Donald Trump

Shocking New Photos Of Trump Tower Show It Almost Empty And Badly In Need Of Repairs

Despite his constant bragging over the decades that he’s a great businessman who is respected as a real estate mogul, Donald Trump is actually as massive failure who inherited millions and then managed to waste most of his inheritance taking risky bets on building projects that later failed miserably.

Trump’s beloved tower that bears his name in Midtown Manhattan is a perfect case in point of just what a failure Donald has been everywhere except in his own badly addled mind.

And now we have photographic evidence that the disgraced ex-president may indeed be on the verge of financial collapse, with the photos showing that Trump Tower is currently on the verge of being empty and in desperate need of repairs.

Nell Scovell of The Daily Beast recently stopped by Trump Tower and was stunned by what she saw, reporting, “With the owner and former president back in residence, you might think they’d spruce up the abutting commercial and retail space. You’d be wrong.”

Just how bad are things going for Trump, who is spending most of his free time at Trump Tower since he’s required in a Manhattan court four or five days a week for his hush money trial? So bad that Scovell suggests the building could easily be considered the “saddest” in all of New York.

“One of the most notable features of Trump Tower is the breath-taking 60-foot waterfall embellishing the eastern wall of the building,” Scovell notes. “Today, it’s notable that there’s no water in the waterfall. And a waterfall without water is just a wall.”

The Trump Cafe is also closed, bearing a sign that reads, “Pardon our appearance.” Plans are for it reopen sometime in May, though a security guard admitted that’s not exactly guaranteed.

Or consider the terraces.

“Both public terraces appear to be permanently closed to the public. The lack of public outdoor spaces may be in violation of a deal with the city which traded additional square footage for these gardens. In the smaller exterior space, what’s visible through the window looks sparse and untended,” Scovell writes, adding, “The large glass doors which once opened up to a second, grander terrace are now mirrored over and locked.”

Oh, and there’s also the trash. And no, that doesn’t mean Trump himself, though he’s certainly among the trashiest human beings to ever trod the planet.

On Tuesday, Trump posted “It was my great honor to welcome former Japanese Prime Minister Tarō Asō—at Trump Tower this evening!”

The backdrop of the marble and brass confers class to the image. Meanwhile, that same day, in another part of Trump Tower, even marble and brass couldn’t hide the trash.

You can see all of Nell Scovell’s Trump Tower photos here.

Donald Trump GOP Trump Supporters

WATCH A Trump Supporter Try (And Fail) To Find The Word ‘God’ In The Constitution

A Trump supporter made a complete fool of herself — on national TV, no less — when she insisted that the name of “God” can be found in the U.S. Constitution when challenged on the issue by a CNN correspondent.

Julian Lightfoot was being interviewed by CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan when she remarked, “The job of the journalist is to ask the questions, allow the person to speak and just report the facts. What was spoken. Would you like for me to pull up the definition of journalists?”

O’Sullivan: “That’s okay, but thank you, Julie.”

The woman then added, “Okay. I have a God-given right to speak my own truth.”

“But there are facts, right?” O’Sullivan inquired.

That’s when Lightfoot began spouting conspiracy theories and lies.

“The facts have shown that the election was stolen. Whether you’re willing to look at that and accept that and really show what’s going on, that’s your issue, not ours.”
“We want the God-Given freedom that our Constitution and our Bill of Rights is based on.”

O’Sullivan: “God-given constitutional rights.”

“Yes,” Lightfoot replied.

 “They’re two different things, right?” O’Sullivan asked.

“No, sir, they’re not! Read. R-E-A-D the Constitution. Read it out loud to yourself so that you hear what the words of the Constitution say.”

“God isn’t mentioned in the Constitution,” O’Sullivan rightly informed the woman.

Lightfoot: “Sir!”

Pulling out her cell phone and bringing up the text of the Constitution on the device, Lightfoot began to read. She could not find “God” in the document. Why? Because it isn’t there and never has been.

As O’Sullivan later told CNN host Jake Tapper, “We found out that God is not mentioned in the Constitution. There’s this conflation between the United States and between the land of the Bible, and it’s because of that that a lot of these folks who are also convinced that the election was stolen, they now view this as a kind of Biblical crusade to steal it back and to save America. So it’s misinformation on top of a very perverse view of patriotism and Christianity.”

