Congress GOP

Petition May Keep Boebert And Greene From Being Seated When Congress Convenes In January

A petition filed Friday by two progressive advocacy groups could keep three Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives — Reps. Lauren Boebert (CO), Paul Gosar (AZ), and Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA) from being seated when the new Congress convenes in January due to their vocal support for the January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection.

Free Speech for People and MoveOn filed the petition, which cites the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. That amendment bars anyone from Congress who has sworn to preserve, protect, and defend the nation but then “engaged in insurrection or rebellion.”

As of Saturday morning, over 68,000 people have signed the petition, which states, Reps. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.), and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) “are ineligible to hold future public office, having voiced support for and helped facilitate the deadly insurrection on our nation’s Capitol on January 6th, 2021.”

The petition continues:

Publicly available evidence establishes that Rep. Paul Gosar helped facilitate the insurrection, before, during, and after January 6, 2021. Not only was he among a handful of Congress members who expressed vocal support for the insurrection as it was happening , but, according to news reports, Gosar went so far as to offer organizers of the pre-attack demonstration a “blanket pardon” in connection with unrelated criminal investigations, encouraging what would no doubt be an illegal act of violence.

In the weeks leading up to January 6, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene publicly stated that violence might be necessary to keep Trump in power, exhorted her followers not to allow Congress to transfer power peacefully, and, the night before the attack, called the date “our 1776 moment” (a codeword used by violent extremists to refer to an attack on government buildings). Greene has since attempted to defend the violence on January 6 as justified by the Declaration of Independence, calling convicted participants in the insurrection “political prisoners of war.” In December 2022, she bragged that “if” she had organized the attack, “we would have won. Not to mention, it would’ve been armed.”

Rep. Lauren Boebert echoed Greene’s coded sentiments during the insurrection, tweeting, “Today is 1776.” She was billed as a speaker for the pre-attack Capitol protest, though she did not speak. Three days prior to the insurrection, Boebert released an ad featuring herself walking through federal buildings while brandishing a firearm, pledging to carry a handgun in the Capitol despite D.C. laws banning open carry. In addition, two January 6th organizers told Rolling Stone of “dozens” of planning meetings with Boebert and several other Congress members in the days leading up to the insurrection.

The petition follows action taken Friday by more than 40 congressional Democrats who introduced legislation to bar failed former president Donald Trump from holding office again, also citing the insurrection clause of the 14th Amendment.

Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI), lead sponsor of the bill that would keep Trump from serving in office again, explained:

“Donald Trump very clearly engaged in an insurrection on January 6, 2021 with the intention of overturning the lawful and fair results of the 2020 election. You don’t get to lead a government you tried to destroy.”

Elections GOP

Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims Herschel Walker Lost Because She Didn’t Campaign For Him

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) says she’s insulted that the campaign of losing Georgia GOP Senate candidate Herschel Walker didn’t ask her to campaign more for him in the Peach State.

Speaking with former Trump administration adviser/convicted felon Steve Bannon on Wednesday, Greene declared that Walker’s loss to incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock (D) in Tuesday’s runoff election was a “disaster in Georgia.”

“This is for Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham and the rest of the Republican senators; you guys are the reasons why we are losing Republican races all over the country. And this is your third loss in my home state. So, let me inform you on behalf of Georgia, this is your third strike and you’re out!”

Then Greene whined about the Walker campaign not utilizing her more, as if someone as controversial, divisive, and downright disgusting as her would have helped Walker would have changed a single vote in Georgia.

“I was never asked very often by the Herschel Walker campaign to come speak at any of his campaign events. They only asked me to maybe two I think. Two or three in my own district when he was campaigning all over the state, running for Senate. But they only asked me a couple of times in my own district, which I find extremely insulting.”

She added:

“The audacity and really frank rudeness of the campaign consultants and Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham where they thought, you know, we’re going to keep Marjorie Taylor Greene away from Herschel Walker and we don’t need her voice at his campaign rallies and events where we’re campaigning all over the state, I think is really a major mistake and an insult to me and insult to people who support me and Republicans all over Georgia.”

Yeah, if only Walker had utilized Greene more, he could have lost by 10 points and they would have made the perfect one-two punch of Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber.

Here’s the video from Bannon’s podcast:

Congress GOP

Former RNC Chair Warns: ‘Marjorie Taylor Greene Will Be The Most Powerful Speaker Of The House’

For almost a month now, as it became clear that Republicans would indeed win a narrow majority giving them control of the House of Representatives, there’s been endless chatter about who might be the next Speaker of the House.

