Elections GOP Viral Video

Pete Buttigieg Only Needs 2 Minutes To Expose J.D. Vance In This Viral Video

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg exposed Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance as a fraud and huckster Friday evening during an appearance on “Real Time With Bill Maher,” and a video of his comments is going viral online.

Discussing why Silicon Valley high-tech executives are so eager to see Vance become VP, Buttigieg noted, “These are very rich men who have decided to back the Republican Party, that tends to do good things for very rich men. That’s kind of what you’re getting with J.D. [Vance], right?

Buttigieg then referenced past comments Vance made about failed former president Donald Trump in which he called the convicted felon an “opioid.”

“For somebody whose identity is that they’re connected to Appalachia, which has an opioid crisis, that really is the darkest thing you could possibly say about Donald Trump, at least in public. Behind the scenes, he was actually calling him ‘Hitler,’ right? Seriously!”

Much like former vice president Mike Pence, Buttigieg added, Vance is willing to compromise his values to achieve power.

“I watched [Pence] start out as an evangelical Christian who cared about rectitude and family values, and then get on board with a guy who was mixed up with a porn star, and make excuses for him. He got four glorious years, I guess, as vice president of the United States. And it ended on the West front of the U.S. Capitol with Trump supporters proposing that he be hanged for using the one shred of integrity he still had to stand up to an attempt to overthrow the government.”

“So I guess, maybe not as a politician but as a human being, what I’ll say is that I hope things work out a little bit better for J.D. Vance than they did for Pence,” he added.

There was a time when Republicans had brains and spines. But those days are long gone.


Donald Trump Jr. Social Media Viral Video WTF?!

Don Jr. Creeps Out The Internet By Asking His Teen Daughter If He Can ‘Look Sexy’ Like Her

Donald Trump Jr., the eldest son of convicted felon Donald Trump, is getting pilloried on social media for comments he made about his daughter, Kai, before she spoke at the Republican National Convention this week.

According to Newsweek, Don Jr. posted a video of himself and Kai preparing for their convention appearance.

In a video posted to his official TikTok account Thursday, Trump Jr., the former president’s eldest son, can be seen in a chair next to his 17-year-old daughter Kai while a cosmetic artist dabs his face with a makeup pad.

“Kai, what do you think? Getting makeup, make me look sexy like you?” he said to the camera.

“I think you look very beautiful,” his daughter replied.

He then added, “I don’t do this often, but in HD you better do it,” appearing to refer to his public appearance at the RNC, which was filmed.

Junior’s father has made similar comments about his daughter, Ivanka Trump, suggesting that he found her to be sexier than his wife when she was only 13 years old.

Twitter users expressed disgust for Don Jr’s remarks, suggesting that such a comment isn’t appropriate, even as a joke.

Maybe when Kai has children in a few years, Don Jr. can make inappropriate sexual comments about them, too. After all, it’s all the rage in the Trump family.

Donald Trump Elections Social Media Viral Video WTF?!

Viral Video Appears To Show An Insole ‘Lift’ Flying Out Of Trump’s Shoe When He Was Shot

While it’s been clear for quite some time now that convicted felon/2024 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is one of the most insecure and malignantly vain human beings to ever trod the planet, a new video taken the day he was shot at in Pennsylvania seems to prove what many have suspected: Donnie wears lifts his shoes to make himself appear taller than he is.

The New York Post reports that Trump’s shoes did indeed come off in the mayhem that took place when he was shot.

He also cleared up a mystery about his shoes. On the video of the shooting and aftermath, as the burly agents tried to rush him off the stage for safety, he can be heard saying, “Wait, I want to get my shoes.” 

As he explained in the interview, “The agents hit me so hard that my shoes fell off, and my shoes are tight,” he said with a smile.

