Donald Trump Elections Viral Video WTF?!

DERP! Trump Goes On Bizarre Rant About How ‘Magnets’ Work During Speech In Iowa

For some reason known only to him, failed one-term former president Donald Trump decided he’d start discussing the subject of magnets and how they work during a Friday campaign rally in Iowa.

In a video shared on Twitter/X, the disgraced ex-head of state tells supporters, “They had an almost billion-dollar cost over on the magnetic elevators. Think of it. Magnets. Now, all I know about magnets is this: Give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets. That’s the end of the magnets.”


Water on a magnet makes it stop working? Um…no.

As a matter of fact, water is almost completely non-magnetic, so magnets work underwater the same as they do in air or in a vacuum. Cold water has absolutely no effect on the field or on the magnet. Hot water, however, can reduce the strength of the magnet and therefore potentially weaken the magnetic field.

As several people pointed out, Trump continues to show signs of serious cognitive decay.

Remember how Trump once called himself a “stable genius”? Clearly, he’s neither.


Donald Trump Elections Viral Video WTF?!

Trump Claims God Sent Him To Save The World In Bizarre New Video

It’s a given that failed former president Donald Trump will go to virtually any lengths to stir his fanatical supporters — many of whom claim to be “Christians” — even though their rabid hatred of anyone the least bit different (i.e. darker skin tone or sexual orientation) certainly doesn’t comport with what Jesus taught regarding loving others.

But a video the disgraced ex-president shared on his financially-strapped Truth Social site may well turn out to be the most disgusting thing he’s ever posted online. And while it should completely alienate his support among evangelical Christians, it’s probably won’t.

The video, according to Mediaite, is an updated version of the “So God Made a Farmer” video made famous by radio host Paul Harvey. Here’s the original:

Trump’s remake, however, suggests that he’s the savior sent to save the world, which is odd since that was supposed to be Christ’s job.

The video begins with this narration:

“And on June 14th, 1946, God looked down on his plan Paradise, and said, I need a caretaker. So God gave us Trump.”

“God said, I need somebody willing to get up before dawn. Fix this country. Work all day. Fight the Marxists. Eat supper. Then go to the Oval Office and stay past midnight. And a meeting of the heads of state. So God made Trump.”

Work all day? That’s a good one! Dotard Don has never “worked” a day in his damn life.

But wait. It gets even more absurd, with the narrator intoning:

“I need somebody with arms strong enough to wrestle the deep state, and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild. Somebody to ruffle the feathers. Tame the cantankerous World Economic Forum. Come home hungry. Have to wait until the First Lady is done with lunch with friends. Then tell the ladies to be sure and come back real soon and mean it. So God gave us Trump.”

“I need somebody who can shape an ax but wield a sword. Who had the courage to step foot in North Korea? Who can make money from the tar of the sand turned liquid to gold? Who understands the difference between tariffs and inflation? We’ll finish this 40 hour week by Tuesday noon, but then put in another 72 hours. So God made Trump.”

Someone get me a barf bag. I’m gonna be sick.

The video concludes with this flourish:

“God said, I need somebody who will be strong and courageous, who will not be afraid or terrified of the wolves when they attack a man who cares for the flock. A shepherd to mankind who will never leave nor forsake them. I need the most diligent worker to follow the path and remain strong in faith and know the belief of God and country. Somebody who is willing to drill, bring back manufacturing and American jobs. Farm the lands. Secure our borders. Build our military. Fight the system all day and finish a hard weeks. Work by attending church on Sunday. And then his oldest son turns and says, God, let’s make America great again, dad. Let’s build back a country to be the envy of the world again. So God made Trump.”

Attend church on Sunday? Problem is, Donald Trump NEVER attends church and never has. He just likes to pretend he’s a believer because it helps obscure the fact that he’s been accused of sexual assault by 26 different women, bragged that he gets off by grabbing women “by the pussy,” and admitted that he had sexual urges for his own daughter, Ivanka when she was only 13.

