education History Right Wing Morons WTF?!

WATCH: Texas Mom Doesn’t Want Kids Learning About Gandhi Because That Would Be ‘Critical Race Theory’

An angry Texas mother told the Texas State Board of Education on Tuesday that she doesn’t think it’s right for first graders to learn about the life and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi because that would be teaching “CRT” which is also known as Critical Race Theory.

The woman, who identified herself as “Jenna,” began her tirade:

“You refer to our flag, bonnets and mockingbirds as a significant symbol to a Texas community. No, these are emblems of identity and instill pride and connection with our home.”

It would inappropriate to teach children about “the importance of collaborating with various cultures” Jenna continued, because first they need to learn about their own culture:

“This revision wants to teach a first grader who is still putting notes to the tooth fairy under her pillow about following Gandhi’s lead to a peaceful protest. A first grader! CRT is already rampant and baked into our curriculum and we don’t want to be good little global citizens where are borders are considered a military zone.

“It’s a border and it’s good! Teach that. This is the land of the free, home of the brave. Be brave!”

State Board of Education Member Marisa B. Perez-Diaz countered Jenna by noting that she had failed to cite what Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) contain the standards that she was so enraged by:

“Be specific about what you’re talking about so that we understand that you actually have a legitimate concern or it’s not something you’re just hearing and reading and repeating. I guess I want to understand what on the history of how borders were created do you know about?”

That further angered the mother:

“I’m not an expert. I don’t appreciate your, um, belittling. I didn’t come here with a Ph.D. and I didn’t come up here as an educator or somebody on one of these work groups. I’m coming up here as a parent.”

Perez-Diaz reassured Jenna she wasn’t trying to belittle her in any manner:

“You just told our chair that you’d read it somewhere or you heard it, you don’t know. And that is not a belittling. I’m just acknowledging what you have yourself said.

“My point in asking you the question about borders is that is a clear example of why we need the standards the way that they have been written because this country did not always have borders. This country, we’re sitting on stolen land.”

After audience members in attendance applauded the board member’s remarks, she continued:

“That isn’t something that is in the standards. But what is in the standards is understanding our indigenous roots and understanding how indigenous communities have been impacted and those sorts of pieces of our history are very important.

“And so, again, I ask, what do you remember about learning about indigenous histories?”

Jenna was then forced to admit she didn’t learn much in history class when she was a student:

“I don’t remember very much about indigenous histories. I’m sorry I can’t answer your question about what I learned about indigenous communities and the border. I know our border is open right now and thousands are flooding over!”

Crime Donald Trump Espionage GOP Justice Department WTF?!

Lindsey Graham Ominously Predicts: If Trump Is Prosecuted, ‘There’ll Be Riots In The Streets’

It now appears that disgraced ex-president Donald Trump is in the deepest legal jeopardy of his life, ironically because of something he did that he tried to accuse Hillary Clinton of: Mishandling classified information.

Clinton, it should be noted, was not president, and she didn’t have access to the highest level of top-secret data that Trump had as president. Also, Clinton didn’t leave such information laying around in cardboard boxes at a resort where almost anyone could have had access to the documents.

And yet, despite those very different facts, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is warning that if Trump is indicted and prosecuted, there’s going to be rioting in the streets.

Sounds like a threat, doesn’t it?

Appearing on Fox News, Graham said:

“I’ll say this: If there’s a prosecution of Donald Trump for mishandling classified information, after the Clinton debacle … there’ll be riots in the streets.”

Graham got some well-deserved pushback on social media for his remarks:

Crime Donald Trump WTF?!

Trump Urges FBI Agents To Revolt Because What Hillary Did Was Much Worse Than Him

Donald Trump is terrified. It’s quite obvious by the crap he’s been posting on his failing Twitter imitation, Truth Social.

The disgraced ex-president is now suggesting that FBI agents need to stage a revolt and overthrow the leadership of the agency because what Hillary Clinton did in regard to classified information was much worse than the crimes he’s suspected of having committed.

When are the great Agents, and others, in the FBI going to say “we aren’t going to take it anymore,” much as they did when James Comey read off a list of all of Crooked Hillary Clinton’s crimes, only to say that no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute. The wonderful people of the FBI went absolutely “nuts,” so Comey had to backtrack and do a FAKE INVESTIGATION in order to keep them at bay. The end result, we won in 2016 (and did MUCH better in 2020!). But now the “Left” has lost their minds!!!

