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WATCH Pro-Trumpers Get Tricked Into Agreeing The Bible Should Be Banned From Schools

All over the country, conservatives and right wingers are trying to have certain books banned from classrooms and school libraries because they insist the content of the books is inappropriate for young people.

NBC News compiled a list of 50 books that parents in Texas want removed from schools, including some that have impeccable literary credentials. Here’s a couple of examples:

“The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison: This classic novel by the Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison should be banned from schools, according to a parent in the Fort Worth suburb of Birdville, because it includes a graphic description of rape. 

“White Bird: A Wonder Story” by R.J. Palacio: A parent in the Spring Branch ISD said this graphic novel — about a Jewish teen living in France after Nazis seized power — should be banned because it’s “biased” and could lead to the “skewing of a young child’s mind.”

So exactly what is “acceptable” for young readers? The only possible solution would seem to be refusing to let young people read anything at all because they might encounter something that offends their parents.

But would the Bible be acceptable to those parents? Nope. Not even the “Good Book” gets a thumbs up from people who were interviewed by a group that calls itself the Good Liars, which consists of two guys, Jason Selvig and Davram Stiefler. They asked people if they thought the story of two daughters who get their father drunk (the story of Lot) and then have sex with him was something young people should read, according to the Daily Dot:

“There’s a book that we’ve seen that’s in libraries in lots of schools that features a story of two daughters having sex with their dad,” Jason Selvig said to a couple, one of whom was wearing a MAGA hat. 

In another clip, Davram Stiefler elaborates to a different women wearing an American flag pin: “They get their dad drunk to have sex with him.”

The reactions of all three people are strictly negative, with the couple immediately agreeing the book in question needs to be banned from schools.

“Why do kids need to read that?” MAGA Hat asks.

“That book is actually the Bible,” Stiefler tells the woman in the other clip, and suddenly, her whole demeanor changes. 

Think about it: Do you want your kids reading about incest and stoning people to death? Probably not. Which means you need to keep the Bible out of your house, the library, all churches, etc. Because someone might get the wrong idea and try to imitate that kind of behavior.

How sweet to see so much irony and hypocrisy wrapped in a neat package for the right-wing zealots to choke on.

Congress GOP Religion WTF?!

Lauren Boebert Says The Church Should Always Have Authority Over The Government

Proving yet again that many Republicans in Congress either haven’t read the U.S. Constitution or read it and didn’t comprehend a word it says, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is urging Christians to help her “remove” President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris because the church should always have authority over the government.

Speaking over the weekend at a conference hosted by the right-wing Truth & Liberty Coalition at Charis Bible College in Woodland Park, Colorado, Right Wing Watch reports, Boebert began her rant by demanding that Biden and Harris be impeached:

“When we see Biden address the nation and the world and show more contempt and aggravation and aggression towards unvaccinated Americans than he does terrorists, we have a problem. And that’s why I have articles of impeachment to impeach Joe Biden, Kamala Harris.”

“We cannot take another 18 months, we cannot take another three years of this poor, failed leadership. We are sons and daughters of revolutionaries. They went to battle for a lot less. They took a stand for a lot less. And it’s time we get involved. I need you involved in every local level. I need you speaking up. I need the world to hear your voice. You know the word of God, and you know that there is power in your words, that the world was framed by words. You have the Lord God Almighty on your side. I need you to use your voice and speak.”

And then Boebert declared that the government must do whatever the church wants:

“You have the God kind of faith, and that faith speaks. That faith speaks to mountains, those impossible, immovable situations, and I think there’s some mountains they need to hear your voice. … It’s time the church speaks up. The church has relinquished too much authority to government. We should not be taking orders from the government; the government needs to be looking at the church and saying, ‘How do we do this effectively?'”

From beyond the grave, Thomas Jefferson responds to Lauren Boebert, having written in 1802:

“I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.”

The name “God,” it should be noted, is not found anywhere in the Constitution. Not even once. That’s how seriously the Founding Fathers took the idea that religion and government should be separated.

As for Boebert’s absurd call for Biden and Harris to be impeached, that’s just sour grapes because her real Lord and Savior, Donald Trump, was impeached twice, the only man in U.S. history to carry that dubious distinction.

If Lauren Boebert wants to live in a theocracy, there are planes leaving most airports that will take her to Iran or Saudi Arabia. And almost no one back here in the U.S. will miss her.