Elections GOP Kamala Harris

Republicans Have A Plan To Stop The 2024 Election If Harris Keeps Rising In The Polls

More than a month ago, President Joe Biden announced to the nation that he would withdraw from the 2024 presidential election. He also endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to be his replacement as the Democratic nominee.

At the time Biden left the race, the Democratic Party was in a funk, with many convinced that Donald Trump would easily romp to victory and destroy the American experiment of self-governance and representative democracy.

Now, however, Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, are campaigning in key battleground states such as Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and just-released polls show the Democratic ticket in the lead over Trump and the GOP.

Behind the scenes, however, all of the momentum Harris and Walz are building could be destroyed by just a few election officials in a handful of states who may refuse to certify ballots, leading to a Constitutional crisis and threatening the entire American electoral system.

As A.B. Stoddard explains in a chilling column she penned for The Bulwark, we could be on the verge of an event that would put the election in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court or House of Representatives, both of which would likely declare Trump the victor.

Across the country, the November election results will have to be certified in more than 3,000 counties, and all state results must be final by the time electors meet in each state on December 17. Members of county election boards are not tasked with resolving election issues; certification is mandatory and “ministerial,” not discretionary. Disputes over ballot issues are separate from the certification process—investigated and adjudicated by district attorneys, state election boards, and in court.

Election experts say the new rule could disrupt the entire process across the state by allowing local partisans to reject results. And Georgia appears to be at the center of Trump’s plans. Casting doubt on Fulton County, which makes up the bulk of Democratic votes in the state, will help him claim he won the Peach State as the rest of the results come in red.

What happens if there’s no certification? Technically, there would be no president, though Biden would remain as head of state until the matter could be adjudicated in court and a solution found.

Election attorney Marc Elias has been warning for months that we all need to prepare for a worst-case scenario and have plans in place if and when such an event arrives.

“I think we are going to see mass refusals to certify the election. Everything we are seeing about this election is that the other side is more organized, more ruthless, and more prepared.”

What can be done to make sure the 2024 election isn’t stolen by those loyal to Trump? First of all, we have to be informed as citizens and ready to make our voices heard. Then we have to vote in record numbers so Harris and Walz win in a landslide that cannot possibly be denied.

Most importantly, however, we have to band together and prepare for the days ahead. United, we cannot be beaten. Even the pro-Trump forces know that, and it should give them pause.


Donald Trump Elections GOP Kamala Harris

Conservative Warns The MAGA Faithful Trump Is Likely To ‘Get His Clock Cleaned’ By Harris In A Debate

Philip Klein is the editor of the conservative National Review, and he has some bad news for Trump supporters who think failed former president Donald Trump can stand toe-to-toe in a debate with Vice President Kamala Harris.

Now that Trump has tentatively agreed to three debates, the first of which will be held on September 10 and hosted by ABC News, Klein is warning that despite what the disgraced ex-president says, Harris is a formidable opponent and excellent debater.

In his latest column, Klein writes, “Donald Trump said today that he had agreed to the September 10 debate against Vice President Kamala Harris and proposed two additional debates. A lot of conservatives are confident that once Harris is forced to speak in an unscripted environment, she will unravel. But I am not so sure. If Trump doesn’t sharpen his attacks in the coming weeks, he could very well get smoked when they face off.”

Klein adds that Trump’s debate with President Joe Biden may have been a success, Donald didn’t exactly shine in the spotlight, either, though his performance was overshadowed by how badly Biden did.

He spoke using a sort of MAGA shorthand that is comprehensible to those who already support him or who spend a lot of time online, but not to persuadable voters. When Biden confronted him on the story about his calling members of the military “suckers and losers,” Trump said it was false. He then said, “It was made up by him, just like Russia, Russia, Russia was made up, just like the 51 intelligence agents are made up, just like the new thing with the 16 economists are talking. It’s the same thing.

Trump’s propensity for believing whatever conspiracy theory he reads online and trying to pass such lies off as facts also doesn’t bode well for the convicted felon who is standard bearer for the GOP, Klein notes.

Yet here’s how Trump spoke of Walz:

She picked a radical left man that is — he has things done that — he has positions that are not even possible to believe that they exist. He is going for things that nobody has even heard of. Heavy into the transgender world. Heavy into lots of different worlds.

“Heavy into lots of different worlds.” Anybody who isn’t already familiar with the Walz record is likely thinking, what the heck is he talking about?

Harris, on the other hand, Klein explains, has her own problems when it comes to speaking extemporaneously. Underestimating her, however, is an enormous mistake.

“But the Trump campaign would be wise to assume that she will come to the debate well-equipped with many talking points on all of the issues most likely to come up and she will stick largely to script. There are a lot of avenues for Trump to challenge Harris and get her off her game, but that requires a command of details that he can use to make arguments in a comprehensible way. If Trump decides to wing it and thinks he can get away with the type of performance he did at the first debate or Thursday’s press conference, he will get his clock cleaned.”

Kamala Harris will eat Donnie’s lunch when they debate. If he thinks he can steamroll her the way he did Biden, then you can expect to see Harris turn Trump into a quivering mass of protoplasm. After that, all that remains is a Democratic landslide when the votes are tallied.


