Donald Trump education Trump Supporters WTF?!

Enraged Trump Supporter Claims Schools Are Putting ‘Litter Boxes In The Bathrooms’

According to a supporter of failed former president Donald Trump, children are now “terrified” of going to school because there are “litter boxes in the bathrooms.

Before a Trump campaign rally in Flint, Michigan, Titus Smith of Right Side Broadcasting Network spoke with a woman who said she will vote for Trump so he can be “the voice for our children.”

“You can’t even protect them at school,” the woman claimed. “These kids are terrified.”

“They have put into litter boxes in the bathrooms and everything else, instead of teaching our kids,” she added. “It’s scary what’s happening.”

The Trump acolyte also said her kids are afraid to vote for Trump “because they’re so afraid of what people are going to think of them.”

“They are afraid of politics, completely afraid, because they don’t want to upset anybody,” she continued. “They want to vilify you and make you feel if you say something, what you believe to be true, what you know to be true, that you are the problem.”

The lie about litter boxes in schools began making the rounds among right-wing politicians who asserted that schools were installing litter boxes to accommodate students who identify as cats instead of human beings.

But as Harvard University research director Joan Donovan notes, “What’s most provocative about this hoax is how it turns on two key wedge issues for conservatives: educational accommodations and gender nonconformity.”

In other words, it’s bullshit created to suggest there’s a problem that doesn’t even exist. Then again, the GOP has become the party of conspiracy theories and lies, so it fits right into their bizarre strategy for getting the votes of gullible simpletons.

By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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