Donald Trump Elections Trump Supporters WTF?!

WATCH A Trump Supporter Swoon: Donald Is ‘So Doggone Close’ To Jesus

While it’s been obvious for years now that those who support failed one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump aren’t exactly fond of facts and truth, one of his acolytes suggested that the disgraced ex-head of state is “so doggone close” to Jesus.

CNN reporter Donie O’Sullivan was speaking with some of Trump’s evangelical Christian supporters and asked Grace Riedinger, “Is [Jesus] on the ballot?”

Riedinger happily replied, “He’s not on the ballot, but Trump is so doggone close.”

 O’Sullivan then asked another Trumper, Sharon Manders, “Do you think, is America a Christian country? Founded as a Christian country?”

“I believe that — growing up I did,” Manders responded. “Yes, founded as a Christian country.”

O’Sullivan: “But obviously in the Constitution, there is that separation of church and state?”

“Well yes, but then there’s also, uh, always — when I went to public school, we were allowed to pray.”

Students can still pray in public schools, as long as faculty members don’t lead the prayers.

“When you say Christianity is under attack in America, you’re talking about in the schools?” O’Sullivan asked.

“Not so much the schools, but just, uh — I just can’t come up with anything right now,” Manders confessed.

Donald Trump is by far the biggest heathen and hypocrite to ever be elected president. He never attends church, cannot name his favorite Bible verse, and has cheated on all three of his wives. Oh, and he has also admitted that he’s sexually attracted to his daughter, Ivanka.

So close to Jesus? To quote the Bible, “Jesus wept.”


Donald Trump WTF?!

Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Playlist Is A Window Into His Strange And Scattered Mind

Music, the old saying goes, soothes the savage beast.

But in the case of failed one-term former president Donald Trump, it seems that music provides insight into the bizarre and troubled mind of the disgraced ex-head of state, not to mention suggesting that his taste in music is a mix of the sublime and the absurd.

Axios recently got access to some of the Donald’s closest friends who hang out with him at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, and they revealed that Trump is fond of switching into his alter ego, “Deejay T.”

As expected, even when he’s spinning tunes, Trump insists on being treated like a potentate.

Whether Trump’s in office or out, there’s an unchanging patio scene at Mar-a-Lago. The regulars all know each other, and feel free to drop by Trump’s table.

  • “There’s sometimes a velvet rope next to Trump’s chair. But it more signifies his throne of honor than keeping anyone away. Members tell him how great he’s doing. He’ll often show them a printout of a poll that shows him as the greatest.”

Donald also controls the volume of the music, which is usually ear-shatteringly loud, perhaps to compensate for the age of him and his guests.

“Trump shakes hands as people pass his table near the front. After dinner, he’ll open his iPad and play the hits. Sometimes it’s so loud that people have trouble talking. He marvels at the sound quality filling the garden.”

And what exactly does the disgraced former president play from that iPad? The playlist may surprise you.

  • It’s Trump’s golden oldies: “Phantom of the Opera” … “Jesus Christ Superstar” … and Elvis, including “Suspicious Minds.” Plus “Hello” by Lionel Ritchie … Guns N’ Roses’ “November Rain” … and the duet by James Brown and Luciano Pavarotti, “It’s A Man’s Man’s Man’s World.”
  • Sinéad O’Connor’s “Nothing Compares 2 U” is a favorite. REM snuck in a couple of weeks ago. Elton John’s another favorite.

The only bad thing about letting Trump be DJ? He almost never changes any of the songs, which must be maddening for anyone who wants to see some new tunes added to the rotation.

 “He has been playing the same tunes for eight years and never tires of it — even when others beg him to change the station or follow the teleprompter.”

Granted, there’s no accounting for taste when it comes to what we like in music. But Trump’s choices are more than just eclectic. They seem to suggest something darker and more malignant: An unwillingness to change, no matter the consequences.

Oh, and there’s also this, and it has nothing to do with what tunes he spins: The man is an asshole. No matter what you think of his musical preferences, he’s a clear and present danger to the American republic.

Donald Trump Religion Viral Video WTF?!

Trump Supporter Says It’s OK Trump Cheated On His Wives: ‘Even Jesus Dated A Hooker’

If you thought you’d heard all of the absurd excuses and rationalizations Trump supporters can make for the bad behavior of their political lord and savior, you may want to go ahead and grab ahold of your socks, because what you’re about to read could well blow them right off your feet.

