Donald Trump Elections Viral Video

Chris Hayes: This 5-Minute Video Suggests Trump Is Suffering From ‘Obvious Mental Decline’

Before his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race, all any Republican could talk about was how President Joe Biden was supposedly in a steady cognitive spiral. Some even suggested that he would be unable to serve if elected to a second term as head of state.

Now, however, with his every public utterance, it’s painfully clear that failed former president Donald Trump is also in decline. MSNBC host Chris Hayes shared a video Thursday evening on his show proving that thesis.

“We are not seeing nearly as much discussion about Trump’s diminished mental acuity,” Hayes said. “Seems like everyone’s grading Trump on a curve: ‘He has always been rambling and incoherent’ ― true ― ‘so he gets a pass.’”

“I gotta say you spend any amount of time listening to him these days ― and for our sins, we do here at all end ― he does not sound like a person who should be anywhere near the nuclear codes,” he added.

For example, consider what Trump had to say when asked about the issue of childcare:

“Childcare is childcare, couldn’t, y’know, is something, you have to have it in this country, you have to have it. But when you talk about those numbers, compared to the kind of numbers that I’m talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they’re not used to, but they’ll get used to it very quickly, and it’s not gonna stop them from doing business with us, but they’ll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country.”

Does anyone want to take a shot at deciphering that gobbledegook? There’s word salad and then there’s that. Suppose your uncle suddenly started spouting that sort of unintelligible gibberish. In that case, you’d seek professional help for him and try to make sure he didn’t have anything in the house he could use to hurt himself or someone else.

Donald Trump is unfit to be president. That becomes clearer with each passing day and his every public utterance.

Here’s the video from MSNBC:

By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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