Crime Donald Trump Russia Social Media WTF?!

Trump Suggests He Might ‘Fly Far Away, Maybe To Russia’ To Avoid Criminal Trials

Clearly feeling the pressure of the four criminal trials he’s facing, disgraced one-term, twice-impeached, and multiply-indicted former president Donald Trump held a pity party for himself on social media and openly suggested that he might abscond to Russia in order to avoid having to serve a day in prison for his crimes.

On Monday, attorneys for the failed ex-president reached a deal with Fulton County, Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis to surrender in Atlanta on Thursday, Aug. 24 for arraignment, booking, and processing. After he posts a $200,00 bail, Trump will be allowed to return home.

However, shortly after news of the surrender deal was made, Trump posted this on his struggling Truth Social site:

The failed District Attorney of Fulton County (Atlanta), Fani Willis, insisted on a $200,000 Bond from me. I assume, therefore, that she thought I was a “flight” risk – I’d fly far away, maybe to Russia, Russia, Russia, share a gold domed suite with Vladimir, never to be seen or heard from again. Would I be able to take my very “understated” airplane with the gold TRUMP affixed for all to see. Probably not, I’d be much better off flying commercial – I’m sure nobody would recognize me!

Trump has already been warned in other jurisdictions that he should be careful about what he posts on social media, and yet he’s now suggesting he might want to flee to Russia, which doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the United States.

Even if Trump is just joking (is he?), any accused criminal defendant who made a similar posting would likely be in custody and held without bond until their trial. Yet Donnie continues to walk free.


GOP Religion WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Satan Hates Women Because He Can’t Get Pregnant

Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has an important message for women: They’re under attack by Satan because they can get pregnant and give birth.

Speaking at Turning Point USA’s Young Women’s Leadership Conference, Greene gave the audience a taste of her twisted view of religion, telling them, “Ladies, you have a great enemy. And it hates you because of who you are. Because you’re a woman.”

“You see, if you pay close attention to scripture, all the way back in Genesis, it talks about the creation of everything we see, know, feel, hear, everything that exists,” she continued. “And it talks about the creation of man and woman. And in Genesis, the Bible tells us that God created us, man and woman, in his image he created us.”

God created women, Greene asserted, because man was very “lonely.”

“And when God noticed that man was lonely, he took a rib from the man, Adam, and created woman. Now, woman was different than man. Woman was not the same. Human, yes, but different in amazing ways. Woman Eve, she’s beautiful, absolutely stunning,”

Satan was very jealous of woman, Greene told the attendees.

“Satan, known to be a fallen angel, he was known to be beautiful as well. That was the thing about him. And that’s what gave him all the pride within himself, is he wanted to be the most beautiful one.”

“That’s why Satan hates you,” according to Greene. “There’s another reason why Satan hates women, is because women can do something Satan cannot do, and he wants to be able to do… Satan cannot create life, but women can.”

There’s just a few GIGANTIC problems with what Greene said.

First of all, in Genesis it’s the woman, Eve, who first eats of the forbidden fruit and is therefore condemned to suffer terrible pain in childbirth and to be subservient to Adam, supposedly for all eternity. If anyone had reason to be jealous, it’s Eve.

Additionally, since the Bible also teaches us that Satan can take any form, why would he be the least bit jealous when all he has to do is possess a woman and give birth that way?

Lastly, Marge has been accused of adultery and is divorced. Based on the same scripture she cites, she should be receiving the harshest punishment available in the Old Testament. Is she cool with that, too?


Congress GOP WTF?!

Lauren Boebert: There’s No Need To Use Birth Control – ‘It’s Cheaper To Have A Kid’

It’s been clear for quite some time now that Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) isn’t exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, but something she said during a House Oversight Committee hearing on the price of prescription drugs, the Colorado Republican uttered what may well go down in U.S. history as one of the dumbest things ever said by a member of Congress.

According to Boebert, “I left a prescription at a pharmacy once. I went to get birth control, and I was there at the counter and went to pay for it, and the price was very, very high. I said, wow, is this a three six-month prescription? ‘No, ma’am, this is one month.'”

“And I said, it’s cheaper to have a kid. And I left it there, and now I have my third son.”

Just for shits and giggles, let’s take Bobo’s bullshit comment and do a quick fact-check on it.

According to a 2022 Washington Post report, it costs about $17,000 a year to raise a child.

