Donald Trump Elections

‘Scared To Death’ Trump Aides Accused Of ‘Hiding’ Him Since Debate

In the eight days since the first presidential debate, convicted felon Donald Trump has largely been out of the public eye, making a few statements on social media, but avoiding the raucous campaign rallies that were the norm for him in 2016 and 2020.

Could it be that top aides in the Trump 2024 campaign are afraid of putting Donald back into the public spotlight because they fear he’ll make a monumental verbal gaffe?

That’s the consensus from panelists on “Morning Joe” who noted Friday that the disgraced ex-president has kept a low profile since last Thursday’s debate.

Host Joe Scarborough told Rev. Al Sharpton, “Independents actually broke away from Donald Trump toward Joe Biden; that’s how much they were turned off by seeing this guy.”

“You’ll notice, too, for all the talk about Joe Biden being hidden, 8 p.m. and all of this other stuff, you notice Donald Trump has kept his head underground politically since this debate,” he added. “His staff is scared to death of having their old man go out and say crazy things.”

Scarborough continued, “They know Donald Trump forgets if we had World War II or not, he forgets who the current president of the United States is — he thinks he is running against Barack Obama and has beaten him. He thinks he is running against Barack Obama again. Sometimes he tries to get to the end of a sentence and sort of kind of goes off into left field, into the pasture.”

“Again, they’re hiding Donald Trump right now. They don’t want Donald Trump to get behind a microphone because the less he says, the safer they believe they are.”

The majority of the chatter over the past week has been about a supposed “cognitive decline” by President Joe Biden, but the truth is that Trump is also fading mentally. And let’s not forget that Donald’s father, Fred, died from Alzheimer’s Disease, meaning that his son has a genetic predisposition for the dreaded illness.

Why is Trump remaining out of sight? Perhaps because his mental acuity is less than stellar.

Elections GOP Kamala Harris Social Media

Kristi Noem’s Cheap Shot At Kamala Harris Immediately Comes Back To Bite Her On The A*s

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) — a.k.a the dog murderer — said Wednesday during an appearance on Fox News that Vice President Kamala Harris would lose badly to convicted felon Donald Trump if she happens to replace President Joe Biden as the 2024 Democratic presidential nominee.

Speaking with Fox News host Jason Chaffetz, Noem remarked, “She has an inability to communicate common sense to the American people, they just can’t relate to her.”

“And so, you know, if Joe Biden steps down and it is Kamala Harris, gosh, you know, that’s going to be an interesting race, because she’s just as bad as he is.”

Inability to communicate? That’s incredibly ironic when you consider Noem was so clueless that she decided to share in a memoir how she shot and killed her family’s 14-month-old dog because he didn’t do what she told him to and sometimes behaved aggressively towards other animals on the family farm.

The sheer hypocrisy of Noem’s comments got her lit up like a July 4th fireworks display on Twitter.

Donald Trump Elections Polls

New Poll Shows One Democrat Would Destroy Trump In A General Election Matchup

The latest polls show that President Joe Biden is tied with convicted felon Donald Trump, but there remains talk inside the Democratic Party that Biden should consider dropping out of the race and pass the torch to someone else.

But who would be Biden’s replacement if decides not to run?

Based on a new Reuters/Ipsos poll, only one Democrat seems a sure bet to defeat Trump: Former First Lady Michelle Obama.

According to HuffPost, Mrs. Obama would easily defeat Trump in a head-to-head matchup, with a formidable 11-point lead over him, 50%-39%.

The new poll also finds that 56% of voters, including a third of Democrats, want Biden to drop out of the race amid growing concerns over his age and cognitive health, which were exacerbated by last week’s muddled performance at his debate with Trump.

The poll finds 46% of voters, including 19% of Republicans, want Trump to drop out.

The two are tied with 40% each in the new poll, while Vice President Kamala Harris trails Trump by 1 percentage point, 43%-42%, well within the poll’s 3.5 percentage point margin of error.

In other hypothetical matchups, the poll shows Trump leading California Gov. Gavin Newsom by 3 points, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear by 4% percent, and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer by 5%.

