Having been confirmed by the Senate last week to head the Department of Homeland Security, puppy murderer Kristi Noem thought it’d be a good idea to put on a costume and pretend to be some kind of tough “hombre” so she could send the MAGA faithful into orgasmic spasms of pseudo-Nazi delight.
Noem posted a video of herself wearing the vest of an ICE agent as she told viewers, “Here in New York City this morning, we are getting the dirtbags off these streets.”
Of course, the irony of Noem’s video is that if she really wanted to rid the country of dirtbags, she’d have suited up, marched in, and arrested Felon-in-Chief Donald Trump in the Oval Office.
Also, could anyone be a bigger dirtbag than Noem herself, who proudly confessed to killing her family’s dog simply because he didn’t do exactly what she told him to?
In a book published last year, Noem recalled the murder of her pet, as reported by The Guardian.
Cricket the untrainable dog, Noem writes, behaved like “a trained assassin”.
When Noem finally grabbed Cricket, she says, the dog “whipped around to bite me”. Then, as the chickens’ owner wept, Noem repeatedly apologised, wrote the shocked family a check “for the price they asked, and helped them dispose of the carcasses littering the scene of the crime”.
Through it all, Noem says, Cricket was “the picture of pure joy”.
“I hated that dog,” Noem writes, adding that Cricket had proved herself “untrainable”, “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with” and “less than worthless … as a hunting dog”.
“At that moment,” Noem says, “I realised I had to put her down.”
Noem, who also represented her state in Congress for eight years, got her gun, then led Cricket to a gravel pit.
“It was not a pleasant job,” she writes, “but it had to be done. And after it was over, I realised another unpleasant job needed to be done.”
Dirtbag? That would be none other than Kristi Noem, who should rot in perdition for all eternity after what she did to Cricket.
Social media also had some harsh words for Noem.