Raising a child is expensive. From the day your baby is born until the day they turn 18, your family will spend about $310,605 — or about $17,000 a year, according to a new Brookings Institution analysis of data from the U.S. Agriculture Department.

The exact amount will vary depending on how much you earn and where you live. Families in the urban Northeast typically spend the most, for example, while those in the urban Midwest and rural areas spend the least. And while families with lower incomes spend less overall, government studies show they devote a larger share of their budgets to their children.

The cost of birth control, on the other hand, can run as high as $2,000 a year, with Healthline noting, “It’s no secret that birth control is expensive. Whether you go with the pill, the ring, the patch, or another method, the cost of birth control can range up to $2,000 per year.”

Let’s see: $17,000 a year vs. $2,000 a year. That’s one hell of a difference, and it easily disproves Bobert’s moronic statement that she found it cheaper to raise a child than pay for birth control.

Twitter also had some mockery for Boebert.


Congress Viral Video WTF?!

Did Marjorie Taylor Greene Audition For ‘American Idol’ In 2002?

It’s fascinating to see what does and doesn’t go viral online.

Cat and dog videos almost always do well on social media, as do cute snippets of adorable kids.

But those in the public eye, be they in the entertainment or political realm, often do the best, if only because we have a natural curiosity about such people.

So it should come as no surprise that when a video of someone who looks exactly like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) began circulating on Twitter, it didn’t take long before everyone was sharing the clip of her seemingly doing an audition for “American Idol.”

Sure looks like her, doesn’t it? But Mediaite says it’s not:

Except it wasn’t her, though the contestant, Stefanie Sugarman, sure had the combative attitude Greene has.

Sugarman auditioned on Season One of the show in 2002. She was 23 years old, or five years younger than Greene, when she auditioned. Sugarman was from California, whereas Greene is from Georgia. Sugarman was in marketing, while Greene was in general-contracting and CrossFit.

Sugarman sang a cringeworthy version of H-Town’s “Knockin’ Da Boots.”

The best part of the video, however, is how the judges tell Sugarman that she has very little talent, which is painfully obvious from her audition:

Judge Paula Abdul called Sugarman “very, very outgoing,” but said “I personally don’t feel that you’re the next American Idol.”

Judge Randy Jackson told Sugarman she’s “not a very good singer.”

“I think you’re lying through your teeth,” Sugarman shot back.

The real Marjorie Taylor Greene is not a very good person, either.



Lauren Boebert Asked Jewish Americans Visiting The US Capitol If They Were Doing ‘Reconnaissance’

A group of Jewish Americans say they were “confused” by remarks Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) made to them when they recently visited the Capitol to speak with a member of Congress.

BuzzFeed News reports:

Members of the group, which was meeting with Rep. Tom Suozzi, were wearing yarmulkes, and the person coordinating the group is Orthodox, with a traditional beard.

One witness said the group, along with other members of Congress, was waiting for an elevator. When the doors opened, Boebert stepped out of the elevator and looked the group of visitors “from head to toe,” the witness said. Boebert then asked if they were there to conduct “reconnaissance.”

“When I heard that, I actually turned to the person standing next to me and asked, ‘Did you just hear that?’” a rabbi who was with the group told BuzzFeed News.
“You know, I’m not sure to be offended or not,” the rabbi said. “I was very confused.” The rabbi added that “people are very sensitive” now, especially after what happened in Texas this past weekend, when an armed man held four people hostage at a synagogue.

When asked about her disgusting comments, Boebert — who has been accused of bringing insurrectionists into the Capitol just hours before the January 6 insurrection — said she was just repeating what Democrats had said to her:

“I saw a large group and made a joke. Sadly when Democrats see the same they demonize my family for a year straight.
“I’m too short to see anyone’s yarmulkes.”

Even if the person was the same height? Sure, Lauren.

Rep. Suozzi said Boebert’s comments were unacceptable:

“The bottom line is that everyone, especially members of Congress, have to be very, very thoughtful in the language they use. Because when you’re a member of Congress, you have an important role to play in society. You can’t be cavalier in the comments you make especially if they could be perceived as being antisemitic, or discriminatory.”

However, as we’ve seen on numerous occasions with Lauren Boebert, she isn’t the least bit thoughtful and frequently says things that prove her own bigotry and bias. She’s a cancer on Congress and needs to be removed from office.