Congress GOP Social Media

Kevin McCarthy Asks If Americans Are Better Off Than 2 Years Ago And Gets His A*s Handed To Him

During debate Friday on the Inflation Reduction Act, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) borrowed a line from former president Ronald Reagan that quickly came back and bit him squarely on the ass.

HuffPost reports:

In a speech on the House floor, McCarthy asked, “Is America better off today than they were two years ago?” which referenced a question Reagan asked during a 1980 presidential debate with then-President Jimmy Carter.

McCarthy’s memory, however, must indeed be very short, because as Twitter users quickly reminded him, two years ago the United States (and the entire planet) were in the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic which has so far killed over a million Americans.

The impact of the COVID pandemic was magnified in the U.S. in large part because then-president Donald Trump refused for months to acknowledge the seriousness of the disease and told the country it would dissipate as soon as the weather grew warmer in the spring and summer.

Trump also suggested using disinfectant inside the body to destroy the virus and infusions of “light” into people to counter the disease.

While McCarthy’s question was clearly meant to be rhetorical, he was pelted with responses for the complete tone-deafness of what he said.

Donald Trump GOP WTF?!

Republican Congressman: The Nuclear Information Trump Had Can Be Found ‘On Your Own Phone’

It’s been interesting to watch this week as Republicans have progressed from saying failed, one-term former president Donald Trump had been served with a search warrant for no reason to falsely claiming the FBI had “planted” evidence on the twice-impeached ex-president.

And now that we know exactly what was found in those boxes Trump had at Mar-a-Lago (top secret documents, some of which laid out American nuclear secrets, along with incredibly sensitive signals intelligence), we have Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) attempting to move the goalposts yet again, suggesting that such high classified material can be found on your cell phone.

At a press conference Friday, Turner remarked:

“I can tell you that there are a number of things that are classified that fall under the umbrella of nuclear weapons but that are not necessarily things that are truly classified. Many of them you can find on your own phone as we stand here and if they fall into that category, they’re not an imminent national security threat that would rise to the level of, you have to raid Donald Trump’s home and spend nine hours there.”

Turner, it should be noted, serves on the House Intelligence Committee.

Is what the congressman said even marginally true? Not according to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Their website notes, explaining that there are “two types of classification.”

“The first type, known as national security information, is information that is classified by an Executive Order. Its release would damage national security to some degree. The second type, known as restricted data, is information that is classified by the Atomic Energy Act. It would assist individuals or organizations in designing, manufacturing, or using nuclear weapons. Access to both types of information is restricted to authorized persons who have been properly cleared and have a ‘need to know’ the information for their official duties. For additional detail, see Classified Information.”

The unsealed search warrant served at Trump’s Palm Beach residence contained all sorts of national security and restricted data, some of which can only be safely viewed in a secure, contained facility that must be designated as such by national security experts. Trump doesn’t have any such facility at his Florida golf club.

Specifically, the Washington Post reports, the inventory lists:

One set of documents is listed as “Various classified TS/SCI documents,” areference to top secret/sensitive compartmented information, a highly classified category of government secrets, in addition to the four sets of top-secret papers. Agents also took three sets of documents classified as secret, and three sets of papers classified as confidential — the lowest level of classification.

So is what Congressman Turner says the least bit true? To answer that, just Google “Top Secret U.S. nuclear files” and see if you get access to anything close to what Trump allegedly had in cardboard boxes all over his Florida residence.

Congress GOP

Lauren Boebert Gets Reprimanded By House Democrat For Her ‘Fabricated’ Rant About The IRS

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) got taken to the proverbial woodshed Friday during debate on legislation that would deal with climate change and taxation after Boebert began spinning wild conspiracy theories and lies about the bill in question.

During her speech on the House floor regarding the Inflation Reduction Act, Boebert incorrectly asserted that Democrats were intent on “making the IRS, with armed agents, larger than the Pentagon.”

She added:

“This bill hires 87,000 new IRS agents and they are armed and the job description tells them that they need to be required to carry a firearm and expect to use deadly force if necessary!”

But as the Washington Post reports, Boebert and many of her GOP colleagues are lying about the bill:

Natasha Sarin, Treasury counselor for tax policy and implementation, told The Fact Checker that over half of the IRS staff — 50,000 — is eligible for retirement in the next five years. Much of the funding for new employees will be focused on mitigating that attrition and adding customer service and information technology specialists in addition to enforcement agents. The agency has also lost about 40 percent of the agency staff who specialize in complex tax audits, bringing it to the level of the agency in World War II, she said.

