Donald Trump Elections GOP Joe Biden

WATCH Lawrence O’Donnell BURN DOWN Josh Hawley For His Disgusting Lie About Joe Biden

MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell verbally excoriated Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) for willfully sharing a blatant lie about President Joe Biden online, and a video of his remarks is going viral this morning.

On his show Tuesday evening, according to HuffPost, O’Donnell referenced a debunked claim that Biden had insisted that he be allowed to sit during next week’s debate with convicted felon Donald Trump.

Here’s what Hawley posted on Twitter:

CNN immediately pushed back, calling Hawley’s tweet false, Forbes noted.

The network “rejected the claim, telling Forbes ‘it’s not accurate’ and that both Biden and Trump agreed to CNN’s proposed format when they accepted the network’s invitation to debate.”

All of this led O’Donnell to give Hawley a brutal history lesson.

“I can explain it in three words: Franklin Delano Roosevelt.”

“And in every day of his 13 years as president, Franklin Roosevelt was in a wheelchair,” O’Donnell said. “The same wheelchair he was in in his two terms as governor of New York.”

Roosevelt was struck by polio at age 39 and spent the remainder of his life in a wheelchair.

“So, no, standing for 90 minutes is not a presidential job requirement,” O’Donnell continued, adding, “Adolf Hitler was a younger, healthier man than Franklin Roosevelt, but from his wheelchair President Franklin Delano Roosevelt forced Adolf Hitler in Berlin to commit suicide in his bunker as the allies, commanded by Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, were closing in on the German capital city.”

And then the MSNBC host went right at Hawley.

“Hitler could stand for 90 minutes. He did it all the time. 90 minutes was a short speech for Adolf Hitler. Josh Hawley would have loved Adolf Hitler if standing for 90 minutes and ranting incoherently is something Josh Hawley truly admires as presidential.”

While he was at it, O’Donnell also pointed to a darling of the right-wing GOPers: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R), who is in a wheelchair after a horrible accident in 1984 that nearly killed him.

“But wise-guy Josh Hawley wants to do his punk joke about standing for 90 minutes so that he can impress the world’s worst insult comedian, Donald Trump. Sen. Hawley is one of the unindicted participants in Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election. Sen. Hawley was the first member of the Senate to agree to join Republican House members in their plan to challenge the electoral votes won by Joe Biden.”

Josh Hawley should be prosecuted for his role in trying to overturn the last presidential election. He’s a disgusting demagogue and a coward. Here’s hoping the voters of Missouri will kick him to the curb when he runs for reelection.

Donald Trump Elections Joe Biden

Lara Trump Is Already Whining That The Upcoming Presidential Debates Are ‘Rigged’

Even though President Joe Biden agreed Wednesday that he will indeed debate former president Donald Trump at least twice in the months ahead, it wasn’t enough for the Trump campaign, which immediately began whining and moaning on right-wing media.

Take, for example, Republican National Committee co-chair Lara Trump, who showed up on Fox News and was prompted by host Sean Hannity, “But the fact that your father-in-law has said yes to two liberal networks and Fox, I think is fair.”

That led Lara to whine, “We want to see more of them on a stage, not less. And you’re right, it’s rigged so heavily in Joe Biden’s favor but everything always is.”

“It’s rigged so heavily in Joe Biden’s favor, but everything always is! You’ve got Hollywood against Donald Trump. You’ve got the music industry against Donald Trump. Mainstream media. Despite that and even the judicial system at this point, he is beating Joe Biden in every poll out there. It’s amazing to see.”

How, you may ask, is it “rigged?” Well, according to the Trump campaign, it’s because the debates will be hosted by CNN and ABC News, but Fox will be left out. Considering that Fox isn’t actually news and settled a massive multimillion dollar lawsuit for disseminating lies about the 2020 election, there’s no reason to let the conservative outlet have a shot at hosting anything.

Donald Trump Elections Joe Biden

Election Predictor Who’s Only Been Wrong Once Since 1984 Has Bad News For Donald Trump

Alan Lichtman is a history professor at American University who has correctly predicted the winner of all but one presidential election since 1984, and he has some bad news for failed former president Donald Trump: You’re about to lose back-to-back bids for the White House.

According to The Guardian, Lichtman believes “a lot would have to go wrong” before November for President Joe Biden to not win a second term in office.

Here’s how Lichtman makes his determination of who will win: He uses 13 true or false questions. If six or more go against the White House party, it will lose. If fewer than six are against them, the party in power will win.

What are the 13 criteria?

1. Party mandate: After the midterm elections, the incumbent party holds more seats in the US House of Representatives than after the previous midterm elections.

2. Contest: There is no serious contest for the incumbent party nomination.

3. Incumbency: The incumbent party candidate is the sitting president.

4. Third party: There is no significant third party or independent campaign.

5. Short-term economy: The economy is not in recession during the election campaign.

6. Long-term economy: Real per capita economic growth during the term equals or exceeds mean growth during the previous two terms.