Here’s Trump’s video, which is deserving of being struck by lightning from above:

It didn’t take long for Twitter/X to explode with mockery and derision in reaction to the God video.

To paraphrase John 11:35, Jesus saw this video and wept.


Crime Donald Trump Elections Supreme Court

Trump Attorney Appears To Threaten Supreme Court Justices On Appeal Of 2024 Ballot Case

Alina Habba is an attorney for failed one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump, and remarks she made Thursday during an appearance on Fox have many suggesting that she was trying to threaten Supreme Court justices who will eventually have to decide whether or not the ex-president can be kept off primary ballots in states this year.

Speaking with Fox host Sean Hannity, according to HuffPost, Habba said, “I think it should be a slam dunk in the Supreme Court. I have faith in them.”

She added:

“You know people like (Supreme Court Justice Brett) Kavanaugh ― who the president fought for, who the president went through hell to get into place ― he’ll step up. Those people will step up. Not because they’re pro-Trump but because they’re pro-law. Because they’re pro-fairness, and the law on this is very clear.”

Habba’s comments raised eyebrows on Twitter/X, with some noting that she was either suggesting a quid pro quo or using threats to get her way with the high court.

Business GOP Social Media

J.D. Vance Tries To Troll Mark Cuban And Gets His A*s Handed To Him

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) found out in short order that if you’re going to go after a public figure such as billionaire Mark Cuban, you’d damn well be certain that the person you troll isn’t better at that sort of online warfare than you are.

The social media back-and-forth began between Vance and Cuban when Cuban tried to explain to a writer for the right-wing “humor” website Babylon Bee that corporations institute DEI (Diversity, equity, and inclusionpolicies because they work and make their employees happier, which means they’re more productive.

That’s when Vance decided to stick his nose where it didn’t belong.

Cuban was more than equal to the challenge laid down by Vance, and he put him in his place by using facts.

Vance has not yet responded to Cuban, and if he has a shred of common sense (which he has yet to demonstrate), he’ll take his online ass kicking and move on to other topics.


Donald Trump Elections

Trump’s Latest Legal Argument Could Disqualify Him From Serving Even If He’s Reelected

A legal filing made this week by attorneys representing failed one-term, twice-impeached, and multiply-indicted ex-president Donald Trump to keep him on the 2024 ballot in Colorado contains odd language that could allow him to run for the presidency but automatically disqualify him from serving even if he wins, according to former U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade.

During an appearance on MSNBC this morning, McQuade was asked by host Mika Brzezinski:

“What are your thoughts on whether the Supreme Court actually takes it, the timing of it, and also how the Trump team created their petition, what they led with versus what Donald Trump is accused of, therefore making him ineligible to be on the ballot?”

“Yes, I think the court will have to take up the case. Whether it decides it on the merits, I think, is another question,” McQuade responded. “I do agree with one of the things he wrote in his brief, which is, this is a matter of significant importance that must be decided urgently. I think that as we see all of these other primaries starting to play out across the country, starting this month, I think it is very important that this issue be resolved.”

She added: “The lead argument that he makes here is one I haven’t heard before. You know, he’s got all the greatest hits in there: the 14th Amendment doesn’t apply to the U.S. president, this wasn’t an insurrection. Even if it was, he didn’t engage in it, all the things we might expect.”

“One he led with that is interesting to me is that the 14th Amendment only bars someone from holding office, not running for office,” McQuade noted. “Therefore, he should be permitted to run, be elected, and only on January 20th of 2025, should it be said, ‘Sorry, folks, he can’t serve.'”

After laughing, McQuade continued, “You know, that sounds like a textualist argument, and maybe the court bites on it, but imagine the absurdity? He can’t serve, so his vice president is the president of the United States. Maybe that’s how we’ll see the court play out.”

“I do think the court is likely to take an off-ramp. A more likely off-ramp, I think, is one that says this is not a justiciable argument, that is, this is a matter for Congress, not the courts to decide. So that might be one that they bite on.”

