Capitol Insurrection Congress Donald Trump

Former Prosecutor: Jordan’s Jan. 6 Phone Call With Trump Is A ‘Big Piece’ Of Evidence That Could Sink Both Men

Thanks to some excellent reporting from CNN, we learned Friday that the House Select Committee on the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol now has evidence that failed, one-term former President Donald Trump spoke to his longtime congressional acolyte, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), for 10 minutes on the morning of the attack.

The House select committee investigating the Capitol insurrection is now in possession of White House records that provide new details about a phone call Donald Trump made to Republican Rep. Jim Jordan on January 6, 2021 — as the investigation drills down on the former President’s communications that day and questions have long swirled around calls between him and lawmakers.

Two sources who have reviewed the call records tell CNN that Trump spoke on the phone at the White House residence with Jordan for 10 minutes on the morning of January 6. That afternoon, Jordan took to the House floor to object to the certification of President Joe Biden’s Electoral College win, and pro-Trump supporters attacked the US Capitol.

Jordan has so far refused to cooperate with the Jan. 6 committee, and it remains unclear if he will be subpoenaed for his testimony.

But according to former federal prosecutor Harry Litman, the call itself could wind up being a key to sinking both the Ohio Republican and ex-president.

Appearing on CNN, Litman was asked by host Amara Walker:

“We know that Congressman Jim Jordan spoke with President Trump for ten minutes. That afternoon he went to object to the certification of Biden’s Electoral College win. Do you think a subpoena will be enough for Jordan to speak to the committee and reveal what was said on that call?”

Litman replied:

“Short answer is no. And by the way, you’re right. just for the listeners, the records the committee have just say how long the call was, they don’t have the context. The people who could give that? Jim Jordan and Donald Trump but they both can have confidence that there will be a conspiracy of silence.”

Litman then added:

“But it’s significant. Because he’s been all over the lot and very squirrely about it with one exception. He said categorically, ‘I never talked to him in the morning.’ So this puts the lie to it. As you say that really matters because it is in advance of the whole riot and rally that Trump undertook.

“So it is a big piece of evidence. A prosecutor’s head would be going off like crazy given all the squirreliness like before, but I don’t think a subpoena will work against Jordan unless and until they go to court for it.”

All of the pieces are falling into place that will eventually provide the roadmap necessary to charge Trump and his co-conspirators for their role in the Capitol insurrection. And keep in mind that the committee has seen evidence we haven’t. That information will be handed over to the Justice Department along with a criminal referral specifying what crimes the committee believes were committed by Jordan and others.

Hang in there. It’s all about to be laid in front of the American people when the committee’s public hearings begin in March.

Capitol Insurrection Congress GOP Social Media

Jim Jordan Slammed As A ‘Dirty Traitor’ For Refusing To Comply With House 1/6 Committee

After declaring that he has “nothing to hide” about what role he may have played in the January 6 Capitol insurrection that left five people dead, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is now refusing to comply with the House Select Committee investigating the incident, which set off a wave of disgust and anger on social media, including suggestions that Jordan’s refusal proves he’s a “dirty traitor.”

The Washington Post reports Jordan made his decision public on Sunday:

In a letter dated Sunday and addressed to the committee’s chairman, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-Miss.), the Ohio Republican and close ally of former president Donald Trump accused the panel, made up of seven Democrats and two Republicans, of playing politics.

“Your attempt to pry into the deliberative process informing a Member about legislative matters before the House is an outrageous abuse of the Select Committee’s authority,” Jordan wrote in the letter, which he posted to his Twitter account Sunday.

It remains unclear if the Jan. 6 committee will now subpoena Jordan, who could be referred to the Justice Department for criminal contempt of Congress if he refuses to obey a subpoena.

In the past, Jordan has insisted he played no role in the Jan. 6 riots:

Jordan said he was unconcerned about the scrutiny. “If they call me, I got nothing to hide,” the far-right lawmaker said in July. In October, during a House Rules Committee hearing, the Ohioan echoed the sentiment, insisting, “I’ve said all along, ‘I have nothing to hide.'”

Jordan’s refusal led many on social media to suggest that he clearly fears telling what he knows because it will incriminate him and others, including failed former President Donald Trump.

