GOP Social Media WTF?!

Matt Gaetz’s Debut On A Right-Wing Network Has People Asking WTF Happened To His Face

Former Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz, who recently resigned from the House of Representatives after allegedly having sex with underage girls and paying them for their silence, has a new show on right-wing One America News Network (OANN) that debuted Thursday evening.

Yes, it’s odd that OANN would want to associate itself with someone as controversial as Gaetz, but as we’ve learned in the Age of Trump, sex scandals aren’t a deal breaker for conservative hypocrites and their ilk.


However, it was the way Gaetz looked that drew the attention of many on social media.

Is that face, or a Halloween mask? If it’s the latter, Halloween was two months ago.

Could it be that Matt got some plastic surgery? Or does the makeup department at OANN consist of a former Earl Scheib employee who got fired for being utterly incompetent?


Either way, the “new” Matt Gaetz was viciously mocked on social media.


Donald Trump Social Media

Social Media Erupts With Outrage After Trump Says He Plans To Crash Jimmy Carter’s Funeral

Even though he isn’t invited and has long said horrible things about former President Jimmy Carter, Donald Trump says he plans to attend (i.e. crash) the funeral.

Asked about the upcoming funeral, Trump told reporters, “I’ll be there. We were invited.”

However, Trump refused to say what member of the Carter family had invited him. In other words, he was lying. That’s to be expected, of course, because Trump is a pathological liar who lies even when the truth would better serve him.

Keep in mind this is the same Donald Trump who has called Carter the country’s “worst president” and had this to say back in January of last year:

“Crooked Joe Biden is the worst president in the history of our country. He’s the most incompetent and he’s the most corrupt president in the history of our country. And it’s not even close. In fact, I said, today, the happiest person alive today is Jimmy Carter because his presidency looks brilliant. Brilliant by comparison.”

Trump’s plan to attend Carter’s funeral wasn’t well-received on social media, with many slamming Donald for planning to make the event all about him.

Congress Donald Trump Elections GOP

Nervous Republicans Fear Internal Fighting Will Delay Trump’s 2024 Election Certification Beyond Inauguration Day

Next week, Congress is set to convene and certify the results of the 2024 presidential election, officially making Donald Trump the 47th president of the United States.

But there’s a very real chance the House of Representatives will be busy trying to determine who will be the next speaker of the House, which could take weeks and indefinitely delay election certification, a scenario that would humiliate Trump and leave the GOP in total disarray.

According to CNN, Republicans are terrified about what could be on the horizon.

But this time, there’s a huge shadow over the race: Congress has never before tried to certify a presidential election without a House speaker in place. Even senior Republicans say it’s unclear what would happen if there is no speaker on January 6 — when Congress is scheduled to certify Trump’s win — and they’re not eager not to find out.

“To oppose Johnson now weakens the GOP and strengthens Hakeem Jeffries. It also puts at risk the Electoral College Certification scheduled for 6 Jan. These guys serve as a ‘fifth column’ for the Dems,” Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska told CNN.

Here’s the conundrum facing Republicans: They can’t conduct official business in the House if they don’t have a speaker, which would leave them with two options that have never been tried before: Electing a temporary speaker or doing without one completely.

“Some Republicans are privately discussing ways to push the procedural limits so that Congress could certify Trump’s win without a leader. One person described an “emergency break glass option” that would involve allowing the House to vote to go into a special session. But that would be a tough sell for many institutionalist Republicans.”

Another possibility is to move up the date of Trump’s certification, making sure it takes place sometime before he’s inaugurated on Jan. 20. But what if that fails, too? In that case, it would likely trigger a constitutional crisis that the country has never experienced before.

Would Biden remain as president? The country has to have a president, right?

January is going to be an interesting month. And it could well end with Trump still waiting to be officially named as head of state. That’s certain to enrage him and make Republicans look incompetent.

Donald Trump Jr. Healthcare WTF?!

Trump’s Proposed Medicare Chief: Uninsured Americans ‘Don’t Have A Right To Health’

Even though he lost a bid for the U.S. Senate and is widely seen as a laughingstock among respected members of the medical establishment, Donald Trump nominated Dr. Mehmet Oz to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services shortly after winning the 2024 presidential election.

However, comments Oz made several years ago to the National Governor’s Association could derail his chances of getting confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

In 2013, Oz told governors attending a conference that any Americans without health insurance “don’t have the right to health,” and should instead be provided with “a way of crawling back out of the abyss of darkness of fear over not having the health they need.”

How would that be accomplished? According to Oz, physicals in a “festival-like” setting would suffice for the uninsured.

“You can screen thousands of people for almost nothing, and you allow a conversation and take place in more of a festival-like setting,” Oz said. “It’s not scary, and I mentioned earlier that almost everybody’s come into our … physicals has a job, but a lot don’t have insurance.”

“Give them a way of crawling back out of the abyss of darkness of fear over not having the health they need, and give them an opportunity, cause they don’t have the right to health, but they have the right to access a chance to get that health.”

So if you’re without insurance, Dr. Oz thinks all you deserve is a 15-minute mini exam from a doctor at a health festival.

But what if you’re diagnosed with a serious illness at one of Dr. Oz’s traveling medical shows and still lack insurance? Are you wished good luck or would he advocate the immediate termination of your life because you’re a strain on the American healthcare system?

Senate Democrats are making it clear that they aren’t inclined to approve Oz to head the Medicare and Medicaid programs, with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) noting that Oz has frequently called for privatizing Medicare via Medicare Advantage plans.

Warren said she has “concerns about your advocacy for the elimination of Traditional Medicare and your deep financial ties to private health insurers.”

It remains to be seen if Oz can secure the votes he needs for confirmation. But if he does, don’t be surprised if the U.S. medical system becomes yet another thing only the wealthiest Americans can access and afford. The rest of us, it seems, will have to suffer and die while Dr. Oz and his money-grubbing buddies further enrich themselves.