Elections Fox News Kamala Harris Racism

Fox Contributor Slammed For ‘Racist Garbage’ Attack On Kamala Harris

According to Fox News contributor Charles Gasparino, American voters should be terrified by the prospect of President Joe Biden dropping out of the 2024 race for the White House. Why? Because, Gasparino alleges in an article he wrote for the New York Post, Biden’s departure would clear the way for Vice President Kamala Harris to potentially be president of the United States.

Why is Gasparino so apoplectic about Harris as U.S. head of state? Well, because she’s a black woman, of course.

In his op-ed, Gasparino writes, “There is a raging debate in corporate America on the future of DEI, aka Diversity ­Equity and Inclusion, because it is literally destroying businesses that go there.”

“And yet the American public may soon be subjected to DEI writ large in the next president of the United States, if Kamala Harris finds her way to the top of the Democratic ticket while Joe Biden wilts away as the party’s presidential nominee after his horrific ­debate performance.”

“Yes, maybe the most irrepressibly fatuous politician in America may become the leader of the free world because the Democratic Party is unable to break its DEI stranglehold.”

Wouldn’t Harris be the logical choice to replace Biden if he were to step aside? After all, she’s been his vice president for four years and was part of the team that helped implement the Biden agenda. She’s also sharp as a whip, a brilliant debater, and has never lost an election.

Gasparinio’s column set off a firestorm of negative reactions on social media, where many commenters noted that he should have just called her the N-word and embraced his blatant racism.

Elections GOP Kamala Harris Social Media

Kristi Noem’s Cheap Shot At Kamala Harris Immediately Comes Back To Bite Her On The A*s

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) — a.k.a the dog murderer — said Wednesday during an appearance on Fox News that Vice President Kamala Harris would lose badly to convicted felon Donald Trump if she happens to replace President Joe Biden as the 2024 Democratic presidential nominee.

Speaking with Fox News host Jason Chaffetz, Noem remarked, “She has an inability to communicate common sense to the American people, they just can’t relate to her.”

“And so, you know, if Joe Biden steps down and it is Kamala Harris, gosh, you know, that’s going to be an interesting race, because she’s just as bad as he is.”

Inability to communicate? That’s incredibly ironic when you consider Noem was so clueless that she decided to share in a memoir how she shot and killed her family’s 14-month-old dog because he didn’t do what she told him to and sometimes behaved aggressively towards other animals on the family farm.

The sheer hypocrisy of Noem’s comments got her lit up like a July 4th fireworks display on Twitter.

Crime Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris The Biden Administration

Kamala Harris Claps Back Hard After Trump Again Whines His NY Trial Was ‘Rigged’

Vice President Kamala Harris has had more than enough of convicted felon Donald Trump’s whining about how unfair his New York hush money trial was, and she’s giving him a dose of reality that’s certain to enrage the thin-skinned disgraced ex-president.

Speaking with Jimmy Kimmel on his show Tuesday evening, Harris lit into the failed former head of state.

“Let’s think about this: A jury of 12 people ― peers ― over the course of six weeks deliberated on the evidence and facts and unanimously determined guilt [for] 34 felony counts,” she told Kimmel. “There was a defense attorney who actively participated in selecting that jury, who actively made decisions about witnesses to call, witnesses to cross-examine, and the jury made their decision.”

Trump’s complaints, Harris added, are really about something else.

“I think that the reality is cheaters don’t like getting caught and being held accountable.”

The VP also urged voters to keep their eyes on the upcoming election.

“I think the American people want to know that there is a president who believes they are accountable to the people.”

That led Kimmel to add, “And who’s allowed to travel overseas.”

Trump knows his criminal conviction is a major political albatross around his neck. And for a man who is already one of the most deeply disliked human beings on the globe, it could well be the tipping point that destroys his chances of attracting any voters other than his most ardent supporters.

Crime Donald Trump Kamala Harris

Watch Kamala Harris Smack Down Chuck Todd For Saying Prosecuting Trump Would Be ‘Divisive’

Vice President Kamala Harris wasn’t about to let NBC News host Chuck Todd get away with suggesting that if the Justice Department prosecutes former president Donald Trump for violating the law by hoarding classified documents, it would be “too divisive.”

In an exclusive interview that will air Sunday on “Meet the Press,” Todd repeatedly tried to get Harris to say that it would be a bad idea to charge Trump.

It began when Todd asked:

“How much should President — former President Trump’s status as a former president and a potential 2024 candidate, how much should that factor into the decision to charge him?”


 “Well, I wouldn’t dare tell the Department of Justice what to do. As a former prosecutor, I will tell you, I’ve — my — I am not in the business of telling a prosecutor what to do with their case because they know best the facts and the evidence as applied to the law. And so I’m not going to tell them what to do. And certainly the president and I and our administration, unlike the previous administration, have been very, very careful to make sure that there is no question about any kind of interference in terms of the decisions that the Department of Justice makes —”

Once again, Todd tried to trip up the VP:

“But let’s — let me, let me try to go to 60,000 feet. What do you say to the argument that it would be too divisive for the country to prosecute a former president?”

That’s when Harris lowered the boom on Todd:

“I think that our country is a country that has gone through different periods of time where the unthinkable has happened, and where there has been a call for justice, and justice has been served. And I think that’s potentially going to always be the case in our country that people are going to demand justice and they rightly do.”

They most certainly are going to demand justice, especially for a man who has repeatedly dodged having to pay the price for his many alleged crimes.