Capitol Insurrection Congress January 6 Social Media WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Tweets Out A Disgusting Threat At Cassidy Hutchinson

Near then end of today’s January 6 House Select Committee hearing, we learned that there have been efforts to exert influence on witnesses who appear before the panel.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), who serves as vice chair of the committee, announced:

“The easy course is to hide from the spotlight and to deny what happened. We have evidence of one particular practice that raises significant concern.

“Our committee commonly asks witnesses connected to Mr. Trump’s administration or campaign whether they’ve been contacted by any of their former colleagues or anyone else who attempted to influence or impact their testimony.”

Cheney then read one example of a communique that had been sent to a witness:

“What they said to me is, as long as I continue to be a team player, they know I’m on the right team … I’m protecting who I need to protect, you know, I’ll continue to stay in good graces in Trump World. And they have reminded me a couple of times that Trump does read transcripts and just to keep that in mind as I proceeded through my depositions and interviews with the committee.” 

In another example, someone called a witness and said an unnamed person “wants me to let you know that they are thinking about you. He knows you’re loyal, and you’re going to do the right thing when you go in for your deposition.”

Clearly, what Cheney was hinting at was witness tampering, which is a very serious federal crime.

And now we have another example of potential witness tampering, this time aimed directly at today’s star witness, former Trump administration official Cassidy Hutchinson.

The threat aimed at Hutchinson comes from none other than Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who sent this tweet:

“Cassidy Hutchinson lied and the@January6thCmte held a special hearing today to broadcast her lies. In ‘23, every single one of them need to be held accountable for what they are putting Pres Trump, his admin, & Republicans through on the people’s dime.

“Enough of this.”

Be sure and note the reference Greene made to a tweet from right-wing lugnut Jack Posobiec, which suggests that Trump couldn’t have possibly reached into the front seat of the limo the way Hutchinson alleged.

However, neither Posobiec or Greene paying very close attention, as another person reminded them regarding the limo:

Let’s not forget just how rich it is that Greene is accusing someone of lying, something both she and Donald Trump do more often then they exhale.

And then there’s the matter of Greene requesting a pardon from Trump as he was preparing to leave office. Who needs a pardon? A guilty person, and thanks to Cassidy Hutchinson we know that Greene and others Republicans in Congress were begging to be pardoned.

But the threat from Greene to Hutchinson and others can clearly be seen as witness tampering, and she damn sure won’t be getting any pardons before 2025 at the soonest if she’s charged and convicted.

So thanks, Margie. You just provided all the evidence needed to nail your trifling ass to the wall and send you off to prison.

Capitol Insurrection January 6 Melania Trump

Former Trump Administration Press Secretary Reminds Melania She Also Played A Role In January 6

Thanks for former Trump administration official Cassidy Hutchinson, we learned a great deal from today’s public hearing of the January 6 House Select Committee, especially about failed, one-term former president Donald Trump’s actions on that fateful day.

The Washington Post summed up the bombshells from today’s testimony:

  • Hutchinson testified that Trump was informed that his supporters were in D.C. armed to the teeth
  • Trump attempted to choke a member of his Secret Service detail when the agent refused to let the ex-president march to the Capitol
  • Trump didn’t want to call off the rioters

We also heard testimony about what Ivanka, Eric, and Donald Trump Jr. were saying as the riot took place. According to Hutchinson, they wanted their father to urge protesters to leave the Capitol. However, he waited hours before finally doing so.

What about Melania Trump, the former first lady? Well, while Hutchinson didn’t mention her, former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham certainly did, and her reminder to Melania said more than hours of testimony from any witness.

That first message was from Grisham on January 6. The one-word response, “No,” was the reply from Melania. That’s how concerned she was.

For years now, we’ve all heard how classy and wonderful Melania Trump. But she isn’t. She’s a grifting piece of fecal matter just like her husband. Hell, that’s probably why she married him! They’re two peas in a proverbial pod.

Remember the “Be Best” initiative Melania started while she was first lady? Too bad she didn’t bother to take her own advice and give a damn when people were being killed on Jan. 6.

Capitol Insurrection Congress GOP January 6

Secrecy Around Today’s Jan. 6 Hearing Due To ‘Massive Security Threats’ Related To Marjorie Greene: Report

If you were wondering why the January 6 House Select Committee has been so very hush-hush about its last-minute hearing later this afternoon, we now know that it has something to do with “massive security threats” related to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), according to Jacqueline Alemany of the Washington Post.

Alemany was a guest on MSNBC this morning and revealed what she had learned from sources on Capitol Hill regarding Cassidy Hutchinson, a former aide to White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, who will testify today and why there’s so much cloak and dagger from the Jan. 6 panel:

“We have heard actually that some of the, as you just read, that the reason why her testimony has been so closely guarded is because of massive security threats in the last hearing. She did say, reveal, that [Rep.] Marjorie Taylor Greene, she heard Marjorie Taylor Greene asked for a pardon, and you can only imagine what that does in terms of elevating her name and potentially causing far-right extremists to levy some of these credible threats that have come her way.”

