Congress GOP Kevin McCarthy

McCarthy’s Constituents Trash Him As He Retires: ‘Don’t Let The Door Hit You On The Way Out’

As he prepares to leave Congress and head back to the California district he’s represented since 2007, Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy may be anticipating that he’ll be well-received by his constituents.

But based on a fascinating report from Andrew Gumbel of The Guardian, many residents of the district — the largest city of which is Bakersfield — aren’t exactly eager to see McCarthy back in in their midst.

“If you went through the wringer he went through, I suspect there’s a little humiliation, a little embarrassment. Maybe he’s licking his wounds and wants to go off into the sunset,” said Greg Perrone, president of the Greater Bakersfield Republican Assembly, an activist group that hews to McCarthy’s right. “Still, I’m a little disappointed that he didn’t finish the term that he was elected to serve. That’s not what we expect from our elected leaders.”

Consider some of the letters to the editor of The Bakersfield Californian, many of which are filled with stinging rebukes of McCarthy, including calling him quitter for retiring early.

“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, Kevin,” two of them wrote last week. One added: “You haven’t represented us in a very long time.”

Even Bakersfield mayor Karen Goh gave McCarthy the back of her hand, saying she was “too busy” to provide even a brief quote regarding the former speaker.

Some in the district complain that McCarthy has never been interested in their needs and has instead spent most of his time in other parts of California in an effort to raise fundraising dollars for himself and the GOP, which doesn’t exactly do them any good.

McCarthy’s district, California’s 20th, extends well beyond Bakersfield into the farmlands of Kern and Tulare counties and into the suburbs of Fresno, the largest city in the Central Valley. It was redrawn before the last election to make it more solidly Republican, relieving McCarthy of any significant pressure to fight for his own congressional seat. He scarcely visited during last year’s campaign, focusing instead on raising hundreds of millions of dollars for more competitive districts in California and the rest of the country.

For his part, McCarthy is making it clear he’s still interested in politics on a national level, especially if a future Republican president has a cabinet post that needs to be filled by an insider who has lots of contacts in Congress and can always be counted when it comes time to ask donors to write a check or two for the GOP effort.

Historically, McCarthy will go down as a lesson in the personal greed for power that drove both his rise to the top and the crash that left him as little more than a historical footnote who is only interested in what he can do for himself.

Congress GOP Kevin McCarthy

Kevin McCarthy On Matt Gaetz: Congress Would Benefit ‘Tremendously’ If He’s Expelled

Former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) was asked today if he thought Congress would be better off if Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is expelled from the body and made it clear that he still blames the Florida Republican for his ouster from the top post in the House.

Manu Raju was interviewing McCarthy and asked him directly, “How much would the Republican Party benefit if he were no longer a member of the House, in your opinion?” 

McCarthy replied:

“Oh, tremendously. I mean, people have to earn the right to be here. And I just think from, I mean, he’ll admit to you personally, he doesn’t have a conservative bent in his philosophy and just the nature of what he focuses on.”

So does that mean Gaetz needs to be removed? Raju inquired.

McCarthy: “That’s up to the conference. But I mean, I don’t believe the conference will ever heal if there’s no consequences for the action.”

You may recall that it was Gaetz who led the effort that resulted in McCarthy becoming the first House speaker in U.S. history to be removed from the post, as CNN reported in October.

Gaetz said Monday that he has “enough Republicans” to either push McCarthy from the speakership or make him cut a deal with Democrats to remain in power.

“I have enough Republicans where at this point next week, one of two things will happen. Kevin McCarthy won’t be the speaker of the House, or he’ll be the speaker of the House working at the pleasure of the Democrats. And I’m at peace with either result, because the American people deserve to know who governs them,” he told CNN’s Manu Raju.

Reportedly, the main reason Gaetz wanted McCarthy ousted is because the former speaker refused to put an end to an ongoing House Ethics Committee investigation of Gaetz for alleged drug use and sex with underage girls, both of which could indeed cost him his House seat.

Sounds like McCarthy is now ready for some major payback.