Mrs. Obama also has an overall favorable rating of 55%. Only 42% of those surveyed said they had an unfavorable opinion of her.

However, there is one problem with the idea of running the former first lady in November: She doesn’t exactly seem fond of the idea, telling Oprah Winfrey in 2023, “I’ve never expressed any interest in politics. Ever. I mean, I agreed to support my husband. He wanted to do it, and he was great at it. But at no point have I ever said, ‘I think I want to run.’ Ever. So, I’m just wondering: Does what I want have anything to do with anything? Does who I choose to be have anything to do with it?”

Then again, Mrs. Obama has also admitted that she is absolutely “terrified” Trump might win again and implement his radical right-wing agenda for the country.

For now, at least, it seems a Michelle Obama candidacy will remain just a dream for Democrats. But if she did happen to enter the race, Trump would likely blow a gasket, especially if he lost badly to her.

Donald Trump Elections Social Media Supreme Court

Stephen King Goes Viral With Brilliant Clapback To Monday Supreme Court Ruling

Bestselling novelist Stephen King is furious with the United States Supreme Court for their Monday ruling which granted immunity to convicted felon Donald Trump for any “official” actions he committed while serving as president.

The 6-2 decision from the high court is being slammed by many who are concerned it will allow U.S. presidents to get away with murder if they can prove their actions were done as part of their official duties.

In postings he made on Twitter, King slammed the six conservative justices who provided the failed ex-president with blanket immunity.

“In the name of ‘originalism,’ Trump’s Supreme Court has taken a wrecking ball to the Constitution,” King wrote.

Later, King added,

“Thanks to the Supreme Court, the next president will have the powers of a king.

“That’s not what the founders intended. Quite the opposite.”

And then there was this from King: “Overturning Roe [vs. Wade over abortion rights] took power from women. Today’s decision takes power from all of us.”

According to Newsweek, the first post has garnered 1.2 million views while the second stands at over 3 million views.

King got plenty of support from others on social media, too.

Crime Donald Trump Elections Supreme Court

The SCOTUS Immunity Ruling May Actually Wind Up Being A Nightmare For Trump

While Monday’s 6-3 ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court that a president has immunity from prosecution for “official acts” was widely seen as a huge win for convicted felon Donald Trump, the court’s decision could also wind up being a nightmare for the disgraced ex-president, according to legal and political experts.

Attorney Bradley Moss explained on Twitter that while Trump’s attorneys may think their client is now immune from prosecution in the multiple pending criminal cases against him, it also means that Trump is more vulnerable than ever when it comes to how he can be treated.

“The Supreme Court just gave Biden unequivocal immunity to order the military to take action against Trump. Today. Right now.”

The Department of Justice could also order the immediate arrest of Trump on suspicion that he’s working for nations hostile to the national security of the United States or part of a larger domestic terror organization that attempted to overthrow the government on January 6, 2021.

Such a finding from the DOJ would then allow for Trump to be held without bail until it can be determined whether he presents a clear and present danger to the nation and our allies. That would be a death knell for the Trump 2024 campaign and likely lead to his defeat in the November election.

Speaking of the 2024 election, the high court’s decision could also come back to bite Trump politically, according to CNN commentator and former Obama administration adviser Van Jones.

“The more you look at it, the worse it looks,” Jones said. “When you put it all together, basically, the Supreme Court said in the past week, no rules for the powerful, no rights for the powerless. So if you’re homeless, you can be thrown in jail for the crime of not having enough money to get a hotel room, but if you’re the President of the United States, you can commit an undetermined number of crimes under color of law and get away with it. This is not good.”

Jones added, “I’m telling you, this is going to backfire politically. Because what I’m seeing from the left now, if you thought people were discouraged by what happened last week with Biden’s performance, they are now outraged and terrified that Donald Trump is going to get in office and be a complete madman dictator.”

“So this is — politically, this is a gift to the left, though it is a blow to the country,” he concluded.

How sweet it would be if the right-wingers on the Supreme Court, in an effort to protect Trump, wound up setting the stage for his downfall.