Donald Trump Fox News GOP

Weepy Lindsey Graham Begs Fox Viewers To Give Money To Trump’s Legal Defense Fund

If you see the name of Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) trending on social media this morning, it’s because he made a complete jackass of himself during an appearance on Sean Hannity’s show Thursday evening.

Graham was discussing the indictment of disgraced ex-president Donald Trump by a Manhattan grand jury with the Fox News host when he got all weepy and started begging viewers to send cash to the failed one-term, twice-impeached former president for his legal defense.

His eyes red as if he’d been crying and at times slurring his words, Graham whined:

“They’re trying to destroy Donald Trump because they fear him at the ballot box. To the conservatives out there, make sure you vote if you got friends, make sure they vote. If you don’t have any friends, go make some friends but you need to help this man, Donald J. Trump. They’re trying to drain him dry; he’s spent more money on lawyers than most spend on campaigns. They’re trying to bleed him dry. — go tonight, give the president some money to fight this bullshit. This is going to destroy America”


Graham’s plea was mocked by “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough Friday morning on MSNBC:

“I’ve got to say, that Lindsey Graham moment? He’s tearing up. Lindsey knows what a bad man Donald Trump is. Lindsey is the one who said, ‘if we make him our nominee, he’ll destroy the Republican party and we deserve it.'”

Scarborough added:

“Lindsey almost crying there — that reminded me of Oral Roberts climbing up into his tower in the ’80s, saying, ‘Give me $3 million or I’m not coming down from this tower.'”

Graham also got thoroughly mocked on Twitter.

By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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