Crime Donald Trump Elections

New Court Filing From Jack Smith Is The Worst Possible News At The Worst Possible Time For Trump

A filing made late Friday by Special Counsel Jack Smith is terrible news for failed former president Donald Trump, especially since he’s right in the middle of trying to win the 2024 election and doesn’t need more negative publicity with his poll numbers already tanking.

The 10-page filing contains one line in particular which should send a chill up Trump’s spine, Politico reports.

Smith notes in the filing that he is willing to proceeed with the case “promptly at any time the Court deems appropriate,” and it also includes a line that will worry Trump and his attorneys, according to former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner, who appeared on MSNBC to discuss the matter.

“There is one what I would call money line, and it’s on page two,” Kirscher began.

“Here is what I would call the money line: [Smith] says that the government, the prosecutors propose that it will file a brief in which we will explain why immunity does not apply to the categories of allegations in the superseding, the new indictment … ‘or additional unplanned categories of evidence that the government intends to introduce in trial and will put in this brief.'”

“What does that mean?” Kirschner continued. “Jack Smith just said, ‘Judge Chutkan, I’m going to put lots of other information and evidence about Donald Trump’s crimes and conduct so you have it all. So you can make a decision about whether each thing Donald Trump did was official or unofficial, might enjoy immunity, or should not enjoy immunity.'”

While the Supreme Court did indeed give Trump some immunity with a 6-3 ruling handed down in July, Kirschner explained, that immunity isn’t absolute and the high court made it clear individual judges will be left to decide what is covered by presidential immunity.

“What remains to be seen is when will Judge Chutkan say ‘okay, we’re going to litigate this issue. I want the briefs.’ Will they be September, will they be October?” Kirschner said. “Because those briefs, according to what Jack Smith said, are likely to contain a whole bunch of information that the grand jury knows about Donald Trump’s crimes, but that the American people do not yet know about.”

New information and evidence about how Trump allegedly tried to overturn the results of the 2020 election so he could remain in office might prove devastating, especially since voters are already leery of putting Donald back in office.

In other words, the filing from Smith is the worst possible news at the worst possible time and could be what winds up sending Trump to prison for a very long time.

Here’s the video of Kirschner’s MSNBC appearance:


Author Stephen King Responds After Florida Bans 23 Of His Books

It’s safe to say that Stephen King is one of the most well-known and widely read novelists in the world. Many of his books have been made into blockbuster movies, and he has sold more than 400 million copies of his work across the globe.

But if you happen to be a student in Florida, you may never get to read one of King’s books, because the state has just banned 23 of his most famous tomes from schools in the Sunshine State.

King’s books have been pulled from library shelves as the result of a 2022 law passed by the GOP-controlled state legislature and signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), according to Newsweek.

“The decision was driven by complaints from groups like Moms for LibertyRepublicans, including DeSantis, have said the legislation prevents students from obtaining books that are not age-appropriate, but critics view the law as an attempt to stifle discussion about issues including race and the LGBTQ+ community in public schools, raising concerns that this law may censor many topics.”

King is getting support to overturn the 2022 book-banning law from six book publishers, but he also decided to express his own disdain for what’s taking place in Florida in a post on Twitter/X that has been viewed several million times.

Others also joined the online debate and expressed their outrage over the blatant censorship being imposed by Florida.

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris

These 2 Battleground States Will Probably Decide The 2024 Election

Most political pundits and polling experts agree that seven swing states are of tantamount importance to the campaigns of Vice President Kamala Harris and disgraced former president Donald Trump: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

However, the election may be decided in just two of those seven states, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Democratic strategist and former Bill Clinton adviser Doug Sosnik told the Journal that Georgia and Pennsylvania are the two most important “pivot points” in the 2024 race for the White House.

“If Trump can win Pennsylvania or Harris can win Georgia, I think they are then overwhelming favorites to win the election,” Sosnik said. “It’s still possible for Trump to win without Georgia, it’s still possible for Harris to win without Pennsylvania, but it’s a lot more difficult.”

According to reports, strategists inside the Trump camp believe their best chance of victory is to focus on Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. Winning those would secure 271 Electoral College votes, one more than the 270 needed to be named president. That would be the case even if Trump was unsuccessful in carrying Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, and Wisconsin.