Congress GOP

Nancy Pelosi Uses A Hilarious Hand Gesture To Express Her Disgust With Kevin McCarthy

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) made it clear Wednesday evening exactly what she thinks about how Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is running things in the lower chamber of Congress, and the hand gesture she used to express herself set off laughter on social media.

Speaking with Anderson Cooper, Pelosi noted that the only reason McCarthy agreed to open an impeachment inquiry aimed at President Joe Biden is because he is so terrified of losing the Speaker’s gavel that he has given into every demand made of him by GOP extremists.

“You have to impeach the president or else we’re going to vacate the chair of speaker,” Pelosi said. “You have to shut down government or else we’re going to vacate the chair of speaker. This is not responsible governance, but it’s the chaos on the Republican side.”

Cooper asked if that doesn’t put McCarthy in what can best be called an “impossible situation.”

“Yeah. The incredibly shrinking speakership.”

As she made the comment, Pelosi also made a gesture with her hand that suggested either something being crushed or shriveling up, much like the so-called speakership of Kevin McCarthy.

It didn’t take long for Twitter users to express their delight.

Here’s the full Cooper-Pelosi interview:


Congress GOP

Eric Swalwell Slams Kevin McCarthy To His Face: ‘You Are A P*ssy’

During the GOP-led censure of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) in June, his fellow California Democrat Eric Swalwell let Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) know exactly what he thought about him, and it nearly led to blows on the floor of the House of Representatives, according to a report from The Daily Beast.

Matt Fuller notes, “Democrats stood on the House floor and shouted ‘Shame!’ at their GOP colleagues. As the spectacle was taking place, one of the leaders of the demonstration, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), was standing in the well of the House near the speaker’s podium and delivered some harsh words to his fellow Californian. ‘This is pathetic,’ Swalwell allegedly told McCarthy, who was presiding over the House at the time. ‘You’re weak. You’re a weak man.'”

Fast-forward to the next day, and McCarthy decided he was man enough to confront Swalwell.

McCarthy: “If you ever say something like that to me again, I’m gonna kick the sh*t out of you.

Swalwell: “Are we really gonna do this?”

McCarthy: “Call me a p*ssy again, and I’ll kick your ass.”

Swalwell: “You. Are. A. P*ssy.”

The Speaker has a longstanding contentious relationship with Swalwell and even removed him from the House Intelligence Committee after the GOP narrowly won control of the House in the 2022 midterm elections. Many saw the move as payback for Swalwell’s calls for the two impeachments of failed, disgraced former president Donald Trump.


Fox News Lies GOP Kevin McCarthy

Kevin McCarthy Calls Out Maria Bartiromo For Lying: ‘You’re Saying Things That Are Not True’

We saw something today that millions of us never thought possible: A high-ranking Republican member of Congress went on Fox and actually told the host that she was lying about what she said.

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) was a guest on “Sunday Morning Futures” when the host, Maria Bartiromo, began criticizing him for the debt ceiling bill President Joe Biden signed on Saturday.

“I want to go through some of the criticism of this bill because some people say it really was different,” she whined, complaining that the bill failed to eliminate funding for 87,000 new IRS agents. She also noted that she was upset the GOP didn’t get work requirements for Medicaid recipients.

But McCarthy was having none of it, telling Bartiromo, “Well, that’s not true, Maria. Maria, Maria, you’re saying things that are not true.”

“We repealed the 1.4 billion they would spend on hiring new [IRS] agents this year, so no new agents are being hired,” he added. “This is scored as the largest cut.”

McCarthy also bragged that he was proud of the fact that both Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) voted against the final debt ceiling package.

“Did we get it in everything?” he added. “No, but we got [work requirements] in welfare that puts people back to work, the core of what we looked for.”

A clearly annoyed Bartiromo retorted, “To be clear, the bulk of that money is still in the bill that the president signed.”

“OK, Maria, Maria, pause for one moment,” McCarthy explained. “Maria, pause for one moment. That was already in law. We do not have the Senate. We do not have the presidency. But we just stopped them from hiring any IRS agents.”

How does a Fox host know she’s a lying liar? When then top House Republican tells her to her face.