Capitol Insurrection Crime

Former Federal Prosecutor: Jim Jordan ‘Committed A Felony’ With His Text Message To Mark Meadows

Now that we know Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) forwarded a text message to then-White House Chief of Staff urging Mike Pence to reject some of the Electoral College votes when Congress was in joint session in January 6, 2021, it would appear that Jordan could be facing serious legal consequences for the role he played in the Capitol insurrection.

When news of Jordan’s text message to Meadows was revealed on Tuesday, Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) called Jordan a “traitor to the Constitution.” And he stood by that comment during an appearance on MSNBC Friday, remarking:

“As a matter of fact, he’s more dangerous than the yahoos, because he actually has access to power, access to information, and actually knows the process of how to stall democracy.”

Former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner agreed with Gallego, saying that Jordan is indeed a traitor:

“What Jim Jordan did by forwarding that text was to obstruct an official proceeding, and that statute, which is a 20-year felony, says if you actually obstruct, or you attempt to obstruct, or you endeavor to impede an official congressional proceeding like the electoral vote count, you’ve committed the federal felony of obstructing an official proceeding. That is what Jim Jordan did.”

Jordan needs to be indicted, prosecuted and put in prison if he’s found guilty. That’s what needs to happen to all of the traitors who tried to overthrow the elected government of the United States on Jan. 6.

Capitol Insurrection Donald Trump GOP

Michael Cohen Trolls Jim Jordan As January 6 Committee Focuses On Congressman’s Text Messages

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is under increased pressure and scrutiny as it becomes clear that he was one of the government officials who communicated with then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows on the day of the Capitol insurrection back in January.

According to NBC News, Jordan has admitted that he did indeed send at least one text message to Meadows on January 6:

Rep. Jim Jordan’s office confirmed Wednesday that the Ohio Republican was one of the lawmakers whose text messages to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows were released this week by the congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

The acknowledgement comes two days after the Jan. 6 committee made public numerous documents, including text messages, provided to the panel by Meadows. The House committee revealed several text messages sent to Meadows by GOP lawmakers but did not name any of them.

Jordan’s office said Wednesday that the message cited by the panel on Monday was a forwarded text, and that it was truncated by the committee.

“Mr. Jordan forwarded the text to Mr. Meadows and Mr. Meadows certainly knew it was a forward,” Jordan’s spokesman told NBC News on Wednesday.

That report led Michael Cohen, who served for several years as a personal attorney to former President Donald Trump, to troll Jordan on Twitter:

During that hearing in February of 2019, Cohen did indeed warn Jordan that Trump was a “racist,” “a cheat,” and a “con man.”

Jordan is facing a very uncertain bid for reelection next year which is being made even more risky by redistricting in his home state of Ohio.


Congress Domestic Terrorism Elections

Former FBI Official: Jim Jordan Has Backed Himself Into A Corner With The Jan. 6 Select Committee

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is one of the most disgusting people to ever serve in Congress, and it now looks like he’s caught in a no-win situation that could leave both him and his idol, former President Donald Trump, facing criminal charges, according to a former top FBI official.

Frank Figliuzzi is the former assistant director for counterintelligence at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and he says things are about to get much worse for Jordan.

Appearing on “Deadline: White House,” Figliuzzi was asked about the fact that Jordan cannot recall how many times he spoke with Trump on the day of the Capitol insurrection. Figliuzzi replied:

“I think we now know why Nancy Pelosi had to reject Jim Jordan. He is a fact witness and he’s going to get a very complicated future ahead of him. Here is why: First, he claims that he can’t remember how many times on Jan. 6th he called the president or what time of day, that’s easily remedied by simply checking your phone log and checking that date. If he can’t do it, the phone company will be more than happy to supply the select committee with that. That’s going to happen eventually. Next, he’s in a trick bag because if he concedes, as has been reported, that he actually called the president and said, ‘stand this crowd down, they’re inside, it is getting violent, you’ve got to stop them,’ that implies, of course, that he believed Trump controlled the crowd and had the ability to stop or start the crowd.”

That, Figliuzzi noted, is a nightmare for Trump, and it also implicates Jordan as part of a larger conspiracy that could result in federal criminal charges:

“It hurts him because if he thinks the people were violent he goes back home to Ohio and his voter base says, wait a minute, those were patriots, those weren’t violent people. So, he can’t win there either. This gets extremely complicated.”

If we’re lucky, both Jordan and Trump will be destroyed for whatever roles they played in the Jan. 6 riots. And both of them deserve to be charged, tried, and found guilty of sedition and inciting an insurrection. Let the chips fall where they may.