Congress GOP WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Whines About There Now Being A ‘Target’ On White Supremacists

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) says there’s no need to worry in the least about white supremacy in the United States despite the fact that the accused Buffalo mass shooter made it clear he allegedly shot and killed 10 black people because he was worried about being “replaced” by people of color in the U.S..

Speaking with Real America’s Voice on Sunday, Greene insisted that there needs to be more focus on blacks who commit crime, not on whites who commit mass murder:

“Jerry Nadler was on the House floor and he was talking about white supremacy. And he was bringing up the terrible shooting that happened in [Buffalo] but totally ignoring the shooting that happened in California that I think involved an Asian man who was the shooter totally ignoring the guy that drove his car, black man that drove his car through a Christmas parade [in Waukesha, Wisconsin], killing people and was a racist himself, completely ignoring the black man that did the New York subway shooting.”

See, to Marjorie, crime is only a threat when it’s committed by a person of color. No need to talk about white supremacy, she insisted:

“These people are all guilty of these crimes and it’s not about race. It shouldn’t be about race. But they’re clearly racist as well, so white supremacy shouldn’t be the main target.

“We should be more concerned about the illegal invasion at the border, the crime happening every single day on our streets, especially in cities like Chicago. We should go after criminals that break the law and not pursue people based on their skin color and how they vote. But that’s what the Democrats want to do.”

No, Margie, that’s simply a bullshit conspiracy theory, and we all know how fond you are of those and other nonsense that you see on the internet and then parrot as if it’s fact.

White supremacy and right-wing terrorism is the single-greatest threat to this country, according to FBI Director Chris Wray, who just happens to have been appointed by failed, one-term former President Donald Trump.

If there’s a “target” on white supremacists, that’s a good thing. They don’t deserve to walk among us in the first place. They belong in prison.

Congress GOP WTF?!

Meet The 9 House Republicans Who Voted To Deny Formula To Babies In Poor Families

For weeks now, Republicans in Congress have been excoriating the Biden administration for the shortage of infant baby formula in the United States, even though blame squarely lies with Abbott Laboratories, which had to shut down a manufacturing facility in Michigan after it was discovered some of their formula was contaminated with a dangerous bacteria.

To help solve the problem, President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he was invoking the Defense Production Act and would also be allowing for an increase in imports of baby formula to the U.S.

And yet, when Republicans were given the chance to help babies in poor families get access to more formula, nine members of the House GOP voted no to expansion of a program that would do exactly that, according to Newsweek:

The Access to Baby Formula Act, also known as H.R. 7791, would allow low-income women to buy more baby formula through the federal Women, Infant and Children (WIC) program.

It received a 414-9 bipartisan support in a House vote on Wednesday amid the formula shortage crisis in the country.

The nine lawmakers who voted about the bill were all Republicans. They are: Reps. Andy Biggs (Arizona), Lauren Boebert (Colorado), Matt Gaetz (Florida), Louie Gohmert (Texas), Paul Gosar (Arizona), Marjorie Taylor Greene (Georgia), Clay Higgins (Louisiana), Thomas Massie (Kentucky) and Chip Roy (Texas).

Attempting to explain his heartless vote, Gaetz remarked:

“It will allow WIC to utilize a far greater portion of the baby formula market, crowding out many hard-working American families.

“All considered, government-empowered swings to markets typically create more problems than they solve. Instead of creating new emergency authorities for the Incompetent Biden Regime, we should source more product for all American families and solve the problem.”

Bullshit! Gaetz and his eight colleagues don’t give a damn about poor children, especially if they happen to be from families of color.

The next time you hear a Republican mention the “sanctity of life,” keep in mind that’s just a talking point they use during election season. The rest of the time, they don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves.

Abortion Congress GOP WTF?!

Lauren Boebert’s Disgusting Abortion Conspiracy Theory Sets Off A Wave Of Outrage

According to Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), the only reason some companies are saying they’ll pay for their employees to travel and receive abortions in states where it’s legal is because they don’t want to provide parental leave benefits.

