Donald Trump Elections

The Reason Trump Is Campaigning In Dark Blue States Should Worry Every American Voter

Over the next week, Donald Trump will hold campaign rallies in three states that are longtime Democratic strongholds: California, Colorado, and New York.

Why would a candidate seeking to win a national election waste resources and time in states that have been dark blue for decades and are trending further to the left yearly?

According to an illuminating article from Heather Digby Parton in Salon, it appears Trump is chasing crowds to satisfy his massive ego and give the appearance that he’s winning, even though most polls show otherwise.

Parton cites this comment from a Trump adviser as proof:

“Choosing high-impact settings makes it so the media can’t look away and refuse to cover the issues and the solutions President Trump is offering. We live in a nationalized media environment and the national media’s attention on these large-scale, outside-the-norm settings increases the reach of his message across the country and penetrates in every battle ground state.”

Trump is an egomaniac. We’ve always known that. But there could also be darker forces at work behind the scenes that involve Republican plans to steal the 2024 election even if Vice President Kamala Harris winds up winning more votes than the disgraced ex-president.

All of this is to say that Trump seems to have a Plan B in mind if he loses the election again and he wants to make sure he’ll have a Republican House and Senate on January 6, 2025 just in case they want to contest the transfer of power again. It’s almost as if he’s looking forward to it.

Remember, his campaign manager Chris LaCivita made it clear that they were prepared to contest all the way. He said, “It’s not over until he puts his hand on the Bible and takes the oath…. It’s not over on Election Day. It’s over on Inauguration Day, ‘cause I wouldn’t put anything past anybody.” I assume the Democrats understand this and are prepared for everything, right?

If the GOP manages to maintain control of Congress, they would then have the power to refuse certification of the vote and throw the election into the House of Representatives, which would choose the next president. And if the House and Senate remained in GOP hands, that would mean Republicans would no doubt choose Trump, despite what voters have said with their ballots.

The 2024 would be stolen. But legally, and likely with the blessings of the Supreme Court, which would cite the Constitution as mandating the electing of the head of state by Congress. Yes, that would disenfranchise millions of voters, but the high court did exactly that in 2000 when they handed the White House to George W. Bush.

What we need is a genuine Blue Wave, an overwhelming show of support for Kamala Harris and Democrats up and down the ballot that cannot be denied or overturned without the risk of a national uprising. We cannot risk letting a far-right Supreme Court install Trump. The power is in our hands, but we have to use it.

By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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