In any case, the 87,000 figure is wildly exaggerated. These people are not all new tax agents.

Democratic Congressman John Yarmuth of Kentucky also laid an instant fact-check and reprimand on Boebert:

“I will say in response to the gentlewoman from Colorado, this is typical of what the Republicans are doing. First of all, they’re making up numbers. There’s nowhere anywhere that says 87,000 new IRS agents will be hired in this bill. That’s a totally fabricated number. And the idea that they’re armed — I know Mrs. Boebert would like everyone to be armed as they are in her restaurant, but that’s not what IRS agents do. I would implore my Republican colleagues to… cut out the scare tactics.”

Congress GOP

Matt Gaetz Gets Heavily Trolled When He Announces Upcoming Town Hall Meeting With Jim Jordan

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) wants everyone to know that he’s holding a town hall meeting with his good buddy Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) this weekend in Pensacola, but the controversial pasts of both men wound making for hilarious online trolling.

Gaetz posted a notice of what he calls his “Hold Biden Accountable Tour” which is planned for Saturday, August 13. It even comes complete with a video:

Gaetz is currently under investigation for allegedly taking underage girls across state lines, having sex with them, and then paying them via Venmo.

Jordan, on the other hand, allegedly knew about the sexual assault of male wrestlers on the Ohio State wrestling team while he was an assistant coach. He never reported that abuse to authorities even though several wrestlers say he witnessed it on several occcasions.

As you can imagine, the checkered pasts of Gaetz and Jordan led to some hilarious trolling. Take a look:

GOP Religion

Christian Minister Slams ‘Unholy Force’ Marjorie Taylor Greene For Her ‘Bastardization’ Of Religion

As she continues to try and cloak her calls for “nationalism” in terms of Christianity, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is drawing disgust and disdain from actual Christians, who say her actions don’t match her rhetoric.

Over the weekend at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas, Greene defended her call for “Christian nationalism,” in the United States, remarking:

“But when I said that I’m a Christian nationalist, I have nothing to be ashamed of, because that’s what most Americans are.

“We’re proud of our faith and we love our country. And that will make America great again. When we lean into biblical principles, you know, is there anything wrong with loving God and loving others? No.

“So, I don’t back down from those comments, but I denounce the lying media for what they’ve said.”

But as Episcopal Rev. Nathan Empsall notes in a column he wrote for The Daily Beast, people like Congresswoman Greene are “wolves in sheep’s clothing.”

It’s not the first time she has embraced the label. And it’s a dangerous turn of events that requires active, loud opposition from all of us, especially from American Christians, for whom Greene and her allies claim to speak. As a pastor, if there’s one thing I understand, it’s that Christian nationalism is unchristian and unpatriotic. Academic researchers define the authoritarian ideology as a political worldview—not a religion—that unconstitutionally and unbiblically merges Christian and American identities, declaring that democracy does not matter because America is a ‘Christian nation’ where only conservative Christians count as true Americans.

Empsall illustrates his case with this explanation of “Christian nationalists” and what they long to see happen in the U.S.:

“The clear goal of Christian nationalism is to seize power only for its mostly white evangelical and conservative Catholic followers, no matter who else gets hurt or how many elections have to be overturned. This is the unholy force that incited the failed coup of Jan. 6, 2021, brought us the recent spate of theocratic Supreme Court opinions, and has inspired multiple wave upon wave of dangerous misinformation about elections, climate change, and COVID-19—all in direct contrast to Jesus’ teachings of love, truth, and the common good.”

Just consider the lie that Greene preaches when she speaks in such terms, Empsall notes:

Greene would have you believe that all of her critics “hate America [and] hate God,” but this ignores the fact that most Christians are appalled at the way she hijacks the Gospel to justify attending white nationalist rallies and spreading anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. They don’t speak for American Christians. And it’s up to us to finally deflate their claims of a monopoly and thus their hold on power, reclaim our religion and its prophetic voice for the Gospel’s true values of love, dignity, equality, and social justice.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene and others like her are a cancer on this country. They need to be marginalized, and, in the case of Greene, who appears to have played a role in Jan. 6, they need to be charged, prosecuted, and sent to prison as the traitorous fake Christians they truly are.