GOP The Biden Administration

Ted Cruz Tried To Troll Jen Psaki With A Nickname But Only Wound Up Owning Himself

Some people never learn.

Take, for example, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who loves to try and troll people he disagrees with, but almost always fails and winds up with egg on his face.

Such was the case Thursday when Cruz spoke at CPAC in Orlando, Florida, Mediaite reports:

 After referencing (White House Press Secretary Jen) Psaki, Cruz actually called out the audience out for not booing the mere mention of her.

The audience obliged.


“You know, Peppermint Patty deserves some love,” Cruz said, comparing Psaki to the character from Peanuts

When a reporter referenced Cruz’s comments at the daily White House press briefing, Psaki had the perfect retort:

“Don’t tell him I like Peppermint Patty. So I’m not going to take it too offensively. Sen. Cruz, I like Peppermint Patty. I’m a little tougher than that, but there you go.”

Cruz also got a thorough roasting on Twitter:

Of course, Ted will never be able to live down his nickname, Cancun Cruz, so his only option is to try and divert attention from himself to someone else. Problem is, he looks like an asshole either way.

Congress Elections GOP Viral Video

Challenger To Lauren Boebert Masterfully (And Grossly) Trolls Her For The Sh*tstorm She’s Created

Though the vast majority of those who are currently reading this have never heard of Alex Walker, there’s an excellent chance you’ll never forget this name once you see the campaign ad he’s running in Colorado to be the Democratic nominee who faces incumbent Republican congresswoman Lauren Boebert in November.

The video, which has quickly gone viral, The Daily Beast reports, is one of the best examples of edgy political advertising ever attempted by any candidate:

Political newcomer Alex Walker, the latest Democratic challenger to toss his hat into the ring to unseat MAGA-boosting Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), announced his presence with perhaps the most nauseating campaign ad ever. The two-minute online video that debuted Tuesday starts with a woman getting crushed by a giant pile of feces, followed by other townsfolk trying to avoid a literal storm of shit.

Yes, you read that correctly: A shitstorm. And it’s just as disgusting as you’d expect, but it’s also brilliant and hilarious, and it’s likely to make Alex Walker a household name in the Centennial State, especially when he promises to eliminate her “bullshit” if he’s elected:

Eventually, Walker emerges and picks up a soiled teddy bear before announcing he has joined a crowded race to defeat the mudslinging congresswoman. “We are real Coloradans. We deserve a living wage, small government that actually works, and freedom of choice,” he says. “Instead, we have bullshit.”

The tagline for Walker’s ad is also sure to resonate with voters:

“Colorado needs a bull, not a bullshitter. I’m Alex Walker and I approve the shit out of this message!”

For anyone who has forgotten, here’s some of the bullshit that Boebert has been spewing since she took office:

“The Constitution is not evolving,” she wrote on Twitter. “To say that spits in the face of every single one of our founders.”

Shit! The woman is crazy. She needs to be replaced ASAP.


GOP Joe Biden Social Media

The GOP Attempted To Troll President Biden And Wound Up With Egg On Their Face

The Republican Party can’t quite decide who exactly they are.

Are they the GOP of old? It doesn’t appear so.

Is today’s GOP really the Party of Trump, a wholly-owned subsidiary of one man’s anger and ego? That certainly seems to be the case.

However, today’s Republican Party doesn’t excel at trolling the current president, Joe Biden, as they so humiliatingly proved with a tweet about the seizure of fentanyl at the U.S.-Mexico border that only served to reinforce that Biden and his team are doing exactly what he promised to do: Keep us safe and treat every American with the respect they deserve.

Here’s the tweet in question:

Of course, the key word in the tweet that completely undercuts the GOP’s desperate attempt at slamming Biden is that the 839 pounds of fentanyl was “seized” at the southern border. That means it didn’t make it to the streets and lives were saved as a result.

The drugs aren’t “flowing” if they’re being interdicted. Do Republicans understand that? If so, they would have never sent out that tweet, which only serves to make them look completely clueless.

Twitter had a field day with the GOP’s complete lack of awareness:

GOP Joe Biden WTF?!

Clueless Lauren Boebert Doesn’t Know She’s Allowed To Attend The State Of The Union Address

Since she arrived in Congress and opened her mouth to speak the first time, it’s been painfully clear that Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is one the dumbest people on the planet.

But something she said Friday evening during an appearance on Fox News is so ignorant that it’s a wonder Ms. Bobert is allowed out in public without assistance.

Mediaite reports that Boebert told Fox host Jesse Watters:

“These forever-maskers, Jesse, aren’t following the science. They are following a cult. And it’s called the Branch Covidians. Their leader is Fauci, and they have all drank the Kool-Aid.”

If Boebert wants to see a real cult, she doesn’t have to look any further than the QAnon nuts she has repeatedly failed to criticize.

Watters asked the congresswoman:

“What’s Nancy doing in Congress now? You know, Biden’s got this big State of the Union. Are we going to be able to see your faces? I want to be able to see Bernie falling asleep.”

Boebert’s response proved just how utterly clueless and out of touch she is:

“All of the mandates are dropping in D.C. Except for in the people’s house. And, in fact, Jesse, you won’t be seeing my face, with or without a mask, in the people’s house because only 25 members of each body of Congress are allowed to join the State of the Union.

“This is a joint address of Congress and only 25 members from each body will be able to attend. I’m just curious to see which 25 are trampling over each opener to go see Joe Biden stumble and Jill escort him off the dais.”

But that’s simply not true, according to NPR:

All members of Congress have been invited to watch, in person, President Biden’s upcoming State of the Union address — a dramatic departure from his speech to Congress last year, for which seating capacity was capped at about 20% as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

Of course, no one will miss Boebert if she doesn’t show up for the State of the Union, and there’s certainly a chance she won’t, because if she does she’ll be required to wear a protective mask. We all know how the Trumppublicans absolutely hate to put on a mask, even though doing so is one of the best ways to help control spread of the COVID virus.

GOP Social Media WTF?!

MTG Tries To Explain Her ‘Gazpacho Police’ Gaffe – Only Succeeds In Further Humiliating Herself

For Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), it’s a matter of going from the frying pan right into the fire.

On Wednesday, the Georgia Republican had a complete meltdown during an interview with One America News (OAN), accusing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) of spying on members of the GOP caucus:

“So we have the Capitol Police – now, I don’t think it’s the rank and file – I think it is those in charge in the administration. And Nancy Pelosi is using them like political pawns, sending them into our offices.

“They’re even checking into people that go to our events outside of outside of Washington. So everything is completely out of control. Not only do we have the D.C. jail, which is the D.C. gulag, but now we have Nancy Pelosi’s gazpacho police spying on members of Congress spying on the legislative work that we do, spying on our staff and spying on American citizens that want to come talk to their representatives.”

Gazpacho is a cold soup made of raw, blended vegetables, not a type of police force. Gestapo would have been the correct word, but when you’re as stupid as Greene, you find new ways to embarrass yourself every time you open your big mouth.

And now the Georgia Republican is trying to suggest that she meant to use the wrong word and did it as some sort of moronic homage to her lord and savior, failed, one-term former President Donald Trump:

“Some of us slip up a word every now and then, but Joe Biden doesn’t even know the words coming out of his mouth practically all the time.

“The good news is that the people know the difference.

“So in the famous words of some one I hold dear.. Covfefe!”

But people weren’t buying Green’s pathetic excuse, and they couldn’t resist telling her so. Take a look: