Donald Trump Elections GOP Social Media WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Slammed For Saying Democrats Are ‘Flat Out Evil’ And Tried To ‘Murder’ Trump

Despite calls from both Democrats and Republicans to tamp down the incendiary rhetoric that may have contributed to the attempted assassination of disgraced former president Donald Trump, GOP Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA) decided she would escalate the issue by saying on Twitter that Democrats are “flat out evil” and attempted to “murder” Trump.

“We are in a battle between GOOD and EVIL,” Greene said over the weekend. “The Democrats are the party of pedophiles, murdering the innocent unborn, violence, and bloody, meaningless, endless wars.”

She then added, “They want to lock up their political opponents, and terrorize innocent Americans who would tell the truth about it.”

“The Democrat party is flat out evil, and yesterday they tried to murder President Trump.”

With reports now coming from the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee that Trump will call for “unity” when he speaks on Thursday evening, Greene’s posting was not well-received on social media, where she was pelted with derision.

By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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