Donald Trump Jr. Elections GOP Social Media

Donald Trump Jr’s Disgusting Attempt To Slag Tim Walz Backfires Badly On Him

If you were wondering whether or not desperation is setting in among the Trump-Vance 2024 campaign, the answer arrived in disgusting and downright weird fashion from none other than Donald Trump Jr.

Hoping to thwart the endless array of jibes and memes circulating on social media about Sen. J.D. Vance allegedly having sex with a couch (he didn’t), Don Jr. decided to counter with a lie about Democratic running mate Gov. Tim Walz, HuffPost reports.

Well, ever since Walz mocked Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance with a reference to a satirical-but-false internet meme that claimed the “Hillbilly Elegy” author wrote about having sex with a sofa, Trump toadies have been trying to get even.

For some reason, somebody decided to combat the false couch sex claims by claiming that Walz enjoys drinking horse semen.

Weird, right?

Here’s what Junior posted on Twitter:

Not funny and not the least bit effective, as a person on the Reddit channel “Ask A Liberal” explained:

“Well, if that’s your strategy, you can go ahead and make up gross stories about Tim Walz. But I wouldn’t expect it to work out in quite the same way. Everyone seems to hate JD Vance, while everyone seems to really like Tim Walz.”

“Mean-spirited jokes tend to be easier to (aheh) swallow when the butt of those jokes is considered an ‘acceptable target.'”

Twitter users also let Don Jr. know that his “joke” reeked of childishness and desperation.

Donald Trump Elections GOP

Flailing Trump And Vance Look Like ‘Chimpanzees’ Tossing ‘Fecal Remains’: Reporter

As they continue to lose ground in the 2024 race for the White House, one reporter with decades of experience covering elections is noting that both Donald Trump and J.D. Vance are starting to look like “chimpanzees” who are throwing their feces in a desperate effort to blunt the momentum of Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

In an article he wrote for Salon, Brian Karem notes that Vance’s attack on Walz’s 24 years of service in the Army National Guard proves that the GOP is flailing about and losing ground with voters.

“At the end of the day, the GOP looked like those chimpanzees in the zoo who are kept behind glass walls because they fling their fecal remains at everyone. So far, very little of this has stuck to Walz, who remains affable and effective at blocking the demagoguery. Still, the GOP won’t give up its attempts to demonize Walz and Harris. The Democrats had to know it was coming, and if they didn’t then they’re more headless than I thought. The Republicans are certainly heartless. “

Trump also looks weak and feckless when compared to Walz, who spent decades as a public school teacher and is beloved in the state he leads, Karem adds.

“Trump, meanwhile, has dissolved under Walz’s addition to the Democratic ticket. Insiders in the Trump camp who still can nominally engage in cogent thought believe Trump made a horrible choice in choosing Vance and it will cost them the election. They’re running around with their hair on fire while trying to pull it out.”

In other words, Trump and Vance deserve each other, Karem rightly observes, because both of them are widely despised by a large majority of Americans.

“Donald Trump’s mental decline becomes more apparent every day. Vance’s fear of women, his desire to destroy voting rights and both of their desires to turn back time to ‘Make America Great Again’ when that past was never great for children, minorities, those of certain faiths and those in the LGBTQ community, are taking a toll on this country.”

The 2024 election, Karem concludes, isn’t just a choice between Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and progressives. It’s much deeper than that, and while Harris and Walz seem to understand that and have tapped into the larger zeitgeist.

“Watching Trump and Vance meltdown in public is funny, weird, creepy, and dangerous. But the more it becomes apparent that Trump is slipping, the more dangerous he and his vile movement become. For the country to come together, Trump cannot win. After all, who the Hell wants JD Vance a heartbeat away from the Presidency? I’m told even Trump doesn’t relish that thought.”

If Trump and Vance win, the United States as we know it is finished, and so is any pretense that this country is even the least little bit of a democracy or a republic. Instead, it will become the sort of “shithole” nation Trump loves to sneer at.

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris WTF?!

Trump Spokesperson Slammed For Remark About ‘The Smell’ On Kamala Harris’ Plane

Steven Cheung is an official spokesperson for the Trump-Vance 2024 campaign, and remarks he made Wednesday on social media regarding Vice President Kamala Harris and the “smell” on Air Force Two have set off an avalanche of angry reactions online.

Taking to Twitter, Cheung reacted to a posting about Sen. J.D. Vance, who tried to confront Harris on an airport tarmac in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, according to The Daily Beast.

That led Cheung to add his own disgusting commentary.

Cheung’s comment could be taken in two ways.

First, it could well be a blatantly racist dog whistle suggesting that Harris herself smells bad because she’s black.

Or the remark from the Trump spokesman could refer to comments Harris made regarding marijuana, which Harris has admitted she smoked when she was younger.

“Half my family is from Jamaica, are you kidding me?” Harris said in a 2019 interview, and it’s safe to speculate that most young Americans smoked weed at least once in their lives.

Considering that Cheung works for failed one-term former president Donald Trump, however, most people who read the tweet insisted it was indeed meant to be an attack on Harris’ race.