Donald Trump Elections

Psychiatrist: This Verbal Tic Is Proof Trump Is Suffering From ‘Cognitive Decline’


If you saw the debate between disgraced former president Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, you may have noticed that the ex-president often repeated himself while responding to questions from the moderators or comments made by Harris.

While it might not seem odd that Trump kept saying the same thing multiple times, such behavior is indicative of a mind that is starting to decline in serious and disturbing ways, according to Dr. Richard A. Friedman of Weill Cornell Medical College in an article he wrote for The Atlantic.

For example, consider this response from Trump when asked if he had any regrets about the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

“I have said ‘blood bash—bath.’ It was a different term, and it was a term that related to energy, because they have destroyed our energy business. That was where bloodbath was. Also, on Charlottesville, that story has been, as you would say, debunked. Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, Jesse — all of these people, they covered it. If they go an extra sentence, they will see it was perfect.”

Be sure to notice how Trump repeated the word “bloodbath” and then meandered over to three Fox News hosts, none of whom were mentioned in the question. That suggests Trump cannot manage to keep ahold of the verbal thread he began with, Friedman explains, and if he saw such behavior in a patient, it would indeed concern him.

“If a patient presented to me with the verbal incoherence, tangential thinking, and repetitive speech that Trump now regularly demonstrates, I would almost certainly refer them for a rigorous neuropsychiatric evaluation to rule out a cognitive illness.”

Should such a person be hired as commander-in-chief of the U.S. military? Once again, Friedman says there is no way Trump should ever be allowed near the Oval Office again.

“A condition such as vascular dementia or Alzheimer’s disease would not be out of the ordinary for a 78-year-old … For those who do have such diseases or conditions, several treatments and services exist to help them and their loved ones cope with their decline. But that does not mean any of them would be qualified to serve as commander in chief.”

Donald Trump is utterly unfit for any elected office, let alone being trusted with the American nuclear arsenal. The man can barely put two thoughts together without forgetting what he was saying. And even when he does manage to put together a sentence, all he’s really doing is repeating himself over and over again like a parrot.

Trump needs to see a doctor immediately. And he also needs to drop out of the race. He won’t, of course, which is further proof that we need to use our votes to make sure he’s put out to pasture as soon as possible.


Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris Social Media

Trump Spirals Further: Accuses The ‘MEDEA’ Of Not Reporting That Harris ‘NEVER WORKED AT MCDONALDS’

Though it’s been clear for years now that failed one-term former president Donald Trump is mentally unstable, a posting he made Friday evening on social media suggests he’s spiraling out of control and could be on the verge of a complete mental collapse.

Shortly before he took the stage in Las Vegas for a campaign rally, the disgraced ex-head of state whined that the media refused to report that Vice President Kamala Harris never worked at McDonald’s when she was younger.


The irony of Trump accusing anyone of lying is so incredibly rich that he should know better than to even make such an accusation. But in his demented mind, everyone is out to get him and conspiring to make sure he loses to Harris, which will likely mean that he’ll spend the remainder of his life in prison for the seemingly endless list of crimes he’s accused of committing.

Also, how exactly is Harris’ early job history the least bit relevant? It isn’t, of course, but Trump is so desperate to try and regain a shred of electoral momentum that he has to grasp at whatever straws he thinks will save him from the fate that awaits him when the ballots are counted later this year.

Remember how a few months ago everyone was talking about President Joe Biden being mentally unfit for a second term in office? Isn’t it time that the same standard be applied to Donald Trump? The man is demented and getting worse with each posting or speech. Maybe the GOP and his family need to have him committed.

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris Social Media

Kamala Harris’ Campaign Has A Devastating New Nickname For Donald Trump

To absolutely no one’s surprise, failed one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump announced Thursday that he would not agree to another debate with Vice President Kamala Harris, offering as his bullshit excuse that he was the winner in Tuesday’s debate and there was no reason for a rematch.

Trump’s cowardice was certainly noticed by members of Harris’ campaign, and David Plouffe, chairman of Harris-Walz 2024 was quick to give Donald a new nickname that’s certain to enrage the disgraced ex-president.

Taking to Twitter/X, Plouffe posted, “At long last we discover his spirit animal. The Chicken.”

