Donald Trump Elections Viral Video

Renewed Questions About Trump’s Health As Video Shows Him Dragging His Leg When He Walks

Donald Trump is 78 years old, overweight, inhales mass quantities of greasy fast food, and has a family history of dementia. Those are all known facts.

But to hear the disgraced ex-president tell it, he’s the healthiest man on the planet and routinely gets glowing reviews from his doctor when he goes in for his annual physical.

The problem is that Trump refuses to release details of those physicals, which suggests he’s hiding something that would be disqualifying if the voting public found out about it.

Now we have a brand new video of Trump attempting to walk from a building to his waiting vehicle in which he clearly drags his right leg, which suggests he may have had a stroke or is having trouble walking for some other reason.

Here’s the video, which was shared online by Ron Filipkowski:

Does that look like how a normal person walks? If you saw an elderly loved one dragging a leg the way Trump does in the video, would you think it’s no big deal or urge them to get medical attention?

Keep in mind that this isn’t the first time Donald has been seen dragging his leg. As Newsweek reported at the time, he did it in March, too.

 “In the video, Trump can be seen dancing on stage by moving his clenched fists back and forth while audience members cheer him on. Once his dancing is over, he then makes his way off stage, gripping the handrails of the stairs as he walks down them.”

Odd, isn’t it? And once again it drew the attention of many on Twitter.


By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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