Who has lost their mind? Is it the left, or is it the deranged senior citizen yelling into the internet ether as if doing so will somehow save his ass now that his crimes have risen to the level of espionage and treason?

Also, that call for revolt by FBI agents is likely yet another crime that can be added to the growing list of offenses the Justice Department can seek an indictment for.

Donald Trump Donald Trump Jr. Social Media WTF?!

Don Jr. Grosses Out The Internet By Posting A ‘Redacted’ Photo Of His Dad’s Groin

Always eager to prove his devotion to a man who allegedly used to physically abuse him, Donald Trump Jr. posted a photo on Instagram showing his father’s crotch with a black bar over and a message that reads:

“Redact this!!!”


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Don Jr. also posted an image on Twitter showing one page of the redacted affidavit released Friday by the Justice Department that lays out exactly why the FBI had to serve a search warrant on the Mar-a-Lago resort where disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump currently lives:

HuffPost notes that even though the affidavit was indeed redacted, it still contained details that are very bad news for the ex-president:

The affidavit, although heavily blacked out, detailed repeated requests by federal officials for boxes of documents that the former president had stashed at his Mar-a-Lago estate when he left the White House. It showed that highly classified information was haphazardly stored at the private country club that includes his residence. The information contradicted Trump’s claim that officials only had to ask and they would have been given the material.

The National Archives first reached out about retrieving records from Mar-a-Lago in May 2021, according to the affidavit. Trump’s aides responded later that year that they had 12 boxes ready to be picked up, and the National Archives eventually left with 15 boxes in January.

FBI agents searched Trump’s Florida estate on Aug. 8 and took away dozens of additional boxes, including 11 packets of classified documents. Among that set was a batch labeled with the highest classification markings, meant for review only in secure government facilities.

Don Jr. (a.k.a. Traitor Tot), got plenty of mockery on Twitter for his tweet, with most of those who responded reminding the former president’s eldest son that his old man is in some very deep sh*t.

Congress GOP WTF?!

Lauren Boebert’s Neighbors Say Her Husband Drives Drunk And Her Kids Are Out Of Control

Be thankful you aren’t Rep. Lauren Boebert’s (R-CO) neighbors, because based on just released 911 calls, it sounds like Boebert, her husband, and her children are not the sort of people you want living near you.

The Denver Post obtained recordings of the calls to police and report that Boebert’s neighbors said they feared for their lives at times because the Boebert clan “all have guns.”

The calls also provide additional context into what the neighbors, in Silt, said amounted to excessive speeding, property damage, possible drunken driving and threats made from a man whose family openly and regularly carries their firearms.

“I’m sure he’s loaded to the hilt. Do you know who his wife is? Lauren Boebert. She’s loaded. They all have guns,” one neighbor told a 911 dispatcher. “He just got chest to chest, face to face, looking to fight.”

The confrontation began on August 4, when one of Bobert’s sons was allegedly speeding down the street in a dune buggy, which led to a neighbor flagging the boy down and asking him to go slower:

“He’s going like 50 miles an hour and this is a residential lane, there’s kids,” one neighbor, told 911 dispatchers, according to the audio. “We tried to stop him and he’d just freakin’ cuss at us and just left.”

That’s when Jayson Boebert, the congresswoman’s husband, entered the picture:

By the time the second neighbor called 911, deputies hadn’t yet arrived. During that call, Jayson Boebert reportedly began to run the second neighbor’s mailbox over in a truck.

“There’s about to be some s— going down here,” the second neighbor told dispatchers. “It’s Lauren Boebert’s jackass husband, Jayson Boebert.”

During the call the second neighbor can be heard yelling at Jayson Boebert.

“Stop, you jackass! Get the f— out of here,” he yelled. “Come on, man. What are you doing? What did we do wrong?”

According to neighbors, Jayson Boebert also likes to drink and drive:

“Jayson’s probably drunk. You could probably get him for a DUI, he just drove down here,” he said.

Jayson Boebert already has a criminal record. In 2004, he pleaded guilty to exposing himself to two minors in a bowling alley.

For her part, Lauren Boebert is currently seeking a second term in Congress, but if voters are as fed up as her neighbors, the congresswoman may have trouble getting reeelected.