Plouffe then added salt to the social media wound he’d just inflicted on Trump.

Those posts set off a wave of mockery aimed directly at the convicted felon serving as standard-bearer for the Republican Party.

Chicken Man does have a ring to it. Next thing you know, Donald will be claiming he can’t be a chicken because the cats and dogs in Ohio ate all all of the fowl.

Elections Elon Musk Social Media

Elon Musk’s Daughter Slams Her Father’s Anti-Taylor Swift Post As ‘Hideous Incel Nonsense’

Vivian Wilson is one of Twitter/X CEO Elon Musk’s 12 children, and it’s clear that she’s had enough of her father’s disgusting online trolling of anyone who dares to disagree with him.

Shortly after music superstar Taylor Swift formally endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to be the next president, Musk went on the social media platform he owns and suggested he’d be glad to impregnate Swift so she wouldn’t have to be a “childless cat lady.”

According to USA Today, Musk responded to Swift’s Instagram posting in which she urged her supporters to vote for Harris with this:

“Fine Taylor…you win…I will give you a child and guard your cats with my life.”

Wilson replied to her father via Threads, a competitor to Twitter, writing, “The timing for the Taylor Swift endorsement of Kamala Harris honestly could not have been better. Can’t wait to see the Swifties at the polls! Vote blue.”

She then added:

“Also, yes, I saw ‘the tweet.’ Heinous incel nonsense is in fact heinous incel nonsense. I don’t really have anything to add to it, it’s just abhorrent. That much is obvious and if you don’t see how then you’re part of the problem. I would just like to say to my audience members, don’t let people talk to you like that. It’s disgusting, it’s belittling and incredibly sexist. You deserve better.”

Wilson, who is estranged from her father, is transsexual and has also blasted him as a “serial adulterer who won’t stop fucking lying about your own children.”

Musk claims Vivian is “dead” to him and has also attacked her for being transsexual.

Donald Trump Elections

Trump Insiders Afraid This ‘Unfixable Glitch’ Means He’ll Lose In A Landslide

Top advisers to failed former president Donald Trump say the end is near for their candidate, even though there are nearly two months left in the 2024 race for the White House.

The presidential debate was emblematic of the dilemma facing Trump, according to an illuminating article from Axios which notes that the disgraced ex-president was urged to spend most of the debate countering Vice President Kamala Harris’ attacks by painting himself as a martyr who “took a bullet” for the nation.

Instead, Trump fell back on his “grievance” routine, and Harris crushed him, winning the debate in a fashion that left the twice-impeached former head of state in a political freefall:

  • Go back in time. Go back to the seconds after he was shot at in Pennsylvania. The moment Trump rose, ear bloodied, fist held high, American flag flying behind, and mouthed: “Fight!”
  • It was an iconic moment, an unforgettable image, a political memory money can’t buy. And, Trump’s team believed, a sure-bet ticket to winning in November.
  • All he had to do, they told him, was use the moment to say he took a bullet for America, and felt like a changed man ready to pull the nation together. For a few days, he did … until 28 minutes into his prime-time convention speech on July 18.

Perhaps the most noticeable instance of Trump humiliating himself came when Harris mentioned how crowds at his rallies look bored and often leave halfway through his rambling speeches.

“He didn’t just nibble at the bait. He crushed it like a starving, roaring river salmon. He was on a wild run the rest of the debate.”

Even worse for Trump and his campaign advisers is the fact that he “cannot and will not” change, which will doom him to losing in November.

“He can’t stand being seen as a loser. So it’s impossible to fully admit he didn’t win in 2020. He looks to distractions like crowd size and adoring coverage for solace.”

Also, Trump can’t change because he’s too old to make corrections in midstream, which is something every campaign has to do at times.

“A wise man told us three types of people never change: Old guys. Rich guys. Guys with their names on the building. So the chances that Trump — a 78-year-old, self-proclaimed billionaire with his name on buildings, bottles and golf courses — will change are, um, nil.”

Kamala Harris won the 2024 election when she debated Trump. All that’s left now is to count the votes, declare her the winner, and watch as Donald has yet another public meltdown and awaits the final chapter of his story, which is likely to end with him in prison.