Yes, the shoes did indeed fall off, though it’d be more accurate to say they quite literally flew off, careening off the stage and into the nearby grass, as you can see in this video:

Oh, and we also know that there’s something odd going on with Trump’s shoes, as you can see in this photo:

Have you ever seen an insole that caused a person’s foot to be that elevated out of the shoe he’s wearing? If so, feel free to share it with all of us so we can compare.

The video set off a torrent of commentary on Twitter.

Donald Trump Elections Viral Video

Al Sharpton’s Hilarious ‘Dunkin Doughboy’ Rant About Trump Is Today’s Must-See Video

MSNBC host Al Sharpton is going viral today with comments he made this morning during an appearance on “Morning Joe” in which he slammed convicted felon Donald Trump as the “Dunkin Doughboy.”

On Thursday, while golfing, Trump attacked President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

“I got him out of the — and that means we have Kamala,” the disgraced former president remarked, calling Biden a “broken-down pile of crap” and saying of Harris, “I think she’s gonna be better” as a potential opponent, adding, “She’s so bad. She’s so pathetic.”

That led Sharpton to note, “It really is amazing when you look at the history of how Republicans managed an elderly [Ronald] Reagan, how they managed [Dwight] Eisenhower, who had a [heart] attack while he was president,” he explained to host Scarborough.

“He was a Republican, and now they’re trying to make the country think there is such a panic on what we don’t know about Biden.”

“We still don’t know if it was a bad night or if it was something else,” Sharpton continued. “I think he’s earned a right with his achievements and his accomplishments as president, for us to give him at least a couple of weeks to really decide what he is doing and to come forth.”

As for the interview Biden gave to ABC News that will air this evening, Sharpton commented, “We’ll see what happens with [George ] Stephanopoulos. We’ll see what happens with the press conference they wanted the next morning, immediately, for him to start running relay races to prove something when their guy is sitting on a golf cart looking like the Dunkin Doughboy, cursing every other word.”

There were howls of laughter in response to Sharpton’s new nickname for Trump, and the video is quickly going viral on social media.

Watch the video and enjoy:

Elections GOP Viral Video

MT Greene Brutally Heckled By Protesters At GOP Rally: ‘Get The F*ck Out Of My State!’ 

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) showed up in Virginia this week to campaign on behalf of a fellow right-wing extremist GOP candidate for Congress, but she didn’t stay long as protesters heckled and verbally excoriated her until she turned tail and left in disgrace.

According to the Daily Progress, Greene was in Albemarle County to campaign for Republican John McGuire, who is running in Virginia’s 5th Congressional District against incumbent Congressman Bob Good.

Greene and McGuire arrived at a polling station at the Albemarle County Social Services building Wednesday in a bus emblazoned with the name and likeness of former President Donald Trump, who recently endorsed McGuire over Good. That endorsement came two days before Trump became the first former president to be convicted of a felony for using hush money payments to influence his 2016 election.

However, it soon became clear that Greene was not welcome in the county, as she was met by dozens of protesters who let her know exactly what they thought of her.

“Are you having fun?” one protester yelled toward the bus. “You didn’t have to come here. You could have gone somewhere else.”

Another protester told the controversial Greene, “A real Charlottesville welcome, bitch,” while others angrily shouted, “Get the f*ck out of my state!”

Five minutes later, Greene and McGuire were back on the Trump-emblazoned bus, clearly shaken by what had happened and trying to put a positive spin the debacle, with McGuire’s campaign issuing a statement that read, “Deranged leftists hell-bent on destroying this country. Just like President Trump, we won’t be afraid to stand up to the radical left. This is why we need to get rid of Bob Good. We can’t afford backstabbers when the USA is at stake.”

While Greene may well be a darling of convicted felon Donald Trump and others in the extremist MAGA movement that has taken over the GOP, it’s clear that her appeal is limited and may even wind up being detrimental to the candidates she endorses. And the same can be said for Trump, whose approval rating has continued to tank since he was found guilty in Manhattan.

Comments on social media also suggest that Greene isn’t going to win any popularity contest.