The name most frequently mentioned is that of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), but many conservatives say they cannot support him because he’s not right-wing enough or willing to bend to their extremist will.

Surprisingly, Georgia GOP Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene says she supports McCarthy, which has confounded some pundits since she’s also a hardcore right-wing nutjob.

But according to former Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele, whoever winds up as Speaker will have to give a great deal of their power to Greene.

Appearing on MSNBC Friday, Steele noted:

“The media and others still want to focus on the man and, you know, what he’s trying to do, what he’s trying to say — we’re past that. I’m now looking at where the party leadership is trying to move itself, and the more telling thing for me was not the dinner that Donald Trump had with [Nick] Fuentes and Kanye [West]. It was the lack of response from political wannabes, who want to be president, the governor of Florida, which I still don’t think he’s put a statement out on that. The leadership of the party, ‘Oh, we don’t like antisemitism,’ without saying that the anti-Semitic former president is the case to be made against, and to draw that very bright line and say this is not who we are, nor is it who we want to be.”

Then came the warning about Greene:

“That small fraction of the party still has political, financial and other sway and control over the leadership. Marjorie Taylor Greene will be the most powerful Speaker of the House because she will have the opportunity to control what comes out of Kevin’s mouth around the things that matter to that small cadre.”

A panelist asked Steele if he thought Greene might actually wind up being Speaker, to which he responded:

“I just call the thing what it is.You call it shadow, I call it the thing. It’s the job, because what you can’t make that separation, when she is — you’re dragging her to your events and propping her up, telling her we’re going to put you back in committee, we’re going to give you a powerful leadership role. Come on.”

GOP Social Media WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Humiliates Herself With An Idiotic Question About Public Health And Underwear

Using her recently restored personal Twitter account, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) decided she would prove her massive ignorance of public health, disease, and coronavirus with a posting in which she compared wearing a mask to prevent COVID to donning a pair of underwear in an effort to stop a fart.

Yes, really. She actually tried to equate the two. See for yourself.

“So many people still wearing masks. I just want to ask you. If a pair of underwear, really thick ones, high quality cotton, can’t protect you from a fart, then how will a mask protect you from covid??”

Greene claims to be unvaccinated and has repeatedly railed against the COVID vaccine and mask mandates, even though both have been shown to greatly reduce the risk of contracting the virus and minimizing the symptoms if one does contract COVID.

That was all it took for others on Twitter to mock the Georgia Republican, with many reminding her that she knows as much about medicine, disease, and prevention as a slab of concrete.


Capitol Insurrection Congress GOP January 6 Melania Trump

Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Melania Trump Is ‘Just Sick’ That People Are In Jail For Jan. 6

According to the always unreliable Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), former First Lady Melania Trump is “just sick” that some of the January 6 defendants remain behind bars.

Speaking with former Trump administration adviser and convicted felon Steve Bannon, Greene noted that she had seen postings on Twitter where people were angry that disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump didn’t pardon those arrested for the Capitol insurrection.

“I thought, this is ridiculous; they’re lying about him. People are lying about him. The very idea that he could have pardoned all the Jan. 6 defendants before he left the White House on Jan. 20 is impossible because the high majority of those people weren’t even arrested until after he left office!”

Greene added:

“And he didn’t even know them! He had no idea who they are. He doesn’t know who they are still. He had nothing to do with what they did on Jan. 6, um, so it would have been impossible for him to magically know how to find these people and pardon them.”

Not to worry, Greene continued, because the last time she was at Mar-a-Lago she gave Donald and Melania a full report on those who are incarcerated for trying to overthrow the U.S. government, making them guilty of sedition and domestic terrorism.

“President Trump and Melania were both just sick over what they learned. And he said over and over that he will — he will pardon the Jan. 6 defendants.”

The congresswoman ended her fact-free rant by remarking:

“This is real political persecution. And it shouldn’t be happening in America and so the criticism on President Trump is ridiculous!”

Trump will never again be elected president, so how exactly is he going to pardon anyone? He could have easily issued a blanket pardon for anyone who had been arrested in connection with Jan. 6, but he didn’t. Why? Because he doesn’t give a diddly damn about anyone but himself. And neither does Melania.

Here’s the video of Greene’s rantings: