Elections Social Media

Taylor Swift Has A Super Tuesday Message That Every American Needs To Hear

Grammy-winning singer and songwriter Taylor Swift is urging voters to go out and let their voices be heard on this Super Tuesday, when 17 states and territories will hold Democratic and Republican primaries that help determine the matchups for the November election.

On Instagram, Swift wrote:

Today, March 5, is the Presidential Primary in Tennessee and 16 other states and territories.

I wanted to remind you guys to vote the people who most represent YOU into power. If you haven’t already, make a plan to vote today.

Whether you’re in Tennessee or somewhere else in the US, check your polling places and times at VOTE.ORG

While Swift didn’t specifically endorse any candidate, her message will likely generate a buzz that could increase voter turnout today and in the general election.

Swift has made no secret of her progressive political views, angering Republicans and the MAGA faithful by supporting the LGBTQ community and criticizing members of the GOP such as her home state senator, Marsha Blackburn.

The right-wing reaction to Swift’s call for voter participation should be fun to watch.

Donald Trump Elections WTF?!

Trump Goes On Bizarre Livestream Rant – Declares That ‘Languages Are From Mars’

During a livestream campaign event hosted by Right Side Broadcasting on Monday, failed one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump made some strange statements that left many scratching their heads and resulted in massive online mockery of the increasingly unhinged ex-head of state.

According to HuffPost, Trump complained there are “people who are coming from parts unknown, countries that you’ve never heard of.”

“Languages that nobody in this country speaks. We don’t even have teachers of some of these languages,” he added.

“Who would think that we have languages that are like from the planet Mars?”

“Nobody, nobody, knows how to, you know, speak it.”

Trump made similar statements last week when he visited the U.S.-Mexico border.

“We have languages coming into our country. We have nobody that even speaks those languages. They’re truly foreign languages. Nobody speaks them. And they’re pouring into our country, and they’re bringing with them tremendous problems, including medical problems, as you know.”

The Donald’s latest gibberish (which could also be said to defy translation) was roundly ridiculed on social media.

Donald Trump Elections WTF?!

Trump’s Latest Claim About The 2020 Election Is His Most Ridiculous Yet

Even though the 2020 election was almost four years ago and he lost in a popular and electoral vote landslide, failed one-term former president Donald Trump is now claiming that 8 in 10 Americans believe the last presidential election was stolen from him.

Speaking over the weekend in North Carolina, HuffPost reports, Trump let loose with this bit of absolute nonsense:

“What happened at that last election is a disgrace, and we’re not going to let it happen again. Did you ever notice they go after the people that want to find out where the cheating was — and, by the way, 82% of the country understands that it was a rigged election, OK? You can’t have a country with that.”

He continued, “A poll came out, 82% ― but they go after the people — they don’t go after the people that rigged the election — they go after the people that looking, they’re looking for the people that rigged the election. And that’s the people they go after. They got away with something; they’re never going to get away with it again.”

What does polling say about the 2020 election and Donald’s allegations of cheating?

A Washington Post survey from January shows that only 33% of respondents say there was widespread voter fraud in 2020.

As usual, Trump’s numbers are all screwed up, and he simply cannot admit that he’s a loser. But he is, and that’s how history will record him.

Donald Trump Elections GOP

Mary Trump Reveals What Makes Her Uncle So Incredibly ‘Creepy’

If there’s one word that best describes failed former president Donald Trump, according to former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, it’s “creepy,” especially when it comes to how utterly subservient he is to Russian president and war criminal Vladimir Putin.

During a panel discussion, Turnbull noted that around Putin, Trump is “like the 12-year-old boy who goes to high school and meets the captain of the football team. ‘My hero.’ It’s really creepy.”

That led CNN’s Christiane Amanpour to ask Trump’s niece, Mary, about what in her uncle’s past might have led him to act in such a way.

“I’m really stunned by how what you said and I didn’t know what you’re going to say about his childhood matched exactly what a former prime minister of Australia witnessed.”

Mary Trump replied, “Yeah, and I think what’s important to know, that most people certainly wouldn’t, it is really no laughing matter when at that point the leader of the free world is being described as a pre-pubescent child with a crush on an older, more powerful person. What the consequences are.”

“It’s not simply that Donald knew that by fulfilling his father’s demands to be the quote, unquote killer, to be the successful one, it was understanding what would happen to him if he failed to do those things because he had an object lesson in my father, who was quite literally destroyed by his inability to fill the role my grandfather required of him,” she added.

Donald Trump is obsessed with Putin. And that alone means he’s unfit to serve as president of the United States again.

Donald Trump GOP History The Trump Adminstration

New Survey Ranks Donald Trump As The Worst President In History

While many of us have long believed that Donald Trump will go down in history as the worst president the United States has ever elected, a just released survey from the Presidential Greatness Project suggests that the 45th president is indeed the bottom of the barrel when it comes to American leaders.

Newsweek reports the purpose of the survey was to “create a ranking of presidential greatness that covered all presidents from George Washington to Joe Biden.”

Respondents were asked to rate each U.S. president on a scale of zero to 100 for their “overall greatness,” with zero being failure, 50 being average and 100 being great. The ratings were averaged for each president and then ranked from highest average to lowest.

Lincoln placed first with a 95.03 average, followed by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in at No. 2 with 90.83, George Washington at No. 3 with 90.32, Teddy Roosevelt at No. 4 with 78.58 and Thomas Jefferson at No. 5 with 77.53, the survey results show.

The latest results come from 54 responses from scholars “whose work engages presidential politics” and who are members of the American Political Science Association. The survey was conducted online in November and December of 2023.

Just how badly did Trump do when compared to other U.S. heads of state? So much so that he rated lower than James Buchanan, who consistently ranks near the bottom of similar polls.

Trump received the lowest rating with a 10.92 average, behind James Buchanan at No. 44 with 16.71, Andrew Johnson at No. 43 with 21.56, Franklin Pierce at No. 42 with 24.6, William Henry Harrison at No. 41 with 26.01 and Warren Harding at No. 40 with 27.76, according to the Presidential Greatness Project.

President Joe Biden was ranked in the top third of the list, placing at No.14 with a rating of 62.7.

The new survey also ranks Trump as the “most polarizing” president in the 247 year history of the United States.

In 2019, as he was about to be impeached, Trump proudly declared himself to be the “greatest of all presidents.”

 “‘Not only have the Democrats not advanced key pieces of legislation that would help the economy, but the polls, especially in early states, are showing that voters are tuning out.’ @PeteHegseth They don’t want our greatest of all presidents impeached!”

Greatest of all presidents? Not even close.