Democrats, however, are laser-focused on Georgia and Pennsylvania. If Harris wins them, she would then only need one of the following states — Arizona, Michigan, North Carolina, and Wisconsin — to go her way for her to reach 270.

Based on recent polls, it would seem that Harris has the advantage over Trump in all of the battleground states, as she continues to see her numbers rise while the ex-president loses support, especially among self-identified independent voters and Republicans who vote for President Joe Biden in 2020.

Does the Harris campaign see things that way, too? According to Dan Kanninen, the Harris campaign’s director of battleground states, he expects the battleground states to be “really competitive again this time around,” adding, “We have a record of winning close races in these states—and in Pennsylvania and Georgia, our record is stronger than Team MAGA.”

Donald Trump Elections GOP WTF?!

Trump Urges GOP To Shut Down The Federal Government Just Weeks Before 2024 Election

Perhaps sensing that he’s on the verge of losing the 2024 presidential election in humiliating fashion to Vice President Kamala Harris, failed one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump is now urging his Republican allies to shut down the federal government shortly before voters go to the polls in November.

Speaking with Monica Crowley on her podcast, HuffPost reports, Trump insisted that the GOP needs to either force Democrats to support legislation barring non-US citizens from voting or refuse to pass funding that would keep the government open.

“I would shut down the government in a heartbeat if they don’t get it and if they don’t get it in the bill,” Trump declared.

Since it’s already a federal crime for noncitizens to vote, it’s unclear why another law is needed.

Trump added that Republicans should also add language to the spending bill that would severely restrict legal immigration to the United States.

“If they don’t get these bills, they should close it down, and Republicans should not approve it.”

Despite the disgraced ex-president’s call for a government shutdown, it doesn’t appear there’s a lot of GOP support for such a move, which could backfire and cause voters to cast their ballots for Democrats in response to government gridlock, the report adds.

“The Freedom Caucus doesn’t have enough members to actually block a clean government funding bill, which would likely pass the House with lots of support from Democrats and Republicans alike. Trump’s support for the SAVE Act could sway some Republicans, but House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), who also supports the measure, hasn’t said he would insist on it in a funding bill.”

Additonally, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is also said to be working behind the scenes to get his House GOP colleagues to avoid any sort of government shutdown.

Sounds like Donald Trump is going to lose twice in the coming months. But he should be used to that by now. After all, he’s been a loser his entire life.


Donald Trump Elections

Rocker Jack White Slams ‘Scum’ Trump For Using His Music Without Permission: ‘Double F**k You’

Rock star Jack White lashed out at failed one-term, twice-impeached, and multiply-indicted former president Donald Trump for using one of his most famous songs, and made it clear he’s planning legal action against the ex-president and his 2024 campaign.

According to HuffPost, White shared a video posted online by Margo Martin, an official for the Trump campaign which included the song “Seven Nation Army,” recorded by White’s former band, The White Stripes, in 2003.

On Instagram, White

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“>posted a blunt rebuke of Martin and Trump, which led to the video being taken down, but not before the damage had been done in White’s mind.

“Oh….Don’t even think about using my music you fascists. Law suit coming from my lawyers about this (to add to your 5 thousand others.) Have a great day at work today Margo Martin.”

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White added a message specifically for Trump:

“And as long as I’m here, a double fuck you DonOLD for insulting our nation’s veterans at Arlington you scum. You should lose every military family’s vote immediately from that if ANYTHING makes sense anymore.”

The mention of Arlington is a reference to the latest controversy surrounding Trump and his 2024 campaign, as reported by the Washington Post.

“The Trump campaign posted a video Wednesday that was recorded at Arlington National Cemetery, two days after an alleged altercation in which defense officials said a cemetery staff member sought to enforce guidelines the campaign had received not to take photos and videos near the graves of U.S. service members killed in recent years.”

White has also been critical of celebrities who support Trump, writing in 2023:

“Anybody who ‘normalizes’ or treats this disgusting fascist, racist, con man, disgusting piece of shit Trump with any level of respect is ALSO disgusting in my book. That’s you Joe Rogan, you Mel Gibson, you Mark Wahlberg, you Guy Fieri.”