HuffPost notes that Boebert shared her brainless conspiracy theory on Twitter:

“Anyone else consider that these companies suddenly offering to pay for employee abortions are doing so just to avoid paying for maternity leave?”

“Cheaper to kill the baby… true evil personified.”

However, Boebert has also been a vocal critic of paid parental leave, such as what she said last November:

“I delivered one of my children in the front seat of my truck. Because, as a mom of four, we got things to do. Ain’t nobody got time for two and a half months of maternity leave. We have a world to save here.”

Saving the world? Sure thing, BoBo. You can’t even manage to keep your lies straight, yet alone “save” anyone.

Social media users blasted the Colorado Republican.

Donald Trump GOP WTF?!

Ted Cruz Mocks Republicans Who Suck Up To Trump And Gets His A*s Handed To Him

It’s safe to say that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is one of the most pathetic excuses of a legislator in the entire Congress. All he does is try to get headlines and attention when he’s not posting crap on Twitter which almost always bites him right on the butt.

Cruz is backing David McCormick in the Pennsylvania U.S. Senate race. Failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump, on the other hand, has endorsed Dr. Mehmet Oz.

During a campaign appearance for McCormick, Cruz mocked people who suck up to Trump just so they can get his blessing:

Just once, I’d love to see a Republican candidate stand up in a primary and say, “I am a moderate, establishment squish. I stand for absolutely nothing.” It would be refreshingly honest at least. But nobody says that.

And by the way, they all pledge their love for Donald Trump. “I love Donald Trump.” “No, no. I love Donald Trump more.” “No, no, I have Donald Trump tattooed on my rear end.”

Of course, anyone who knows anything about Cruz knows that he too has sucked up to Trump on numerous occasions. For example:

Cruz called Trump a “sniveling coward,” a “pathological liar” and “utterly amoral,” and infuriated Republicans when he declined to endorse the nominee at the 2016 Republican National Convention.

Four years later, one of the nastiest rivalries in recent memory — a brawl both personal and political — has given way to a mutually beneficial partnership forged in the crucible of impeachment.

Working inside the Senate and out, Cruz (R-Tex.) played a unique role in securing President Trump’s swift acquittal at the third-ever presidential impeachment trial — simultaneously serving as legal strategist, jury consultant, messaging guru, broadcast surrogate and, unexpectedly, a breakout podcasting star.

Cruz is a gutless coward, a hypocrite, and a weasel. As people quickly reminded him when the video of his remarks hit Twitter on Friday evening:

Congress Foreign Policy GOP Russia

Marjorie Taylor Greene Melts Down After A GOP Colleague Applauds Destruction Of The Russian Military

Making it clear yet again that she understands absolutely nothing about foreign policy or the implications of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) attacked a fellow Republican simply because he dared to applaud the destruction of Russia’s military by Ukrainian freedom fighters.

According to Newsweek, Greene pitched an online hissy fit in response to a $40 billion aid package to Ukraine:

On Tuesday, the House approved the package, about $7 billion more than President Joe Biden requested, giving Ukraine military and economic assistance to help fend off Russian troops. The following day, Greene slammed Crenshaw on Twitter for supporting the package.

The back and forth between Crenshaw and Greene began when he responded on Twitter to a person who criticized him for this vote in support of the military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine:

That led Greene to interject herself into the online debate:

“So you think we are funding a proxy war with Russia? You speak as if Ukrainian lives should be thrown away, as if they have no value. Just used and thrown away. For your proxy war? How does that help Americans? How does any of this help?”

Crenshaw, however, was more than equal to the task of retaliation against Greene:

“Still going after that slot on Russia Today huh?”

Oddly, Greene then suggested that aid to Ukraine was fueling inflation in the United States:

“Sanctions aren’t stopping anything, but they are driving inflation and fuel prices. I refuse to vote for useless measures that cause problems but solve none. While you send $40 billion for your proxy war against Russia, I’m focused on baby formula for American babies.”

Perhaps it’s time we took a closer look at Congresswoman Greene’s finances. Has she accepted any money from Russia or Russian interests?