Greene wasn’t the only Republican who was seeking a pardon in the final days of the Trump administration. The others we know about thanks to Hutchinson are Reps. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Mo Brooks (R-AL), Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), and Scott Perry (R-PA).

Alemany also compared Hutchinson’s Tuesday testimony to a well-known figure from the Watergate scandal which led to the resignation of Richard Nixon:

“We have had people previously tell us that if there is anyone going to be the John Dean of this investigation, Cassidy Hutchinson is the person who is the most likely to be that person in terms of her access to the top figures in Trump’s orbit and her proximity to the former president and what she was able to overhear, the people in and out of the Oval Office on Jan. 6. But it is important to note we’re not sure there’s another witness corroborating her testimony today. There was clearly a sensitivity and urgency to her testifying today, and you’ve got to think that it’s in part due to the security concerns, but also because they’re worried she might potentially back out. This is not a small thing for this individual to come forward, put her career on the line.”

The Post reporter concluded by noting:

“Obviously she’s being compelled, there are subpoenas at play. Several individuals like Bill Stepien who didn’t appear were subpoenaed to appear, but this is a big thing for her. She’s in her 20s, she’s a young person with, you know, little institutional support in terms of the other people she used to work with cooperating with this investigation.”

Abortion Ivanka Trump

Former Friend Says Ivanka Trump Had An Abortion In High School

The majority of Americans think a woman should have the legal right to end a pregnancy if she chooses to, and the numbers are pretty overwhelming.

NPR recently reported that fully three-quarters of those surveyed wanted to keep Roe v. Wade in place, and yet the Supreme Court overturned the precedent which had been set by the high court almost five decades ago in 1973:

A total of 77% say the Supreme Court should uphold Roe, but within that there’s a lot of nuance — 26% say they would like to see it remain in place, but with more restrictions added; 21% want to see Roe expanded to establish the right to abortion under any circumstance; 16% want to keep it the way it is; and 14% want to see some of the restrictions allowed under Roe reduced. Just 13% overall say it should be overturned.

Be sure and read that last line carefully: Only 13% said Roe should be overturned. 77% percent wanted it upheld. That’s about as overwhelming as it gets when it comes to public opinion polls in a nation as divided as the United States.

Who else thought abortion was just fine? Based on what a former friend is saying, Ivanka Trump had no problem with abortion when she became pregnant in high school, according to a startling report from

A former friend of Ivanka Trump has taken to social media to claim that she supported her in getting an abortion when she was younger.

In the since-deleted tweet, Lauren Santo Domingo, a high school friend of Ivanka’s, claimed to have taken Ivanka, first daughter of former President Donald Trump and former senior White House Adviser, to get the alleged abortion.

The 46-year-old businesswoman and socialite also called out Ivanka for staying silent on abortion rights.

“Ivanka Trump you are noticeably quiet today,” Domingo’s tweet read.

“The high school friends who took you to get an abortion are not.”

It’s perfectly fine that Ivanka saw herself in need of an abortion and was able to do so legally and safely. What’s galling is the hypocrisy of her and others in the Trump family who try to act holier-than-thou even though more than a few of them (i.e. her father and her oldest brother, Don Jr.) have cheated on their wives and probably paid for dozens of abortions over the years.

The hypocrisy is what ticked off most people who commented on the revelation about Ivanka.

Abortion Supreme Court

Samuel L. Jackson Shreds ‘Uncle Clarence’ Thomas For His Ruling To Overturn Roe v. Wade

Actor Samuel L. Jackson has had quite enough of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and he’s making it clear that Thomas has jeopardized his own interracial marriage with his ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade.

HuffPost reports that Jackson vented his feelings on Twitter:

The same rationale the conservative court employed to reverse the 1973 decision on abortion rights could now be used to eliminate the right to same-sex marriage, contraception and interracial marriage, which was protected in the 1967 Loving v. Virginia ruling, lawmakers and scholars fear.

Jackson bashed Thomas as “Uncle Clarence” in a Friday night tweet, referring to the excessively servile Black character in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s pre-Civil War novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.”

“How’s Uncle Clarence feeling about Overturning Loving v Virginia??!!”

Loving v. Virginia was also based on the right of privacy, but conservatives on the high court have now decided that none of us have any privacy since that right isn’t specifically laid out in regard to abortion, contraception, same-sex marriage, or even interracial marriage:

In a solo concurring opinion Friday, Thomas suggested that the court should “correct the error” by withdrawing granted rights now protected under the “substantive due process clause” of the 14th Amendment.

Thomas, however, didn’t bother to mention marriage between adults of different races, probably because he’s married to a white woman and overturning Loving would make his marriage null and void, as many others pointed out as they discussed the blatant hypocrisy in what Thomas wrote in his opinion to overturn Roe, which has stood for nearly 50 years:

Jim Obergefell, the plaintiff behind the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling on same-sex marriage, said Friday that Thomas omitted Loving v. Virginia on his list of top court decisions to “reconsider” because it “affects him personally.”

That “affects him personally, but he doesn’t care about the LGBTQ+ community,” Obergefell said on MSNBC’s “The Reid Out.”

Jackson got plenty of support from others on Twitter, too: