If there’s one thing that’s always been abundantly clear when it comes to failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump, it’s that he’s a sexist pig and rabid misogynist who hates women and thinks they serve no purpose other than sex and procreation.
If you doubt that, consider what the Donald once said regarding women:
“The smart ones act very feminine and needy, but inside they are real killers. The person who came up with the expression ‘the weaker sex’ was either very naïve or had to be kidding. I have seen women manipulate men with just a twitch of their eye — or perhaps another body part.”
You probably remember Fiona Hill from Trump’s first impeachment. She was his top expert on Russia who told congressional investigators that the then-president did indeed try to extort the nation of Ukraine in exchange for military supplies that had already been approved by Congress.
Hill has just released a new book, There Is Nothing For You Here: Finding Opportunity in the 21st Century. in which she carefully lays out the blatant criminal acts committed by Trump during his time in office.
On Thursday, Hill was a guest on CNN, and host Jim Sciutto read a passage from the book regarding how Trump viewed women:
“It was easier for Trump to dismiss women and see them as problems – women who got in the way. They were, after all, the ‘nonplayers in his world’…and like these other ‘nonplayers’, I too found myself in the crosshairs.”
On another occasion, Hill recalls in her book, Trump wanted to know if she would rewrite a press release, not realizing that he was asking that of one of the top diplomats in the administration:
There was an exchange between the president and McMaster that I didn’t catch. Then the president raised his voice: “Well, can she do it? Can she go type it up and bring it back?” She? I thought. What? What just happened? Only then did I realize Trump was talking about me. “She” could only be me. There were three shes in the room, and the she in question was certainly not Ivanka and unlikely to be Margaret Peterlin. Suddenly he was practically yelling — “Hey, darlin’, are you listening? Are you paying attention?”
Apparently, that passage got back to Trump through some of his current aides, and he lashed out at Hill via his spokesperson, who shared the failed ex-president’s whining on Twitter since he’s banned from the platform:
And then, once his “team” had a chance to think up some more cheap shots, we got this:
One wonders if Ms. Harrington was required to take these insults via dictation and then regurgitate them back into the internet ether to mollify her boss.
Whatever the case, once again we see that Donald Trump has learned nothing and is too damn stupid to realize that alienating the largest part of the U.S. electorate is the kiss of death.