Much like the man they worship like a demigod, supporters of Donald Trump aren’t fond of reading. Why? Because most of them are intellectually lazy and would rather be misinformed than have to admit they’re wrong, just like Trump himself.

Elections GOP WTF?!

Kristi Noem Brags She Executed Her Family’s Puppy Because It Was ‘Worthless’

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) is widely considered to be on Donald Trump’s shortlist as his 2024 running mate, but a new book Noem has written may have put the kibosh on her chances of ever being anything more than a GOP footnote.

The book, No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward, Newsweek reports, features a section in which Noem admits she executed the family’s puppy, Cricket, because the dog didn’t obey her commands.

“Cricket was a wirehair pointer, about 14 months old,” Noem reportedly wrote, adding that the dog, a female, had an “aggressive personality” and needed to be trained to be used for hunting pheasant.

She wrote that she took Cricket on a pheasant hunt with older dogs to calm the animal and help it learn how to behave. But on the hunt, Cricket went “out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life.”

Noem said she tried to control Cricket by using an electronic collar, but the dog didn’t respond to the training, so she gunned it down in cold blood.

Cricket escaped Noem’s truck and attacked the family’s chickens, “grabb[ing] one chicken at a time, crunching it to death with one bite, then dropping it to attack another.” This made the chickens’ owner cry and Noem financially renumerated them and helped them clean the mess the dog had made.

“At that moment,” Noem said, “I realized I had to put her down.”

Noem even gives a blow by blow description of how she killed the helpless animal.

The excerpt from Noem’s book set off a wave of anger and revulsion on social media, where she was excoriated as “an utterly callous and despicable woman.”

Congress Donald Trump Supreme Court

Jamie Raskin Slams ‘Partisan’ Right-Wing SCOTUS Justices And Recommends A New Workplace For Them

Like millions of Americans who listened to oral arguments in the Supreme Court yesterday on the issue of presidential immunity, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) said he was stunned that most of the right-wing justices seemed to believe that a president may have total immunity from criminal acts and therefore can act like a dictator and face no consequences.

Appearing on MSNBC’s “The Reid Out,” Raskin was asked by host Joy Reid about how blatantly partisan the six conservative justices sounded as they questioned attorneys for Special Counsel Jack Smith and former president Donald Trump, HuffPost reports.

“Well, they’re politicians who are not even subject to popular election unlike me,” Raskin replied. “They should move the Supreme Court over to the RNC headquarters because they’re acting like a bunch of partisan operatives.”

Focusing on a question from Justice Samuel Alito suggesting that democracy itself could be endangered if a president isn’t allowed to do anything he wants, no matter whether it’s legal or illegal, Raskin noted, “I mean, for all of American history, we’ve said presidents are subject to criminal prosecution if they commit crimes.”

“Now they say, ‘Well, if you’re really mean to Donald Trump and you hold him accountable the way every other American citizen is accountable, then he’ll really overthrow the government, he’ll really bring out the big guns and we can’t afford that.’ And that’s a kind of masochistic, capitulationism to Donald Trump’s authoritarianism.”

The Founding Fathers rebelled against England and King George III in large part because they were disgusted by the idea that one man could be above the law and rule by fiat and whim. It’s why they declared their independence and formed the United States of America.

Now, however, it appears that some on the Supreme Court are ready to give that same dictatorial power to a American head of state. Jefferson, Madison, and Washington must be spinning in their graves.

Donald Trump Elections Joe Biden

Biden Utterly Destroys Trump’s Latest Grift With A Hilarious Biblical Reference

President Joe Biden was in rare form Tuesday as he spoke to supporters in Tampa, and he couldn’t resist taking a few shots at disgraced former president Donald Trump for his role in appointing Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade in June of 2022.

“He described the Dobbs decision as a miracle,” Biden said, referring to the Supreme Court case that overturned Roe Maybe it’s coming from that Bible he’s trying to sell.”

The reference is aimed at Trump’s endorsement of a $60 “God Bless America” Bible he’s hawking in conjunction with country music singer Lee Greenwood.

But what wasn’t all Biden had to say about Trump and the Bible he’s shilling for.

“Whoa! I almost wanted to buy one just to see what the hell’s in it.”

The president then tied Trump directly to abortion now being illegal in 14 states.

“Trump bragged how proud he was to get rid of Roe v Wade. He took credit for it,” Biden said. “He said ‘there has to be punishment’ for women exercising reproductive freedom.”

Biden’s snarky remarks drew plenty of agreement on Twitter.