Crime Donald Trump Espionage GOP Justice Department WTF?!

Lindsey Graham Ominously Predicts: If Trump Is Prosecuted, ‘There’ll Be Riots In The Streets’

It now appears that disgraced ex-president Donald Trump is in the deepest legal jeopardy of his life, ironically because of something he did that he tried to accuse Hillary Clinton of: Mishandling classified information.

Clinton, it should be noted, was not president, and she didn’t have access to the highest level of top-secret data that Trump had as president. Also, Clinton didn’t leave such information laying around in cardboard boxes at a resort where almost anyone could have had access to the documents.

And yet, despite those very different facts, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is warning that if Trump is indicted and prosecuted, there’s going to be rioting in the streets.

Sounds like a threat, doesn’t it?

Appearing on Fox News, Graham said:

“I’ll say this: If there’s a prosecution of Donald Trump for mishandling classified information, after the Clinton debacle … there’ll be riots in the streets.”

Graham got some well-deserved pushback on social media for his remarks:

By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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