7. Policy change: The incumbent administration effects major changes in national policy.

8. Social unrest: There is no sustained social unrest during the term.

9. Scandal: The incumbent administration is untainted by major scandal.

10. Foreign/military failure: The incumbent administration suffers no major failure in foreign or military affairs.

11. Foreign/military success: The incumbent administration achieves a major success in foreign or military affairs.

12. Incumbent charisma: The incumbent party candidate is charismatic or a national hero.

13. Challenger charisma: The challenging party candidate is not charismatic or a national hero.

Oh, and for those readers who think Lichtman is anti-Trump, he correctly predicted Donald would win in 2016 and then lose in 2020.

How did Lichtman correctly call the 2016 race for Trump when nearly every poll showed Hillary Clinton ahead?

“The critical sixth key was the contest key: Bernie Sanders’s contest against Clinton. It was an open seat so you lost the incumbency key. The Democrats had done poorly in 2014 so you lost that key. There was no big domestic accomplishment following the Affordable Care Act in the previous term, and no big foreign policy splashy success following the killing of Bin Laden in the first term, so there were just enough keys. It was not an easy call.”

Trump lost in 2020 due in large part to his mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic, Lichtman notes.

“The pandemic is what did him in. He congratulated me for predicting him but he didn’t understand the keys. The message of the keys is it’s governance not campaigning that counts and instead of dealing substantively with the pandemic, as we know, he thought he could talk his way out of it and that sank him.”

But perhaps most notable is that Lichtman discounts polling, suggesting it simply doesn’t consider enough factors and only succeeds in providing a snapshot of the overall horserace that’s rarely correct.

“Not only are polls a snapshot but they are not predictors. They don’t predict anything and there’s no such thing as, ‘if the election were held today’. That’s a meaningless statement.”

And what might happen if Trump is convicted of a crime?

“It’s always possible there could be a cataclysmic enough event outside the scope of the keys that could affect the election and here we do have, for the first time, not just a former president but a major party candidate sitting in a trial and who knows if he’s convicted – and there’s a good chance he will be – how that might scramble things.”

So what are we to make of a poll released last week that shows Trump leading Biden by six points? Based on history and how wrong the polls have been and how right Professor Lichtman has outperformed them, it’s safe to say those numbers will be wrong yet again and Lichtman will add another feather to his cap.

Elections Eric Trump Joe Biden WTF?!

Eric Trump Whines He Can’t Buy ‘Skin Lotion’ In New York – And It’s All Joe Biden’s Fault

According to Eric Trump, it’s almost impossible to buy “skin lotion” and other toiletries in New York due to crime, and it’s all the fault of President Joe Biden.

Eric made his patently absurd remarks during an appearance on “Sunday Morning Futures,” telling host Maria Bartiromo that his old man, disgraced ex-president Donald Trump, is “feeling great” despite being on trial in Manhattan for allegedly paying hush money and interfering with the 2016 election, which he won.

“His fundraising numbers are off the chart. The love out there is incredible.”

“It’s the exact reason that they’re trying to tie my father up in a courtroom every single day between now and [the election],” he continued. “They know that [Biden] doesn’t stand a chance. No one believes him.”

That’s when the former president’s son began attacking New York, which he said was “failing.”

“They’re going after a guy for a $130,000 payment. Every day, they close the courtroom. You know, they close the streets around the court. It costs 20 times that. Every time they shut down the FDR drive, it costs 50 times that. No one believes it.”

“All while in New York, you can’t go into Duane Reade,” Trump added. “You can’t go into CVS and buy skin lotion because it has to be locked behind Plexiglas because theft is so high.”

The entire matter, he asserted, can be laid at Biden’s feet.

“The country does not believe it. But this guy’s not going to make it. He can’t.”

“He can’t get down a pair of stairs,” he said. “He can’t finish a sentence. He can’t read off a teleprompter without some kind of gaffe.”

Biden’s not going to make it? What about Eric’s pathetic father, who is falling asleep in court every five minutes and makes claims so wild that some have suggested he’s suffering from Alzheimer’s?

Nice projection, Eric, but no one believes anything your daddy or his spawn have to say. You’ve lied too damn much and the American people are sick of your bullshit.

Donald Trump Elections Joe Biden

Biden Utterly Destroys Trump’s Latest Grift With A Hilarious Biblical Reference

President Joe Biden was in rare form Tuesday as he spoke to supporters in Tampa, and he couldn’t resist taking a few shots at disgraced former president Donald Trump for his role in appointing Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade in June of 2022.

“He described the Dobbs decision as a miracle,” Biden said, referring to the Supreme Court case that overturned Roe Maybe it’s coming from that Bible he’s trying to sell.”

The reference is aimed at Trump’s endorsement of a $60 “God Bless America” Bible he’s hawking in conjunction with country music singer Lee Greenwood.

But what wasn’t all Biden had to say about Trump and the Bible he’s shilling for.

“Whoa! I almost wanted to buy one just to see what the hell’s in it.”

The president then tied Trump directly to abortion now being illegal in 14 states.

“Trump bragged how proud he was to get rid of Roe v Wade. He took credit for it,” Biden said. “He said ‘there has to be punishment’ for women exercising reproductive freedom.”

Biden’s snarky remarks drew plenty of agreement on Twitter.