven months after the group first met in Dallas, it is heading back to the city this weekend after Protzman once again promised that JFK would reveal himself to the group, proving once and for all that he is, in fact, the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. Protzman has already checked into the Hyatt Regency, where hundreds of people gathered back in November.

“What started in Dallas ends in Dallas,” one member of a Telegram group linked to the cult wrote on Friday morning.

So now JFK is Jesus? That’s a neat twist, don’t ya think?

But wait, the plot gets even crazier the longer you listen to Protzman’s BS:

Earlier this week, Protzman, in hours-long audio chats on his Telegram channel, laid out what he predicted would happen this weekend. He told his followers that JFK would only reveal himself to those willing to travel to Dallas on Saturday. This would be followed by 10 days of darkness before JFK would finally reveal himself to the world

Family members of those who follow the bizarre pronouncements from the cult didn’t exactly sound enthusiastic about what’s actually going to happen in Dallas this weekend, with one noting:

“​​I’d like to say that I am glad Protzman’s group of believers are all heading back to Dallas so that Michael Protzman will be exposed as a liar, but I am not holding my breath that any of his followers will suddenly have the ability to think critically and see that they are following a madman. They have the uncanny ability to believe everything Protzman tells them. I mean EVERYTHING.”

Oh, and let’s not forget that Protzman and some of the QAnon nutjobs have also shown up at rallies held by failed former president Donald Trump, who is actually JFK in disguise, they claim.

Want to see a bunch of lemmings in a hotel? Look no further than this video of the QAnoners showing up at Dallas hotels to wait for the late president to show himself:

Yeah, these people are more than a few bricks short of a load.

education Fox News WTF?!

Fox Host Pete Hegseth Pitches A Hissy Fit On-Air And Defaces His Harvard Diploma: ‘Return To Sender’

“Fox & Friends” co-host Pete Hegseth is a graduate of Harvard University, but he felt a need to prove that he didn’t learn a damn thing while a student at the Ivy League university, defacing his diploma live on-air and vowing to return it to his alma mater.

Mediaite reports that Hegseth said he was angry because Harvard teaches critical-race theory (CRT):

“I don’t want to elevate the prestige of Harvard considering what Harvard has become. The head chaplain at Harvard today, the president of the chaplains is an atheist. This was a university founded by John Harvard with the original motto of: for the glory of Christ. When you look at the ubiquitousness of critical theory, of Marxist thinking, of racist thinking, frankly, inside Harvard — why are we holding it up as the vanguard of what is the imprimatur of what makes someone credible?”

Hegseth at least stuck true to his word and pulled out his Master’s Degree in public policy, removing it from the frame and scribbling, “return to sender” across the front. He also crossed out “Harvard” and wrote in its place: “Critical Theory,” making it “Critical Theory University.” Hegseth signed it, as well as Campos-Duffy and fellow co-host Will Cain.


Of course, Hegseth’s stupid stunt doesn’t change the fact that he has a degree from Harvard. He always will, no matter how many diplomas he writes on or mails back to the university. He only did it for ratings.

Next time, Pete, if you really want to make a statement, take one of your Fox checks and refuse to accept it because you work for one of the most destructive forces on the face of the planet. But you won’t, because you’re a greedy, talentless prick like just about everyone who works at Faux News.