Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris WTF?!

Enraged ‘Christian’ Trump Supporter Threatens Kamala Harris – She’s ‘Gonna Meet Her Maker’

A rabid supporter of failed one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump said over the weekend that Vice President Kamala Harris should start praying and asking God to forgive her or else she would “meet her maker.”

The man, who said his name was Andrew, spoke to a reporter from Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN), and proclaimed that he was there to “represent the truth, Jesus Christ.”

Despite his claims of representing Christ, Andrew had some other incredibly un-Christlike things to say, accusing Democrats of having “sold out for the devil.”

“They don’t want anything to do with God,” he said. “I think [Harris] better get on her hands and her knees and start crying out to the one and true living God because if not, she’s gonna meet her maker real quick.”

“I think she’s dumb,” he added. “She’s one of the dumbest women that could ever run. She shouldn’t run.”

Andrew also spouted off some misogynistic bile.

“This is a man’s world. This is a man’s country. This… this country is supposed to be run like a business. And that is why Donald Trump is the one that we need at this moment.”

Social media users pushed back on the man’s rantings.

By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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