Donald Trump Elections GOP

Ted Cruz’s ‘Celibate’ Defense Of Trump Backfires On Him In Spectacular Fashion

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) desperately (and pathetically) tried to defend failed former president Donald Trump during an appearance on Fox News last night and only succeded in humiliating himself and the ex-president with a bizarre claim that no one thought the Donald had been “celibate” his entire life.

Speaking with Fox host Sean Hannity regarding Trump’s ongoing criminal trial in Manhattan for allegedly falsifying business records and interfering in the 2016 election by paying hush money to adult film star Stormy Daniels to hide an extramarital affair he had with her.

“The testimony of Stormy Daniels was salacious. That was the point of it. Listen, there is no person on planet Earth that believes Donald Trump has been celibate all his life,” Cruz insisted. “That is not news. But they want to drag him through the gutter because this is a political smear job. It’s not about the rule of law and it’s frankly– it’s tragic what is happening because the rule of law is important. It protects all of us. This is what banana republics do.”

Of course, Trump isn’t on trial for the affair he had, or even for the $130,000 he paid to Daniels. But his actions do suggest he did so in order to hide the information from voters, especially after release of the infamous “Access Hollywood” interview in which he bragged that he enjoyed grabbing women “by the pussy” and kissing them against their will.

Online critics lit into Cruz, branding him a hypocratic enabler of sexual assault who’s always eager to defend Trump, no matter how disgusting his behavior might be.

Donald Trump Elections Social Media

Lawrence O’Donnell Gets The Last Laugh After Enraged Trump Says He ‘Looks Like Sh*t’

MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell drew the ire of failed former president Donald Trump last night, but Trump’s petulant online attack quickly backfired on him when O’Donnell turned the tables.

Here’s what Trump posted on his failing Truth Social site:

“I spotted Ratings Challenged Lawrence O’Donnell, of MSDNC, in the Courthouse toda. I haven’t seen him in years. He looked like shit, a real loser.”

O’Donnell replied on Twitter.

“Must’ve been something I said.”

It’s unclear what exactly triggered Trump so badly, but it may have something to do with a comment O’Donnell made on his show Tuesday evening.

Referencing a remark made by Judge Juan Merchan, “The Last Word” host told viewers, “That was a signal to Donald Trump that his lawyers did not do a good job in that section of the trial.”

Others also joined O’Donnell’s mockery of Trump.

Crime Donald Trump

Legal Expert Laughs At Trump For Trying To Woo Stormy Daniels By Wearing ‘Silk Pajamas’

Even though he has repeatedly denied he had an extramarital affair with adult film star Stormy Daniels, testimony from Daniels today suggests that disgraced former president Donald Trump did indeed know her and wooed her in some laughably pathetic ways.

MSNBC legal analyst Katie Phang explained that Trump had his eye on Daniels from the get-go.

“So here’s the thing,” Phang noted. “We know that Donald Trump is seeking Stormy Daniels out.”

“Donald Trump loves to say, ‘I don’t know these women,'” Phang continued. “They’re horse faces. They’re this. They’re that.’ No, no, no. We now know, he’s seeking out Stormy Daniels to dine with her. And what was her initial reaction? ‘Expletive no!'”

Daniels eventually relented when her publicist encouraged her, suggesting it would make for a good story.

But when Daniels arrived for her date with Trump, he was wearing silk or satin pajamas. She urged him to change because she said he looked like Playboy publisher Hugh Hefner.

Defense attorney David Markus said such details enhance Daniels credibility as a witness and show that the affair actually happened.

“The idea is you want to demonize the defendant, and this is all trying to make him look so bad. It’s not going to the elements of the crime. And the jury will see all these things she’s saying, and they will get that ick factor. And you laughed out loud when you heard about the pajamas.”

Phang: “He’s in satin pajamas, and she thinks she’s coming for dinner. And why would Trump be embarrassed about this information getting out? Maybe just the silk pajamas are what he doesn’t want to get out, and he doesn’t want it to hurt his campaign.”

Donald Trump is under the impression that he’s some sort of great ladies’ man, but as today’s testimony shows, he’s just a pathetic loser who wants to believe he’s smooth. In reality, he’s about as smooth as a bedsheet made of sandpaper.

Donald Trump Elections Social Media

Trump Pelted With Internet Karma When He Fat Shames A Democratic Senator

Failed one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump tried to mock Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) for his weight and quickly got reminded on social media that someone as portly as him is in no position to fat shame anyone else.

During a fundraiser held at Mar-a-Lago for Rep. Ronnie Jackson (R-Texas), Trump suggested that Tester was obese, according to Politico.

“He’s now in a tough campaign, and he could very well lose. We ought to go up and campaign against him. In fact, I looked at him, and I said, ‘Oh, this finally works for a man or woman, because he looks pregnant to me.’”
“He’s now in a tough campaign, and he could very well lose. We ought to go up and campaign against him. In fact, I looked at him, and I said, ‘Oh, this finally works for a man or woman, because he looks pregnant to me.’”

“Have you seen this guy? He doesn’t look like a fat guy, except his stomach is out to here. Not that I talk about things like that. I don’t even notice them.”

But as many on social media reminded the disgraced ex-president, he isn’t exactly svelte himself and often looks like a walrus wearing an ill-fitting business suit.

Elections GOP

Lara Trump Admits The GOP Will Try And Keep Millions Of 2024 Votes From Being Counted

Republican National Committee (RNC) co-chair Lara Trump is making no secret of GOP plans for the 2024 election: They want to guarantee that millions of ballots aren’t counted in the hope that their efforts will hand the election to failed former president Donald Trump.

Speaking with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, Trump proudly announced that her party has filed suit in the state of Nevada to make it illegal for any votes to be counted after Election Day.

“You cannot have ballots counted, Maria, after elections are over,” Trump said. “And right now, that is one of the many lawsuits we have out across this country to ensure that just that happens, that we have a free, fair, and transparent election.”

“So in Nevada, as you pointed out, we are saying we want, on election day, that to be the last day that mail-in ballots can be counted. And we’ve been very successful in a lot of lawsuits.”

Similar efforts are taking place in the key swing state of Pennsylvania, Trump revealed.

“They wanted to take off dates from mail-in ballots, of course, the Democrats, in an effort to make it easier to cheat.”

So if a ballot isn’t counted on the day of the election, it should be thrown out, according to the GOP.

As HuffPost notes, the Republican effort is meant to undermine the 2024 election.

“The lawsuit filed by the RNC in Nevada doesn’t seek to stop counting ballots after Election Day, but rather seeks to prohibit counting any mail-in ballots received after that date, even if they were postmarked in time.

Under the state’s current law, ballots received up to four days after Election “Day are counted, as long as they are postmarked before the end of the day on Election Day.”

It didn’t take long for social media to explode with criticism of the RNC plan.