Abortion Congress GOP WTF?!

Lauren Boebert’s Disgusting Abortion Conspiracy Theory Sets Off A Wave Of Outrage

According to Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), the only reason some companies are saying they’ll pay for their employees to travel and receive abortions in states where it’s legal is because they don’t want to provide parental leave benefits.

HuffPost notes that Boebert shared her brainless conspiracy theory on Twitter:

“Anyone else consider that these companies suddenly offering to pay for employee abortions are doing so just to avoid paying for maternity leave?”

“Cheaper to kill the baby… true evil personified.”

However, Boebert has also been a vocal critic of paid parental leave, such as what she said last November:

“I delivered one of my children in the front seat of my truck. Because, as a mom of four, we got things to do. Ain’t nobody got time for two and a half months of maternity leave. We have a world to save here.”

Saving the world? Sure thing, BoBo. You can’t even manage to keep your lies straight, yet alone “save” anyone.

Social media users blasted the Colorado Republican.

Donald Trump GOP WTF?!

Ted Cruz Mocks Republicans Who Suck Up To Trump And Gets His A*s Handed To Him

It’s safe to say that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is one of the most pathetic excuses of a legislator in the entire Congress. All he does is try to get headlines and attention when he’s not posting crap on Twitter which almost always bites him right on the butt.

Cruz is backing David McCormick in the Pennsylvania U.S. Senate race. Failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump, on the other hand, has endorsed Dr. Mehmet Oz.

During a campaign appearance for McCormick, Cruz mocked people who suck up to Trump just so they can get his blessing:

Just once, I’d love to see a Republican candidate stand up in a primary and say, “I am a moderate, establishment squish. I stand for absolutely nothing.” It would be refreshingly honest at least. But nobody says that.

And by the way, they all pledge their love for Donald Trump. “I love Donald Trump.” “No, no. I love Donald Trump more.” “No, no, I have Donald Trump tattooed on my rear end.”

Of course, anyone who knows anything about Cruz knows that he too has sucked up to Trump on numerous occasions. For example:

Cruz called Trump a “sniveling coward,” a “pathological liar” and “utterly amoral,” and infuriated Republicans when he declined to endorse the nominee at the 2016 Republican National Convention.

Four years later, one of the nastiest rivalries in recent memory — a brawl both personal and political — has given way to a mutually beneficial partnership forged in the crucible of impeachment.

Working inside the Senate and out, Cruz (R-Tex.) played a unique role in securing President Trump’s swift acquittal at the third-ever presidential impeachment trial — simultaneously serving as legal strategist, jury consultant, messaging guru, broadcast surrogate and, unexpectedly, a breakout podcasting star.

Cruz is a gutless coward, a hypocrite, and a weasel. As people quickly reminded him when the video of his remarks hit Twitter on Friday evening:

Donald Trump Social Media WTF?!

Social Media Points And Laughs After Trump Posts Absurd ‘Return Of The MAGA King’ Meme

Speaking at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers International convention in Chicago on Wednesday, President Joe Biden ratcheted up his attacks on Republicans and failed, one-term former President Donald Trump, remarking:

“Look at my predecessor, the great MAGA king — the deficit increased every single year he was president.”

That led Trump (or one of his minions) to post this meme on Truth Social, the Donald’s pathetic attempt to remake Twitter in his own image:

That’s just downright pathetic. Not only because it steals from a well-known franchise, but also because the attempt to own the title of “MAGA king” cuts both ways, which was clearly lost on whoever decided to do the posting.

It didn’t take long before the meme was shared on Twitter, where people opened up a can of mockery on Donnie.

Donald Trump WTF?!

Donald Trump’s Mother’s Day Message Is Hateful And Disgusting – Just Like Him

Leave it to failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump to ruin a day as special as Mother’s Day.

Mother’s Day is supposed to be set aside for the purpose of honoring mothers and motherhood. But Donald decided to use his message for the purpose of attacking those he doesn’t like, which proves what a soulless sack of monkey spunk the ex-president is.

Posting on Truth Social because he’s still banned from Twitter, here’s what Trump had to say:

That’s totally inappropriate, and would be in just about any situation. But to post that sort of tripe on a day as special as the one we use to honor our mothers is like spitting in the communion cup and then handing it back to the minister.

Also, why didn’t Trump mention his own mother, or at least his current wife, who also happens to be the mother of his youngest son?

The disgust was palpable on Twitter:

Donald Trump Jr. Viral Video WTF?!

Disturbing Video Of Amped Up Don Jr. Raises New Calls For An Intervention

If you thought the speech he gave at the 2020 Republican National Convention was the height of Donald Trump Jr’s alleged substance abuse problems, a new video release by the son of the failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president is setting off new alarm bells.

Here’s the 2020 speech:

Junior’s latest video has him weighing in on the leak of a draft Supreme Court decision which would invalidate the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that made abortion legal across the United States.

Don Jr’s video, which was posted on Rumble, begins with him waving his hands around excitedly and holding forth on the leaked SCOTUS opinion:

“Well guys, you saw the leak from the Supreme Court, an unprecedented thing. This kind of stuff doesn’t happen. I don’t know that I’m ever aware of a leak. This is not like Congress where everything leaks, and trust me I’ve done enough testimony. Things are leaking during, uh, closed-door hearings. I get it. The Supreme Court doesn’t have leaks. If there’s not a thorough criminal investigation into who leaked privileged documents about a draft decision from the United States Supreme Court – where a small, small, tiny handful of people have access to it – then we live in a clown show state. We live in a clown show state, folks.”

Junior then added (without a shred of proof) that the leak came from a “pissed off leftist” and falsely equated the entire episode to a “general coordinating with communist China, giving Chinese generals examples of what our response would be.”

Near the end of the video, Don Jr. proclaims that “this may be the first time in history that a Supreme Court opinion has leaked. I’m not aware of another time and I dunno that any of you are either.”

Actually, the Roe v. Wade decision was leaked before the court had formally handed it down for public consumption.

In one final, deranged salvo, Don Jr. speculates that the leak was done by “the left” in order to made sure Democrats win the upcoming midterm elections.

It didn’t take long before social media began calling for a full-scale intervention.