Congress GOP Social Media WTF?!

‘Jewish Space Lasers’ Greene Thought She’d Wish Jews A Happy Purim – BIG Mistake

For some reason known only to her, Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene decided she’d send out Purim greetings to Jews via Twitter, but it didn’t take long before she likely realized that had been a really bad idea.

Here’s the tweet:

Purim, it should be noted, commemorates a story from the Biblical Book of Esther in which Queen Esther was able to thwart a plan that would have completely destroyed the Jews who were living in ancient Persia at the time. The holiday began Monday and ends this evening.

Greene would seem to be the last person who should wish anyone anything on any Jewish holiday. After all, she’s the same person who also:

  • Suggested that Jewish space lasers were to blame for wildfires in the United States
  • Appeared at a rally in 2022 with white nationalist Nick Fuentes, who has said the Holocaust didn’t occur
  • Has advocated that the Republican Party be the party of Christian nationalism

And now Greene wants to make nice with the Jewish community? People weren’t buying what she was selling, and they let her know what a putz she is.

Congress GOP

MT Greene Whines She Was ‘Attacked’ By An ‘Insane’ Woman And Gets Reminded Of Her Own Disgusting Behavior

Karma paid a visit to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), and she decided she’d share the details with the internet in search of sympathy, but instead she got reminded of her own hateful actions.

Greene complained about an incident she claims took place at a restaurant.

“I was attacked in a restaurant tonight by an insane women and screamed at by her adult son. They had no respect for the restaurant or the staff or the other people dining or people like me who simply have different political views. They are self righteous, insane, and completely out of control. I was sitting at my table, working with my staff, and never even noticed these people until they turned into demons. People used to respect others even if they had different views. But not anymore. Our country is gone.”

Of course, this is the very same Marjorie Taylor Greene who screamed “liar!” at President Joe Biden during his State of the Union Address earlier this month.

Greene has also been known to confront and attack anyone who disagrees with her on the issue of guns and gun control, going so far as to stalk and harass mass shooting survivor David Hogg.

More recently, Greene has called for a “national divorce” that would split the United States into red and blue states, suggesting that such a plan is the only way to avoid a second civil war.

Twitter users slammed Greene for her whining and reminded her of her own disgusting behavior over the years.

Congress GOP

James Carville Slams Marjorie Taylor Greene And The GOP As ‘White Trash’

Longtime Democratic strategist James Carville has had enough of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and her ilk, especially in light of their infantile jeering at this year’s State of the Union Address, telling MSNBC host Ari Melber that Greene and those like her are “white trash.”

“Well, you know, I told people I have a PhD in white trashology, you saw real white trash on display. Let me say something about congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. She dresses like white trash. She really needs a fashion consultant. I recommend George Santos. He could do a good job of dressing up where she doesn’t announce her white trashdom by her own clothes.”

Carville then took a flamethrower to the entire GOP:

“First of all, their lust for cutting Social Security and Medicare is well documented. Newt Gingrich shut the government down and got defeated in the end. We know that George W. Bush tried to privatize Social Security and Medicare. we know when Paul Ryan was Speaker and John Boehner — they did everything they could to cut Social Security and Medicare. We know that that is their objective.”

The Republican Party, Carville added, is trashy:

“President Joe Biden is 1000% right on this, and he’s right to press ahead, and I thought he had a great night last night. It’s just — the level of white trashdom in the Republican Party is staggering. I mean, for somebody that has observed it for a long time, like I have, I’ve never seen it manifest itself on a level that it’s manifesting itself.”

Before the interview ended, Carville also singled out Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert:

“You cannot do anything to have low-quality people — Lauren Boebert met her husband when — allegedly according to the police report, he exposed himself to her at a bowling alley. This is not made-up stuff. This is who they are! And even McCarthy, as gutless and spineless as he is, knew that they walked right into the trap. It’s unbelievable.”


Congress GOP Social Media WTF?!

Unhinged MT Greene Rages At Former Twitter Executive – ‘You Violated Me!’ – During House Hearing

Fresh off her hateful heckling of President Joe Biden during Tuesday evening’s State of the Union Address, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) used a hearing of the House Oversight Committee today to vent her spleen, accusing a former Twitter executive of violating her for suspending her account in 2022 when she shared false information about COVID.

Ostensibly, the hearing was to discuss the alleged suppression of a story about Hunter Biden by Twitter, but it soon became clear that Greene wanted to celebrate Festivus early this year and air her grievances at Twitter’s former Global Head of Trust & Safety, Yoel Roth.

“You didn’t shadow ban or permanently ban my Democrat opponent. No, you did that to me. And that was wrong, and it was against the law. It’s not only me that you violated my First Amendment rights; you violated countless conservative Americans.
“Guess what? I’m so glad that you’re censored now, and I’m so glad you’ve lost your job. Thank God Elon Musk bought Twitter.”

If Greene had bothered to actually read and understand the U.S. Constitution and its 27 amendments, she’d know the First Amendment only applies to government suppression of free speech, not to private companies or platforms.

Holding up posters of her banned tweets, Greene continued to rage:

“You violated me! You called that COVID misinformation. By the way, I’m a member of Congress, and you’re not.”

After Greene had finished having her hissy fit, Democratic Congressman Jimmy Gomez of California asked Roth why Greene had been suspended from Twitter in the first place, to which Roth replied:

“Her personal account was banned from Twitter after repeated written notices due to repeated violations of Twitter rules. The congresswoman repeatedly violated Twitter’s policies about sharing misinformation about Covid-19. She received multiple written warnings about that conduct.”

When Greene tried to speak again (even though her time had expired), Gomez reiterated what Roth had just said:

“The gentle lady from Florida was suspended for knowingly and consistently spreading conspiracy theories about COVID-19 vaccines, right, which is shameful, shameful, especially in a pandemic where millions have lost their lives.”

Has anyone checked to make sure that Margie’s had her annual rabies vaccination?

Capitol Insurrection Congress GOP January 6

WATCH Jamie Raskin Destroy Marjorie Taylor Greene For Continuing To Defend Jan. 6 Rioters

During a meeting of the House Rules Committee on Tuesday, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) chastised Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) for claiming that the “major civil rights issue” facing the country is the pro-Trump rioters who have been criminally charged and incarcerated for taking part in the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Raskin noted that Greene is blind to the mistreatment of those who live in Washington, D.C. and instead whines about “MAGA insurrectionists who are in jail for assaulting officers, interfering with a federal proceeding, and engaging in seditious conspiracy.”

The Maryland Democrat added that House Republicans would love to “turn the clock back on D.C.’s home rule power and relive the glory days when Washington was run like a colony by some racist Dixiecrats out of the House district committee.”

He finished his verbal destruction of Greene and her GOP colleagues by remarking:

“Today, it’s the GOP that is determined to put the people of Washington in their place … attacking Washington not just for its local voting rights policies and criminal justice code, but for its gun safety policies, for its defensive abortion rights and LGBTQ rights, its decriminalization of marijuana, and dozens of other issues potentially headed to the House floor.”

Raskin is absolutely right about House Republicans and their colleagues in the Senate who are still trying to minimize what took place on Jan. 6. To hear them tell it, the rioting was “legitimate political speech” and no one should be punished for taking part in the attack on the Capitol.