BoingBoing notes that Davram Stiefler of the Good Liars interviewed a MAGA member who was easily identified by the T-shirt he was wearing. The shirt depicted “Trump as the Terminator with the ‘I’ll be back’ catchphrase.”

But that’s nowhere near the most bizarre thing that took place during said interview, because the Trump fan suggested the Donald’s many affairs are simply irrelevant if you study the Bible and see who Jesus “dated.”

MAGA man: If you look at the history of Jesus, it was hundreds of years later before he was recognized, and that’s probably the same thing that’s going to happen to Donald Trump.

Stiefler: When you see him, the presence that he has in the room, the way he kind of commands the crowd and the way that he’s…

MAGA man: I think that he’s been picked by God, yes.

Stiefler: He wears lifts on his shoes, he wears a lot of make up. He wears a girdle to hold in his belly. Is that something God would do?

MAGA man: First off, if you knew anything about the apostles, they were pretty much all trash. They all had their bad qualities, and even Jesus was dating a hooker.

Actually, Jesus was not dating a hooker. The MAGA man seems to be referencing Mary Magdalene, who may have been a prostitute and was a follower of Christ. But nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were dating or involved in any manner whatsoever.

Of course, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that a Trump supporter doesn’t know what the Bible says. After all, most of them are fake Christians who proclaim their faith but don’t know the first thing about what’s actually in the Bible. If they did, they damn sure wouldn’t be so bigoted towards people of color, immigrants, and women.

The MAGA man in the video got plenty of reaction on Twitter.

GOP Social Media WTF?!

MT Greene: Friday Earthquake And Monday Eclipse Are God Telling Us To ‘Repent’

Dime store theologian and full-time crackpot Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) says she knows why there was a 4.8 magnitude earthquake felt across the East Coast on Friday and the reason there will be a solar eclipse next Monday.

According to Greene, it’s God telling us to repent.

Yep, she actually said that.

Taking to Twitter, Greene proudly declared, “God is sending America strong signs to tell us to repent. Earthquakes and eclipses and many more things to come. I pray that our country listens.”

As the note from other Twitter users rightly suggests, the eclipse is a regular phenomenon and earthquakes of varying intensity happen daily worldwide. There’s nothing unique, special, or spiritual about them. And they aren’t punishments from a deity.

Ironically, the epicenter of the earthquake felt in New York City was close to failed former president Donald Trump’s Bedminster golf club, which led to endless mockery by others on social media, who also took time to swat down Greene for her attempt to interpret the will of God.

Viral Video WTF?!

Roseanne Barr Calls College Students ‘Devil-Worshiping, Baby Blood’ Drinkers

Washed-up former sitcom star Roseanne Barr has always been controversial and even downright disgusting at times. Remember the way she trashed the National Anthem back in 1990? If not, here’s her so-called “performance.”

Since then, Barr has joined the extreme right wing of American politics, proudly supporting failed one-term ex-president Donald Trump and his policies.

Barr is now actively campaigning on behalf of Arizona GOP Senate candidate Kari Lake, who lost a Senate race in 2020 and is back to try again, despite her constant whining that she actually won four years ago.

Recently, Barr announced that she was headed to Mar-a-Lago for a pro-Lake fundraiser. But the language she used raised more than a few eyebrows.

And then on Thursday Barr posted a video in which she attacked college students in the U.S., suggesting that they’re all devil worshipers who drink the blood of children, a hateful trope that dates back to centuries-old anti-Semitic lies and has been adopted by members of the QAnon cult.

Looking like a white trash imitation of the Norma Desmond character in the 1950 classic film “Sunset Boulevard,” Barr tells viewers, “How’re you doing? I’m here at Mar-a-Lago supporting Kari Lake, and it was a fantastic evening and our Trump is here, being the DJ, and I’ve just danced and everyone’s amazed.”

Then came the call for students to drop out of college.

“So I’m just going to say to you, please drop out of college, because it’s going to ruin your liiiiiives. Do me a favor, drop out, they don’t teach you nothing good, uh, email me or Twitter me or whatever you call me, and I’ll help you with your life, but you gotta get out of college, because it isn’t nothing but a bunch of devil-worshipping, baby blood-drinking, Democrat donors.”

“Love ya!”

Reaction to Barr’s unhinged rant was immediate, with some suggesting she should seek professional help and others urging her to go f*ck herself right back into obscurity.