Donald Trump Donald Trump Jr. Social Media The Karma Is Gonna Get Ya

Donald Trump Jr. Gets Hit With A Massive Dose Of Internet Karma After Mocking A CNN Host’s Hair

Donald Trump Jr., the son of convicted felon/disgraced former president Donald Trump, proved today that he has an “astounding lack of awareness” as one social media commenter noted, with an online attack on CNN host Jim Acosta regarding the color of his hair.

On Twitter, Don Jr. posted a photo showing Acosta with gray hair and another taken more recently in which Acosta has darker hair.

“LOL looks like CNN Fake News loser Acosta got an embarrassingly bad hair dye job,” Junior wrote, followed by three laughing emojis.

That was all it took for others on social media to remind Junior that his old man has been wearing a rat’s nest atop his head for years and quite clearly colors his hair blond to hide the fact that his hair is grayer than he wants anyone to see.

Donald Trump Donald Trump Jr. Elections

J.D. Vance Posts Fawning Praise Of Donald Trump Jr. In Desperate Attempt To Secure VP Slot

Ohio Republican Sen. J.D. Vance decided Wednesday that he would try to jump to the front of the line when it comes to who will be the 2024 running mate for convicted felon Donald Trump, but he only succeded in looking desperate and completely servile.

Vance shared a link to an Axios article suggesting the disgraced ex-president’s son, Don Jr., was “a behind-the-scenes power broker in GOP politics.”

The article, “Donald Trump Jr. moves to be MAGA’s new kingmaker,” also included this observation:

“Trump Jr. is like his father in some ways: He enjoys trash-talking on social media and campaigning, but isn’t as attracted to the day job of governing that would come with running for and winning public office.”

That prompted Vance to add his own commentary: “Don is one of the best people I’ve met in politics. He genuinely believes in America First and works his ass off to make it a reality.”

Holy shit! There are obsequious butt-sniffing weasels, and then there’s J.D. Vance, a man so eager for political advancement that it’s safe to suggest he’d probably volunteer to clean Mar-a-Lago with his tongue if asked.

Vance is reportedly on the short list of possible running mates for Trump, and considering that the GOP needs to win Ohio to have any chance of regaining the White House, he could even be considered the front-runner.

However, Vance’s blatant online electioneering got him roasted on Twitter.

Donald Trump Donald Trump Jr.

Don Jr. ‘Murders Irony’ With An Accidental Attack On His Daddy

Donald Trump Jr. managed to humiliate himself and his father Thursday during an interview in which he accidentally suggested had inflated the value of properties owned by the Trump Organization.

During an interview with Eric Bolling of Newsmax, HuffPost notes, Don Jr. whined that people often base their valuations on his daddy’s real estate holdings depending upon their motives.

So how much are Trump Tower and Mar-a-Lago worth?

“If it’s worth 18 million and that’s good for the soundbite at the time, it’s worth 18 million. If it’s worth hundreds of millions the next day for a different purpose, it’s worth hundreds of millions. And that’s what’s going on.”

Of course, Junior failed to mention that his dad does the same damn thing! He was even found liable in New York for inflating the value of his properties when he needed loans and then reducing them at tax time. How’s that for irony? As a result, the failed ex-president now owes the Empire State some $464 million in penalties.

Twitter users were only too happy to remind Don Jr. of the facts.

Donald Trump Jr. Joe Biden Social Media

Donald Trump Jr’s Lewd Comment About Joe Biden’s Sex Life Gets Him Mocked On Social Media

Much like his disgraced daddy, Donald Trump Jr. absolutely loves hanging out on social media platforms and trolling anyone he disagrees with. But his latest attempt to mock President Joe Biden resulted in him being ripped to shreds by the internet.

HuffPost reports that Don Jr. ran across a post citing an upcoming book.

The New York Times’ Katie Rogers reported in her upcoming book “American Woman: The Transformation of the Modern First Lady, from Hillary Clinton to Jill Biden” that Biden has joked “good sex” is the key to his marriage with First Lady Jill Biden. The Daily Mail published an excerpt Friday.

That led Junior to comment on Twitter/X: “Fucking the entire country doesn’t count!!!”

He then added:

“There’s literally no amount of Viagra on earth that’s going to give Joe Biden (who can barely walk without falling over) wood. Just stop! The more desperate they become trying to make him seem young and vibrant the more obvious it is to everyone that he’s not up to any task!”

Don Jr. then went on Instagram and continued to obsess over Biden’s junk.

“And for the record, I’ll take things that ain’t happening for 1000 Alex. LOL. The lengths they are going to try to make someone who can’t form a complete sentence or walk up or down stairs without falling seem young and vibrant are truly spectacular. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen this level of mental gymnastics. He can’t walk, talk, or think… but he’s a beast in the sack.”

Damn, Junior! For a so-called heterosexual, you sure have a strange interest in what other men are doing with their penises. Kinda makes you wonder if maybe the failed ex-president’s son is trying to find his real sexual identity.

Responses to Don Jr’s childish sense of humor were on point.

Crime Donald Trump Donald Trump Jr. Eric Trump The Trump Organization

Donald Trump And His Sons Could Soon Face Tax Charges From The IRS

Having been found guilty of bank and tax fraud and fined $355 million by New York Judge Arthur Engoron, things could be about to take an even nastier turn for failed one-term president Donald Trump and his two oldest sons, Don Jr. and Eric, according to a former prosecutor.

After Engoron’s ruling, according to NBC News, New York Attorney General Letitia James issued a statement.

“Donald Trump is finally facing accountability for his lying, cheating, and staggering fraud. Because no matter how big, rich, or powerful you think you are, no one is above the law,” James said in a statement, calling the ruling “a tremendous victory for this state, this nation, and for everyone who believes that we all must play by the same rules — even former presidents.”

The Friday ruling could also serve as the basis for new legal problems for Trump and the Trump Organization.

Legal analyst Catherine Christian told MSNBC host Ali Velshi that AG James has made it clear she will be passing along the findings that served as the basis for her case to the U.S. Department of Justice.

“If now the federal government, the Southern District of New York sort of passed on this publicly, but that does not mean that they can’t, as long as it’s within the statute of limitations take another look,” Christian explained.

“And clearly, the federal government, the Internal Revenue Service, they sort of never stop looking at you, and so yes, the AG’s office referred to it to other authorities, and it could be possible that each of the defendants, not just Donald Trump, his sons, [Allen] Weisselberg could be in legal jeopardy, even criminal jeopardy.”

If Donnie thought he had a bad day in court on Friday, just wait until the IRS starts seizing his bank accounts and properties to pay any taxes and penalties. By the time they’re finished with him, he won’t have a proverbial pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.